第三十四条 应披露公司现有基金经理人数,列表或采用其他合适的方式披露基金经理的姓名、管理基金的名称、作为该只基金基金经理的起始日期及任期、主要学历、经历及基金管理经验。如果报告期内基金经理发生了变更,应说明变更原因。 Article 34 The Company shall make disclosure of the number of fund managers in position, and, in tabular form or other proper forms, make disclosure of the name of fund managers, the name of management funds, and the start date and end date of the term of office as the fund manager of each fund as well as his main education background, work experience and fund management history. In case there are any changes in fund managers during the reporting period, the Company shall specify reasons.第三十四条 国家鼓励和支持农业生产者和相关企业采用先进或者适用技术,对农作物秸秆、畜禽粪便、农产品加工业副产品、废农用薄膜等进行综合利用,开发利用沼气等生物质能源。 Article 34 The State encourages and supports agricultural producers and relevant enterprises to employ advanced or applicable technologies to make a comprehensive utilization of straws of crops, excrements of poultry and livestock, by-products from the processing of agricultural products, and waste agricultural films, and develop and use marsh gas and other biomass energies.第三十四条 证券公司向客户提供投资建议,不得对证券价格的涨跌或者市场走势做出确定性的判断。 Article 34 While a securities firm is putting forward investment advice to customers, it shall not make decisive judgment on rising or dropping of securities price or market tendency.第三十四条 上市公司重大资产重组发生下列情形的,独立财务顾问应当及时出具核查意见,向中国证监会及其派出机构报告,并予以公告: Article 34 Where the following events occur for the material assets reorganization of the listed company, the independent financial consultants shall give verification opinions in a timely manner, report to the CSRC and its local agency and make public announcement:第三十四条 行政清理期限一般不超过12个月。满12个月,行政清理未完成的,国务院证券监督管理机构可以决定延长行政清理期限,但延长行政清理期限最长不得超过12个月。 Article 34 Time limit of administrative liquidation is 12 months. At the end of 12th month, if the administrative liquidation is still not complete, securities regulatory authority under the State Council can decide extension of such period, which shall not be longer than 12 months.第三十五条 证券公司应当建立并实施有效的管理制度,防范其从业人员直接或者以化名、他人名义持有、买卖股票,收受他人赠送的股票。 Article 35 A securities firm should establish and implement effective management system to prevent staff holding or trading stocks directly or in either false name or other’s name, or receiving gifted stocks from others.第三十五条 有外汇经营活动的境内机构,应当按照国务院外汇管理部门的规定报送财务会计报告、统计报表等资料。 Article 35 Domestic organs engaged in foreign exchange businesses shall submit their materials including financial accounting reports and numerical statements in accordance with provisions of the administration of foreign exchange under the State Council.第三十五条 公司应披露报告期董事会召开次数、概要介绍董事出席情况、汇总报告期董事会会议主要提案和决议事项。 Article 35 During the reporting period, the Company shall make disclosure of for how many times the meeting of the board of directors has been held during the reporting period, give brief description of the presence of directors at the meeting, and summarize the major proposals and resolutions in the meeting of board of directors.第三十五条 县级以上人民政府及其林业主管部门应当积极发展生态林业,鼓励和支持林业生产者和相关企业采用木材节约和代用技术,开展林业废弃物和次小薪材、沙生灌木等综合利用,提高木材综合利用率。 Article 35 The people’s governments above county level and their departments of forestry shall develop ecological forestry actively, and encourage and support forestry producers and relevant enterprises to employ timber-saving and alternative technologies to make a comprehensive utilization of forestry wastes, inferior woods, short ends, fuel woods and sand shrubbery etc, and improve the comprehensive utilization rate of timbers.第三十五条 独立财务顾问应当按照中国证监会的相关规定,对实施重大资产重组的上市公司履行持续督导职责。持续督导的期限自中国证监会核准本次重大资产重组之日起,应当不少于一个会计年度。 Article 35 The independent financial consultants shall perform continuous supervision and guiding duty on the listed company’s execution of the material assets reorganization according to relevant provisions of the CSRC. The time period of the continuous supervision starts with the day of the CSRC’s approval of the material assets reorganization and shall last not less than a fiscal year.第三十五条 行政清理期间,被处置证券公司免缴行政性收费和增值税、营业税等行政法规规定的税收。 Article 35 During administrative liquidation period, the handled securities firm is free from administrative fee and tax prescribed by administrative regulation such as VAT and business tax.?第三十六条 证券公司应当按照规定提取一般风险准备金,用于弥补经营亏损。 Article 36 A securities firm should draw general risk provisions according to regulation to make up operation loss.第三十六条 经营外汇业务的金融机构发现客户有外汇违法行为的,应当及时向外汇管理机关报告。 Article 36 Financial institutions engaged in foreign exchange businesses shall report to foreign exchange control agencies in a timely manner when they find any illegal acts regarding foreign exchange committed by their clients.第三十六条 公司应对报告期内经济环境和市场状况对主要业务及其经营业绩的重要影响进行分析,并就为应对这些影响,公司在基金发起、基金销售、基金管理及受托投资管理等各项业务方面采取的措施作出说明。 Article 36 The Company shall analyze the important impacts exerted by the economic environment and market circumstances on its major business and performance, and make an explanation on, to cope with such impacts, which steps the Company has taken in terms of fund promotion, fund sales, fund management, investment management on a commission basis and other business.第三十六条 国家支持生产经营者建立产业废物交换信息系统,促进企业交流产业废物信息。 Article 36 The State supports producers and operators to establish an industrial wastes exchange information system to promote enterprises to exchange information on industrial wastes.第三十六条 独立财务顾问应当结合上市公司重大资产重组当年和实施完毕后的第一个会计年度的年报,自年报披露之日起15日内,对重大资产重组实施的下列事项出具持续督导意见,向派出机构报告,并予以公告: Article 36 The independent financial consultants shall, within 15 days after the disclosure of the annual report, give continuous supervision opinions with respect to the following matters of the material assets reorganization based on the annual reports of the year of the material assets reorganization of the listed company and of the first fiscal year after the completion of the execution of the material assets reorganization, report to the CSRC’s local agency and make public announcement:第三十六条 证券公司被国务院证券监督管理机构依法责令关闭,需要进行行政清理的,比照本章的有关规定执行。 Article 36 If a securities firm is ordered to close business for administrative liquidation by securities regulatory authority under the State Council, it should be executed according to related prescription of this chapter.第三十七条 公司应披露报告期内基金发起成立情况,按基金种类(如开放式股票型基金、混合型基金、债券型基金、货币市场基金和保本基金等)披露报告期内发起基金的名称、发起成立基本及相关情况。 Article 37 During the reporting period, the Company shall make disclosure of information on the promotion and establishment of funds, and make disclosure of the name of funds set up during the reporting period by fund category (like open-end equity fund, hybrid fund, bond fund, money market fund and guaranteed fund, etc.).第三十七条 证券公司从事证券经纪业务,应当对客户账户内的资金、证券是否充足进行审查。 Article 37 If a securities firm is engaged in securities brokerage business, it should audit whether capital and securities in customer’s account are sufficient or not.第三十七条 国务院外汇管理部门为履行外汇管理职责,可以从国务院有关部门、机构获取所必需的信息,国务院有关部门、机构应当提供。 Article 37 The administration of foreign exchange under the State Council may acquire necessary information from relevant departments and organs under the State Council for the purpose of fulfilling its responsibility of foreign exchange control, and relevant departments and agencies under the State Council shall give supports.第三十七条 国家鼓励和推进废物回收体系建设。 Article 37 The State encourages and promotes the establishment of waste recovery system.第三十七条 上市公司筹划、实施重大资产重组,相关信息披露义务人应当公平地向所有投资者披露可能对上市公司股票交易价格产生较大影响的相关信息(以下简称股价敏感信息),不得有选择性地向特定对象提前泄露。 Article 37 When the listed company plans and executes material assets reorganization, relevant personnel with the obligation of information disclosure shall fairly disclose to all the investors relevant information (hereinafter referred to as “stocks pricing sensitive information) that may have relatively big impact on the trading price of the listed company’s stocks, and shall not disclose selectively to specific targets ahead of schedule.第三十七条 证券公司被依法撤销、关闭时,有《企业破产法》第二条规定情形的,行政清理工作完成后,国务院证券监督管理机构或者其委托的行政清理组依照《企业破产法》的有关规定,可以向人民法院申请对被撤销、关闭证券公司进行破产清算。 Article 37 When a securities firm is revoked or closed, if Article 2 of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law is met, the securities regulatory authority under the State Council or its entrusted administrative liquidation team can apply to people’s court for bankruptcy liquidation of so revoked or closed securities firm after completion of administrative liquidation according to related prescription of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law.第三十八条 任何单位和个人都有权举报外汇违法行为。 Article 38 Any entity or individual is entitled to report illegal acts regarding foreign exchange.第三十八条 公司应披露报告期内基金销售情况,按基金种类披露报告期内基金销售情况,主要包括销售基金的名称、销售金额、销售份额、销售佣金、报告期销售费用总额等内容。 Article 38 During the reporting period, the Company shall make disclosure of information about the sales of funds by fund category, mainly including the name of funds sold during the reporting period, sales amount, sales quota, sales commission and total selling expenses during the reporting period.