第二十二条证券公司应当将合规管理的有效性和执业行为的合规性,纳入高级管理人员、各部门和分支机构及其工作人员的绩效考核范围。 Article 22 Securites companies shall include effectiveness of compliance management and legality of occupational behavior into performance review of senior management, each department, branch as well as personnel wherein.第二十二条 发证机构工作人员应严格遵守网上操作规程,使用本人的电子钥匙及用户名和密码登录发证系统。 Article 22 A personnel of a releasing authority shall log in the release system by his or her own electronic key, user name and password and in strict accordance with the online operation rules.第二十二条 发证机构工作人员应严格遵守网上操作规程,使用本人的电子钥匙及用户名和密码登录发证系统。 Article 22 A personnel of a releasing authority shall log in the release system by his or her own electronic key, user name and password and in strict accordance with the online operation rules.第二十二条 开采矿产资源,应当统筹规划,制定合理的开发利用方案,采用合理的开采顺序、方法和选矿工艺。 Article 22 Any entity exploiting mineral resources shall make a comprehensive plan, set forth a reasonable development and use scheme, and take proper exploiting sequence, methods and ore dressing processes.第二十二条? 公司解散时,股东尚未缴纳的出资均应作为清算财产。股东尚未缴纳的出资,包括到期应缴未缴的出资,以及依照公司法第二十六条和第八十一条的规定分期缴纳尚未届满缴纳期限的出资。 Article 22 At the time of company dissolution, the unpaid capital contributions of shareholders shall be deemed as liquidation properties. The unpaid capital contributions of shareholders include the payable capital that has not been paid yet and the capital that shall be contributed by stages and has not expired according to Article 26 and 81 of the Company Law.第二十二条 证券公司设立行使证券公司经营管理职权的机构,应当在公司章程中明确其名称、组成、职责和议事规则,该机构的成员为证券公司高级管理人员。 Article 22 If a securities firm sets up an agency that performs business management rights of the securities firm, it should clearly states it name, constitution, roles, responsibilities and rule of procedure in the company regulation. Members of such agency are officers of the securities firm.第二十二条 境内区外企业购买区内货物,需办理进口核销手续。 Article 22 Such enterprises outside the area but in the boundary of the People's Republic of China as purchase the cargo in the area need handle import verification procedure.第二十二条 公司应披露其聘任的会计师事务所的相关信息。 Article 22 The Company shall disclose related information about the accounting firm hired to undertake the auditing work.第二十二条 资本项目外汇支出,应当按照国务院外汇管理部门关于付汇与购汇的管理规定,凭有效单证以自有外汇支付或者向经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构购汇支付。 Article 22 The foreign exchange disbursements under capital accounts shall be, against valid documents, paid with self-owned foreign exchange or foreign exchange brought from financial institutions engaged in the settlement and sale of foreign exchange in accordance with provisions on the administration of the sale and purchase of foreign exchange by the administration of foreign exchange under the State Council.第二十二条 增值税纳税地点: Article 22 The place for payment of VAT is as follows:第二十二条 外商投资企业申请增加广告经营业务的,参照本规定办理。 Article 22 Where a foreign-invested enterprise files an application for increasing advertising business, it shall abide by the Provisions.第二十二条 上市公司股东大会就重大资产重组事项作出决议,必须经出席会议的股东所持表决权的2/3以上通过。 Article 22 The decision on the material assets reorganization by the general meeting of the shareholders of the listed company can only be made with at least 2/3 of the voting right of the shareholders participating in the meeting.第二十二条 行政清理期间,行政清理组负责人行使被撤销证券公司法定代表人职权。 Article 22 During administrative liquidation, the principal of administrative liquidation team will execute roles and responsibilities of legal representative of the securities firm.?第二十三条证券公司应当于每年8月31日前向住所地证监局报送中期合规报告;每年4月30日前报送上一年的年度合规报告。合规报告应当由公司董事会通过,包括以下内容: Article 23 Securites companies shall report interim compliance report to local securities regulatory bureau before August 31 each year; submit annual compliance report of the previous year before April 30 of each year. The compliance report shall be passed in BOD meeting and includes the following content:第二十三条 发证机构应建立和完善签证印章使用保管制度、空白证书保管及使用登记制度。 Article 23 A releasing authority shall establish and improve a system of the use and safekeeping of stamps and seals for export licenses and a system of the safekeeping and use registration for blank licenses.第二十三条 发证机构应建立和完善签证印章使用保管制度、空白证书保管及使用登记制度。 Article 23 A releasing authority shall establish and improve a system of the use and safekeeping of stamps and seals for export licenses and a system of the safekeeping and use registration for blank licenses.第二十三条 建筑设计、建设、施工等单位应当按照国家有关规定和标准,对其设计、建设、施工的建筑物及构筑物采用节能、节水、节地、节材的技术工艺和小型、轻型、再生产品。有条件的地区,应当充分利用太阳能、地热能、风能等可再生能源。 Article 23 Entities engaging in architecture design, building and construction shall adopt technologies and processes that save energy, water, land and materials, and small, light and recycle products for the buildings and structures designed, built or constructed by them in accordance with relevant national provisions and standards. Areas shall, if possible, fully take advantage of renewable resources such as solar energy, geothermal energy and wind energy.第二十三条 公司应采用数据列表方式,提供主要会计数据的本年数、年初(上年)数和增减百分比。 Article 23 The Company shall present the major accounting data of the current year in tabular form, that at the beginning of year (the last year) and the percentage increase or decrease.第二十三条 资本项目外汇及结汇资金,应当按照有关主管部门及外汇管理机关批准的用途使用。 Article 23 The foreign exchange under capital accounts and the foreign exchange settlement funds shall be used according to the purposes approved by relevant competent departments and foreign exchange control agencies.第二十三条 增值税的纳税期限分别为1日、3日、5日、10日、15日、1个月或者1个季度。纳税人的具体纳税期限,由主管税务机关根据纳税人应纳税额的大小分别核定;不能按照固定期限纳税的,可以按次纳税。 Article 23 The payment period of VAT shall be one day, three days, five days, ten days, fifteen days, one month or one quarter. The actual payment period of a taxpayer shall be determined by the competent tax authorities according to the amount of the tax payable of the taxpayer; and tax that cannot be paid in regular periods may be paid on transaction basis.第二十三条 本规定由国家工商行政管理总局和商务部负责解释。 Article 23 The SAIC and the MOFCOM are responsible for the interpretation of the Provisions.第二十三条 证券公司设合规负责人,对证券公司经营管理行为的合法合规性进行审查、监督或者检查。 Article 23 The securities firm should set up responsible person for regulatory compliance to audit, supervise or check legal and regulatory compliance of management behavior of securities firm.?第二十三条? 清算组成员从事清算事务时,违反法律、行政法规或者公司章程给公司或者债权人造成损失,公司或者债权人主张其承担赔偿责任的,人民法院应依法予以支持。 Article 23 Where any members of the liquidation group violate any laws, administrative regulations or articles of associations of a company during liquidation, hence causing losses to the company or any creditors, if the company or the creditors claim the said members shall assume the liability of compensation, the people’s court shall support the claim according to law.第二十三条 区内企业凭《进口付汇备案表》异地付汇的,按照境内区外异地付汇的相关规定,凭正本进口货物报关单及其他相关凭证到注册地外汇局办理进口付汇核销手续。 Article 23 Where the enterprises in the area pay in other place by presenting the Record Form of Import Payment and Remittance, the enterprises shall, in accordance with the regulations on payment in other place and by presenting the original import cargo declaration form and other relevant credence, handle the procedure of verification and cancellation of import payment and remittance to the registered foreign exchange bureau.第二十三条 上市公司应当在股东大会作出重大资产重组决议后的次一工作日公告该决议,并按照中国证监会的有关规定编制申请文件,委托独立财务顾问在3个工作日内向中国证监会申报,同时抄报派出机构。 Article 23 The listed company shall make public announcement on the decision made by the general meeting of shareholders on the material assets reorganization on the next workday after the decision is made, and shall compile application documents according to relevant provisions of the CSRC, retain independent financial consultants to submit the documents to the CSRC within three workdays, and at the same time submit the copies of the documents to the local agency of the CSRC.