第四条 区内企业经营期满或因故导致经营终止,经审批机关批准解散的,应当在审批机关批准之日起30个工作日内到注册地外汇局办理外汇登记注销手续,交回《登记证》。 Article 4 Such enterprises in the area herein as have been approved by the approval authority to be dissolved due to expiration of business period or cession for some reason, the enterprises herein shall, within 30 days after having been approved by the examination and approval authority, handle the registration and cancellation of foreign exchange to the registered foreign exchange bureau and return the Registration Certificate hereto.第四条? 招标投标违法行为记录的公告应坚持准确、及时、客观的原则。 Article 4 The announcement of records of illegal behaviors in tendering and bidding shall comply with principles to be accurate, timely and objective.第四条 在不影响信息披露的完整性和不致引起阅读不便的前提下,公司可采用相互引征的方法,对各相关部分的内容进行适当的技术处理,以避免重复和保持文字简洁。 Article 4 The Company may make proper technical processing on the contents of related parts by mutual reference to avoid the unnecessary repetition and keep the context concise under the premise that the integrity of the disclosure is not influenced and the inconvenience in reading will not be caused.第四条 外商投资广告企业的项目建议书及可行性研究报告,由国家工商行政管理总局或其授权的省级工商行政管理局审定。外商投资广告企业的合同和章程,由省级商务主管部门审查批准。 Article 4 The project proposal and the feasibility study report of a foreign-invested advertising enterprise shall be approved by the SAIC and its authorized administrations for industry and commerce at provincial level. The contracts and articles of associations of a foreign-invested advertising enterprise shall be approved by administrations of commerce at provincial level.第四条 发展循环经济应当在技术可行、经济合理和有利于节约资源、保护环境的前提下,按照减量化优先的原则实施。 Article 4 The promotion of circular economy shall be implemented on the basis of being feasible in technology, reasonable in economy and conductive to saving resources and protecting environment in accordance with the principle of the priority of decrement.第四条 处置证券公司风险过程中,有关地方人民政府应当采取有效措施维护社会稳定。 Article 4 The related local people’s government should take effective measures to maintain social stability during risk management process of the securities firm.第四条 纳税人提供应税劳务、转让无形资产或者销售不动产,按照营业额和规定的税率计算应纳税额。应纳税额计算公式: Article 4 Where any taxpayer provides taxable services, transfers intangible assets or sells real estates, the tax payable shall be computed according to the turnover and the prescribed tax rates. The formula for computing the tax payable is as follows:第四十条 对于受托投资管理业务,应分类别(如社保基金、企业年金,其他专项)披露报告期该受托投资管理业务的资产规模、资产收益情况、公司来源于此项业务的收入及承担的相应风险。 Article 40 As regards commissioned investment management business, the Company shall make a disclosure by category (like social security fund, enterprise annuity and other special items) of the assets scale and proceeds of such business as well as the Company's income from such business and related risks took in such business during the reporting period.第四十条 证券公司向客户收取证券交易费用,应当符合国家有关规定,并将收费项目、收费标准在营业场所的显著位置予以公示。 Article 40 Securities trading cost charged by securities from customer should comply with related national prescription. The charging items as well as standards should be publicized in noticeable place of business area.第四十条 国家支持企业开展机动车零部件、工程机械、机床等产品的再制造和轮胎翻新。 Article 40 The State supports enterprises to reproduce components and parts of motor vehicles, mechanical products and machine tools, and renovate tires.第四十条 有违反规定以外汇收付应当以人民币收付的款项,或者以虚假、无效的交易单证等向经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构骗购外汇等非法套汇行为的,由外汇管理机关责令对非法套汇资金予以回兑,处非法套汇金额30%以下的罚款;情节严重的,处非法套汇金额30%以上等值以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 40 Where any entity or individual has any illegal acts of arbitrage of exchange including receiving funds receivable in Renminbi in foreign currencies, or buying foreign exchange from financial institutions engaged in foreign settlement and sale businesses against false or invalid transaction documents in violation of provisions, foreign exchange control agencies shall order it/him to re-exchange the illegally exchanged funds and impose a fine of less than 30% of the illegally exchanged funds; under any serious circumstances, a fine of more than 30% up to the same amount of the illegally exchanged funds shall be imposed. Where any crime is constituted, criminal responsibilities shall be investigated according to law.第四十条 上市公司筹划重大资产重组事项,应当详细记载筹划过程中每一具体环节的进展情况,包括商议相关方案、形成相关意向、签署相关协议或者意向书的具体时间、地点、参与机构和人员、商议和决议内容等,制作书面的交易进程备忘录并予以妥当保存。 Article 40 When the listed company is planning the material assets reorganization, it shall record in detail the progress of every specific step of the planning process, including the specific time, place, participating institutions and personnel, the content of the discussion and the decision in discussing relevant schemes, formulating relevant intentions and signing relevant agreements or letters of intent, make written memorandum of the transaction progress and properly keep it.第四十条 人民法院裁定受理证券公司重整或者破产清算申请的,国务院证券监督管理机构可以向人民法院推荐管理人人选。 Article 40 If people’s court accepts reorganization and bankruptcy liquidation application of the securities firm, securities regulatory authority under the State Council can recommend manager candidate to the people’s court.?第四十一条 证券公司从事证券自营业务,限于买卖依法公开发行的股票、债券、权证、证券投资基金或者国务院证券监督管理机构认可的其他证券。 Article 41 A securities firm engaged in securities business for its own account is limited to trading of legally issued stocks, bonds, warrants, securities investment funds or other securities recognized by the securities regulatory agency under the State Council.第四十一条 应对报告期开展的投资咨询业务的开展方式,规模和收入来源进行披露。 Article 41 The Company shall make disclosure of the ways by which the investment consulting business is conducted and the scale and revenue sources of such business.第四十一条 县级以上人民政府应当统筹规划建设城乡生活垃圾分类收集和资源化利用设施,建立和完善分类收集和资源化利用体系,提高生活垃圾资源化率。 Article 41 The people’s governments above county level shall make a comprehensive plan on building facilities for the classified collection and recycling use of urban and rural household garbage, establish and improve the system for classified collection and recycling use, and raise the recycling rate of household garbage.第四十一条 违反规定将外汇汇入境内的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,处违法金额30%以下的罚款;情节严重的,处违法金额30%以上等值以下的罚款。 Article 41 Where any entity or individual sends foreign exchange into the territory of China in violation of provisions, foreign exchange control agencies shall order it/him to make corrections and impose a fine of less than 30% of the illegal funds; under any serious circumstances, a fine of more than 30% up to the same amount of the illegal funds shall be imposed.第四十一条 上市公司发行股份购买资产,应当符合下列规定: Article 41 The listed company shall meet the following requirements when purchasing assets through issuing shares:第四十一条 证券公司进行破产清算的,行政清理时已登记的不符合国家收购规定的债权,管理人可以直接予以登记。 Article 41 For securities that have conducted bankruptcy liquidation, management can directly register creditor's right, which does not comply with national acquisition prescription while being registered during administrative liquidation.第四十二条 应按固有资金投资种类(如央行票据、国债、基金等)披露本年和上年度固有资金投资规模、固有资金投资中各种证券的比例、报告期收益情况等。如果固有资金投资发生较大亏损,应说明原因。 Article 42 The Company shall make a disclosure by investment variety (like central bank bills, treasury bonds and funds, etc.) of the investment scale of self-owned capital in the current year and the last year, proportion of various securities in investment of self-owned capital, and proceeds during the reporting period, etc. In case self-owned capital suffers relatively big losses in investment, the Company shall specify corresponding reasons.第四十二条 国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府设立发展循环经济的有关专项资金,支持循环经济的科技研究开发、循环经济技术和产品的示范与推广、重大循环经济项目的实施、发展循环经济的信息服务等。 Article 42 The State Council and the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall set up relevant special funds for promoting circular economy to support the scientific and technical research and development regarding circular economy, the demonstration and promotion of technologies and products regarding circular economy, the implementation of major circular economic projects, and information services for promoting circular economy.第四十二条 证券公司从事证券自营业务,应当使用实名证券自营账户。 Article 42 When a securities firm is engaged in self-run business, it should use self-run securities accounts with its true name.第四十二条 违反规定携带外汇出入境的,由外汇管理机关给予警告,可以处违法金额20%以下的罚款。法律、行政法规规定由海关予以处罚的,从其规定。 Article 42 Where any entity or individual carries out foreign exchange in and out of the territory of China in violation of provisions, foreign exchange control agencies shall give a warning and may impose a fine of less than 20% of the illegal funds. Where provisions of laws and regulations provide that the penalty shall be given by customs, said provisions shall prevail.第四十二条 上市公司发行股份的价格不得低于本次发行股份购买资产的董事会决议公告日前20个交易日公司股票交易均价。 Article 42 The price of the shares issued by the listed company shall not be lower than the average trading price of the company’s stocks over the 20 trading days prior to the day of the public announcement of the decision of the board of the directors on purchasing assets through issuing shares.第四十二条 人民法院裁定证券公司重整的,证券公司或者管理人应当同时向债权人会议、国务院证券监督管理机构和人民法院提交重整计划草案。 Article 42 If a securities firm is judged by people's court to reorganize, the securities firm or manager should submit draft reorganization plan proposal to creditor's meeting, securities regulatory authority under the State Council and people's court at the same time.