

第三十八条 证券公司从事证券经纪业务,可以委托证券公司以外的人员作为证券经纪人,代理其进行客户招揽、客户服务等活动。    Article 38 If a securities firm is engaged in securities brokerage business, it can entrust staff outside of the securities firm as securities broker, engaging in attracting and providing service for customers as agent.
第三十八条 对废电器电子产品、报废机动车船、废轮胎、废铅酸电池等特定产品进行拆解或者再利用,应当符合有关法律、行政法规的规定。    Article 38 The dismantlement and recycle of special products, such as used electric and electronic products, used motor vehicles and ships, waste tires and waste lead-acid batteries, shall comply with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations.
第三十八条 上市公司的股东、实际控制人以及参与重大资产重组筹划、论证、决策等环节的其他相关机构和人员,应当及时、准确地向上市公司通报有关信息,并配合上市公司及时、准确、完整地进行披露。    Article 38  Shareholders and actual controllers of the listed company and other related organs and personnel that participate in the planning, feasibility study and decision making of the material assets reorganization shall timely and accurately communicate relevant information to the listed company, and work with the listed company to have timely, accurate and complete disclosure.
第三十八条 证券公司有《企业破产法》第二条规定情形的,国务院证券监督管理机构可以直接向人民法院申请对该证券公司进行重整。    Article 38 If a securities firm meets Article 2 of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, securities regulatory authority under the State Council can directly apply to people’s court for reorganization of such securities firm.
第三十九条 公司应按基金种类分别披露报告期内各只基金管理概况如投资运作、收益情况等。此外公司还应披露各只基金管理费计提金额及公司对管理费收入确认金额。    Article 39 During the reporting period, the Company shall disclose by fund category the general management situation like investment operation and proceeds of each fund during the reporting period. It shall also make disclosure of the amount of money prepared as the management cost of each fund and the amount of revenue from management cost as confirmed by the Company.
第三十九条 回收的电器电子产品,经过修复后销售的,必须符合再利用产品标准,并在显著位置标识为再利用产品。    Article 39 Recovered electric and electronic products that are used for sale after repair shall meet the recycle products standard and be labeled “recycle product” at a marked place.
第三十九条 证券经纪人应当遵守证券公司从业人员的管理规定,其在证券公司授权范围内的行为,由证券公司依法承担相应的法律责任;超出授权范围的行为,证券经纪人应当依法承担相应的法律责任。    Article 39 Securities brokers should obey administration rules of working staff in the securities firm. The legal responsibility of his behavior within authorized scope of the securities firm should be taken by the securities firm; and the legal responsibility of any behavior outside authorized scope should be taken by securities brokers.
第三十九条 有违反规定将境内外汇转移境外,或者以欺骗手段将境内资本转移境外等逃汇行为的,由外汇管理机关责令限期调回外汇,处逃汇金额30%以下的罚款;情节严重的,处逃汇金额30%以上等值以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    Article 39 Where any entity or individual has any acts involving the evasion of foreign exchange including transfer of domestic foreign exchange abroad, or transfer of domestic funds abroad in a deceitful manner in violation of provisions, foreign exchange control agencies shall order it/him to repatriate the foreign exchange within a time limit and impose a fine of less than 30% of the evaded foreign exchange; under any serious circumstances, a fine of more than 30% up to the same amount of the evaded foreign exchange shall be imposed. Where any crime is constituted, criminal responsibilities shall be investigated according to law.
第三十九条 上市公司及其董事、监事、高级管理人员,重大资产重组的交易对方及其关联方,交易对方及其关联方的董事、监事、高级管理人员或者主要负责人,交易各方聘请的证券服务机构及其从业人员,参与重大资产重组筹划、论证、决策、审批等环节的相关机构和人员,以及因直系亲属关系、提供服务和业务往来等知悉或者可能知悉股价敏感信息的其他相关机构和人员,在重大资产重组的股价敏感信息依法披露前负有保密义务,禁止利用该信息进行内幕交易。    Article 39  The listed company and its directors, supervisors and senior managers, the dealing party of the material assets reorganization and its affiliates, the dealing party and the directors, supervisors, senior managers or key personnel in charge of its affiliates, securities service organs and their employees retained by the transaction parties, relevant organs and personnel that participate in the planning, feasibility study, decision making and approval, and other relevant organs and personnel that are aware or may be aware of the stocks pricing sensitive information due to direct family relationship,? their provision of service and other business relationship, all have obligation to keep the stocks pricing sensitive information of the material assets reorganization confidential before it is disclosed according to the law, and are forbidden to conduct inside deals using the information.
第三十九条 对不需要动用证券投资者保护基金的证券公司,国务院证券监督管理机构应当在批准破产清算前撤销其证券业务许可。    Article 39 With respect to a securities firm, if no need for protection fund for securities investors, the securities regulatory authority under the State Council should revoke its securities business license before approving bankruptcy liquidation.
第三条? 发行股份购买资产的首次董事会决议公告后,董事会在6个月内未发布召开股东大会通知的,上市公司应当重新召开董事会审议发行股份购买资产事项,并以该次董事会决议公告日作为发行股份的定价基准日。    Article 3? After the public announcement of the first decision of the board of directors regarding the purchase of assets through issuing shares, if the board of directors does not issue notice to call a general meeting of shareholders within six months, the listed company shall have another meeting of the board of directors to review the purchase of assets through issuing shares, and use the announcement day of the decision of this board meeting as the base day for price setting for the issuance of shares.
第三条 纳税人兼营不同税率的货物或者应税劳务,应当分别核算不同税率货物或者应税劳务的销售额;未分别核算销售额的,从高适用税率。    Article 3? For taxpayers concurrently dealing in goods or providing taxable services of different tax rates, the sale amounts of goods or taxable services of different tax rates shall be accounted separately and if the sale amounts have not been accounted separately, higher tax rates shall apply.
第三条 任何单位和个人不得利用重大资产重组损害上市公司及其股东的合法权益。    Article 3?? Any units or individuals shall not use the material assets reorganization to damage the lawful rights of listed companies and their shareholders.
第三条 证券公司的股东和实际控制人不得滥用权利,占用证券公司或者客户的资产,损害证券公司或者客户的合法权益。    Article 3 Shareholders and actual controllers of securities firms shall not abuse their rights, occupy assets of the securities firm or customers, or impair the legal rights of the securities firm or its customers.?
第三条 国务院证券监督管理机构应当会同中国人民银行、国务院财政部门、国务院公安部门、国务院其他金融监督管理机构以及省级人民政府建立处置证券公司风险的协调配合与快速反应机制。    Article 3 The securities regulatory authority under the State Council should establish coordination and quick response mechanism together with the People’s Bank of China, Finance Department of the State Council, Public Security Department of the State Council, other financial regulatory authorities of the State Council and provincial people’s government.
第三条 纳税人具有下列情形之一的,核定征收企业所得税:    Article 3 Where a taxpayer is under any of the following circumstances, it shall be subject to verification collection of enterprise income tax:
第四条证券公司应当树立合规经营、全员合规、合规从高层做起的理念,倡导和推进合规文化建设,培育全体工作人员的合规意识。    Article 4 Securites companies shall build philosophy of legal operation, compliance by all working staff starting from top to bottom, advocate and facilitate establishment of compliance culture, and raise compliance awareness of all staff.
第四条 发证机构应按照授权范围受理经营者提交的出口许可证申请。    Article 4 A releasing authority shall accept an application for an export license submitted by an operator in accordance with the extent of authorization.
第四条 发证机构应按照授权范围受理经营者提交的出口许可证申请。    Article 4 A releasing authority shall accept an application for an export license submitted by an operator in accordance with the extent of authorization.
第四条 纳税人生产的应税消费品,于纳税人销售时纳税。纳税人自产自用的应税消费品,用于连续生产应税消费品的,不纳税;用于其他方面的,于移送使用时纳税。    Article 4 A taxpayer shall pay tax while marketing the taxable consumer goods he produces. A taxpayer shall pay no consumption tax on the taxable consumer goods he produces for his own use that are used for continuous production of taxable consumer goods, and shall pay consumption tax on the taxable consumer goods that are used for other purpose at the time of delivery for use.
第四条 除本条例第十一条规定外,纳税人销售货物或者提供应税劳务(以下简称销售货物或者应税劳务),应纳税额为当期销项税额抵扣当期进项税额后的余额。应纳税额计算公式:    Article 4 Except as stipulated in Article 11 of the Regulations, for taxpayers engaged in the sales of goods or the provision of taxable services (hereinafter referred to as “selling goods or taxable services”), the tax payable shall be the balance of the output tax of the period after deducting the input tax of the period. The formula for computing the tax payable is as follows:
第四条? 股东提起解散公司诉讼应当以公司为被告。    Article 4 In a lawsuit for company dissolution filed by any shareholders, the company shall be the defendant.
第四条 公司财务报表附注应包括(但不限于)以下内容:    Article 4 Notes to financial statements shall include, but not limited to, the contents as follows:
第四条 境内机构、境内个人的外汇收支或者外汇经营活动,以及境外机构、境外个人在境内的外汇收支或者外汇经营活动,适用本条例。    Article 4 Provisions hereof are applicable to all activities related to the foreign exchange receipts and disbursements and transactions of domestic organs and individuals and to the said activities of overseas organs and individuals within the territory of People’s Republic of China.
第四条 国家鼓励证券公司在有效控制风险的前提下,依法开展经营方式创新、业务或者产品创新、组织创新和激励约束机制创新。    Article 4 Securities firms are encouraged by the country to carry out innovations of operation approach, business, product, organization as well as stimulating and restraining mechanism in the premise of controlling risk properly.
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