第二十八条 上市公司在收到中国证监会关于召开并购重组委工作会议审核其重大资产重组申请的通知后,应当立即予以公告,并申请办理并购重组委工作会议期间直至其表决结果披露前的停牌事宜。 Article 28 Upon receipt of the notice from the CSRC on calling a working meeting of the Review Committee of Merger, Acquisition and Reorganization to examine and verify the material assets reorganization, the listed company shall immediately make public announcement, and proceed to apply for the suspension of the stocks trading between the working meeting of the Review Committee of Merger, Acquisition and Reorganization and the disclosure of the decision.第二十八条 行政清理组应当自成立之日起10日内,将债权人需要登记的相关事项予以公告。 Article 28 The administrative liquidation team should publicize related issues, which need be registered by the creditor, within 10 days of its establishment.第二十九条 股东变化情况。如果报告期公司的股东发生了变化,应披露新旧股东名称、变化日期、变化原因等。 Article 29 As regards any changes in shareholders during the reporting period, the Company shall disclose the names of old and new shareholders, date of change and reasons for such changes, etc.第二十九条 县级以上人民政府应当统筹规划区域经济布局,合理调整产业结构,促进企业在资源综合利用等领域进行合作,实现资源的高效利用和循环使用。各类产业园区应当组织区内企业进行资源综合利用,促进循环经济发展。 Article 29 The people’s governments above the county level shall make a comprehensive plan of the regional economic layout, reasonably regulate the industrial structure, promote the cooperation of enterprises on the comprehensive use of resources, and realize the high efficient use and cycle use resources.第二十九条 证券公司从事证券资产管理业务、融资融券业务,销售证券类金融产品,应当按照规定程序,了解客户的身份、财产与收入状况、证券投资经验和风险偏好,并以书面和电子方式予以记载、保存。 Article 29 The securities firm that is engaged in securities assets management business, capital and securities financing business, securities-related finance product sales should get knowledge of identity, property, income status, securities investment experience and risk preference of customers according to prescribed procedure, and record as well as keep the information in written or electronic form.第二十九条 外汇市场交易应当遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则。 Article 29 Transactions in foreign exchange market shall follow the principles of openness, fairness, impartiality and honesty.第二十九条 上市公司收到中国证监会就其重大资产重组申请作出的予以核准或者不予核准的决定后,应当在次一工作日予以公告。 Article 29 The listed company will make public announcement after receiving the decision from the CSRC whether the material assets reorganization has been approved or not on the next workday.第二十九条 行政清理组应当在具备证券业务经营资格的机构中,采用招标、公开询价等公开方式转让证券类资产。 Article 29 Administrative liquidation team should adopt open approaches such as bidding and requesting for quotation to transfer securities assets among institutes that have securities business operation qualifications.第二条? 上市公司首次召开董事会审议重大资产重组事项的,应当在召开董事会的当日或者前一日与相应的交易对方签订附条件生效的交易合同。 Article 2? For the listed company that holds the meeting of the board of directors for the first time to discuss the material assets reorganization, a conditional transaction contract shall be signed with the relevant dealing party on the same day of the board meeting or the previous day.第二条 本办法适用于上市公司及其控股或者控制的公司在日常经营活动之外购买、出售资产或者通过其他方式进行资产交易达到规定的比例,导致上市公司的主营业务、资产、收入发生重大变化的资产交易行为(以下简称重大资产重组)。 Article 2?? The Measures apply to assets transaction activities (hereinafter referred to as “material assets reorganization”) including the purchases and sales of assets, or assets transaction of other forms that are conducted by listed companies and companies that control them or controlled by them outside their daily business operations and that have reached the prescribed percentages, thus causing major changes in the core business, assets and income of listed companies.第二条 国务院证券监督管理机构依法对处置证券公司风险工作进行组织、协调和监督。 Article 2 The securities regulatory authority under the State Council executes organization, coordination and supervision of risk management of a securities firm according to law.第二条 本办法适用于居民企业纳税人。 Article 2 These Measures shall apply to taxpayers as resident enterprises.第三条证券公司的合规管理应当覆盖公司所有业务、各个部门和分支机构、全体工作人员,贯穿决策、执行、监督、反馈等各个环节。 Article 3 Compliance management of securites companies shall cover all businesses, each department and branch of the company, and go through various steps like decision making, implementation, supervision and feedback.第三条 纳税人兼营不同税率的应当缴纳消费税的消费品(以下简称应税消费品),应当分别核算不同税率应税消费品的销售额、销售数量;未分别核算销售额、销售数量,或者将不同税率的应税消费品组成成套消费品销售的,从高适用税率。 Article 3 A taxpayer concurrently dealing in consumer goods of different tax rates (hereinafter referred to as the “taxable consumer goods”) shall make separate assessments of the volume and quantity of the sales of different taxable consumer goods of different rates. If no such separate assessments are made or if different taxable consumer goods of different tax rates are marketed in packages, a higher rate shall be applied.第三条 设立外商投资广告企业,除必须遵守本规定外,还应当遵守《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国外资企业法》、《中华人民共和国广告法》、《广告管理条例》等有关法律、法规、规章。 Article 3 Any entity or individual that establishes a foreign-invested advertising enterprise shall abide by the Provisions as well as the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Contractual Joint Ventures, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-invested Enterprises, the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations on the Administration of Advertisements, and other relevant laws, regulations and rules.第三条 本规范所称出口许可证是指《中华人民共和国出口许可证》。本规范所称发证机构是指许可证局及商务部驻各地特派员办事处和各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市以及其他省会城市商务厅(局)、外经贸委(厅、局)。 Article 3 Export license referred to in the present Rules is the Export License of the People's Republic of China. Releasing authority referred to in the present Rules are the QLAB, a resident office in any locality of the Ministry of Commerce, or the department (bureau) of commerce or foreign trade and economic cooperation commission (department or bureau) of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the State Council, cities specially designated in the state plan or capital city.第三条 本规范所称出口许可证是指《中华人民共和国出口许可证》。本规范所称发证机构是指许可证局及商务部驻各地特派员办事处和各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市以及其他省会城市商务厅(局)、外经贸委(厅、局)。 Article 3 Export license referred to in the present Rules is the Export License of the People's Republic of China. Releasing authority referred to in the present Rules are the QLAB, a resident office in any locality of the Ministry of Commerce, or the department (bureau) of commerce or foreign trade and economic cooperation commission (department or bureau) of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the State Council, cities specially designated in the state plan or capital city.第三条 本条例所称外汇,是指下列以外币表示的可以用作国际清偿的支付手段和资产: Article 3 Foreign exchange hereof refers to the following instruments of payment and assets expressed in foreign currencies that can be used for international liquidation:第三条 公司原则上应当披露本准则列举的各项内容。但是本准则某些具体要求对公司确实不适用,或者公司尚有本准则未能包括的重大事宜的,公司可根据实际情况适当删除或增加编制内容。 Article 3 In principle, the Company shall disclose all contents listed in the present Standards. But if some specific requirements in the present Standards are indeed inapplicable to the Company, or if the Company has significant issues not included in the present Standards, the Company may delete or add some contents in light of the actual situation.第三条? 国务院有关行政主管部门按照规定的职责分工,建立各自的招标投标违法行为记录公告平台,并负责公告平台的日常维护。 Article 3 Relevant administrative competent departments under the State Council shall, according to their responsibilities prescribed, establish their platforms for announcement of records of illegal behaviors in tendering and bidding and be responsible for daily maintenance of the announcement platforms.第三条 本规定是对财务报表附注的一般规定。不论本附件是否有明确规定,凡对报告使用者做出决策有重大影响的财务会计信息,公司均应予以充分披露。 Article 3 The present Provisions are general provisions on notes to financial statements. All financial and accounting information which has important impact on the decision-making of users of financial statements shall be sufficiently disclosed by the Company.第三条 发展循环经济是国家经济社会发展的一项重大战略,应当遵循统筹规划、合理布局,因地制宜、注重实效,政府推动、市场引导,企业实施、公众参与的方针。 Article 3 The promotion of circular economy is an important strategy for the national economic and social development, thus, the following guidelines shall be adhered to: comprehensive planning, reasonable layout, taking measures according to local conditions, emphasis on actual effects, government promotion, market orientation, enterprise implementation and public participation.第三条? 股东提起解散公司诉讼时,向人民法院申请财产保全或者证据保全的,在股东提供担保且不影响公司正常经营的情形下,人民法院可予以保全。 Article 3 Where any shareholders file a lawsuit to dissolute a company and also apply to the people’s court for property preservation or evidence preservation, the people’s court may conduct preservation, provided the shareholders offer guarantee and the normal operation of the company will not be affected.第三条 纳税人兼有不同税目的应当缴纳营业税的劳务(以下简称应税劳务)、转让无形资产或者销售不动产,应当分别核算不同税目的营业额、转让额、销售额(以下统称营业额);未分别核算营业额的,从高适用税率。 Article 3 Where any taxpayer concurrently provides services with payment of business tax (hereinafter referred to as the payable services), transfers intangible assets or sells real estates under different tax items, the turnover, amount of transfer and sales (hereinafter referred to as the turnover) under different tax items shall be accounted separately; and if the turnovers have not been accounted separately, the higher tax rate shall apply.第三条 区内企业办理外汇登记手续并领取《登记证》后,有变更名称、地址、经营范围或者发生股权转让、增资、合并及分立等情况的,应当在办理工商登记变更后30个工作日内,将有关材料报注册地外汇局备案,并办理外汇登记变更手续。 Article 3 Where such enterprises in the area as have handled foreign exchange registration and withdrawn the Registration Certificate need change the name, address, business scope or have stock option transfer, capital increase, merger or division, the enterprises herein shall, within 30 days after having handled industrial and commercial registration, report the relevant documents to the registered foreign exchange bureau for record and handle the registration change of foreign exchange.