

第二十三条 被撤销证券公司的股东会或者股东大会、董事会、监事会以及经理、副经理停止履行职责。    Article 23 The shareholder meeting, board meeting, supervisory committee, manager as well as deputy manager of the revoked company should cease performance of their roles and responsibilities.
第二十四条中国证监会对证券公司合规管理的有效性进行评价,评价结果作为对证券公司实施分类监管的重要依据。    Article 24 China Securities Regulatory Commission shall evaluate effectiveness of compliance management of securites companies. The evaluation result will serve as an important evidence for securites companies to implement classified supervision.
第二十四条? 解散公司诉讼案件和公司清算案件由公司住所地人民法院管辖。公司住所地是指公司主要办事机构所在地。公司办事机构所在地不明确的,由其注册地人民法院管辖。    Article 24 A company dissolution lawsuit and a company liquidation case shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the people’s court at the place where the company is domiciled. The domicile of a company refers to the place where the principal office of a company is located. Where the principal office of a company is unclear, aforesaid cases shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the people’s court at the place where the company is registered.
第二十四条 发证机构应建立和完善出口许可证档案管理制度。发证机构发放出口许可证后,应及时将本办法第五条、第六条规定的相关材料、领证人员身份证明材料和“出口许可证留存联”(第四联)等材料装订存档,保证出口许可证档案的完整和准确,档案保存入柜、入库,并由专人管理。    Article 24 A releasing authority shall establish and improve an archival management system for export licenses. A releasing authority, after releasing an export license, shall timely bind and archive the relevant materials as prescribed in Articles 5 and 6 of the present Rules, the identity certificate of the license collector, the ""archival page of an export license"" (the fourth page) as well as other materials, ensure the completeness and accuracy of export license archives, keep them in cases and storerooms, and designate personnel to manage them exclusively.
第二十四条 发证机构应建立和完善出口许可证档案管理制度。发证机构发放出口许可证后,应及时将本办法第五条、第六条规定的相关材料、领证人员身份证明材料和“出口许可证留存联”(第四联)等材料装订存档,保证出口许可证档案的完整和准确,档案保存入柜、入库,并由专人管理。    Article 24 A releasing authority shall establish and improve an archival management system for export licenses. A releasing authority, after releasing an export license, shall timely bind and archive the relevant materials as prescribed in Articles 5 and 6 of the present Rules, the identity certificate of the license collector, the ""archival page of an export license"" (the fourth page) as well as other materials, ensure the completeness and accuracy of export license archives, keep them in cases and storerooms, and designate personnel to manage them exclusively.
第二十四条 证券公司的董事、监事、高级管理人员和境内分支机构负责人应当在任职前取得经国务院证券监督管理机构核准的任职资格。    Article 24 Directors, supervisors and officers of the securities firm and principals of its domestic branches should get approval for their qualifications by the securities regulatory agency under the State Council before holding the post.
第二十四条 纳税人进口货物,应当自海关填发海关进口增值税专用缴款书之日起15日内缴纳税款。    Article 24 Taxpayers importing goods shall pay taxes within fifteen days after the issuance of the special letter of payment of customs import VAT by the customs office.
第二十四条 银行通过外汇账户管理信息系统为区内企业办理购汇或者结汇手续后,应当同时在《登记证》相应栏目中签注,并加盖印章。银行应于每季度结束10个工作日内,统计本银行办理区内企业结汇、购汇情况(格式见附表),报注册地外汇局。    Article 24 The bank shall, after having handled the foreign exchange purchase or foreign exchange settlement via the Management Information System for Foreign Exchange Accounts, note it in the corresponding column at the same tine and seal and stamp it. The bank shall, within ten working days after the completion of every quarter, account the settlement, remittance and purchase of foreign exchange of the enterprises in the area herein to the registered foreign exchange bureau.
第二十四条 公司应采用数据列表方式,提供如下财务状况指标的期末数、期初数和增减百分比:资产负债率、净资产负债率、流动比率。    Article 24 The Company shall present the ending balance, beginning balance and percentage increase or decrease of the following financial status indicators: asset-liability ratio, net asset-liability ratio and liquidity ratio in tabular form.
第二十四条 县级以上人民政府及其农业等主管部门应当推进土地集约利用,鼓励和支持农业生产者采用节水、节肥、节药的先进种植、养殖和灌溉技术,推动农业机械节能,优先发展生态农业。    Article 24 The people’s governments above county level as well as their agricultural departments shall promote the intensive use of land, encourage and support agricultural producers to adopt advanced planting, breeding and irrigating technologies that reduce the use of water, fertilizer and pesticide, promote the energy saving of agricultural machinery, and give the priority to develop ecological agriculture.
第二十四条 本规定自2008年10月1日起施行。2004年3月2日国家工商行政管理总局、商务部令第8号公布的《外商投资广告企业管理规定》同时失效。    Article 24 The Provisions shall enter into force as of Oct.1, 2008. The Provisions on the Administration of Foreign-invested Advertising Enterprises promulgated as the No.8 Decree of the SAIC and the MOFCOM on Mar.2, 2004 shall be simultaneously abolished.
第二十四条 金融机构经营或者终止经营结汇、售汇业务,应当经外汇管理机关批准;经营或者终止经营其他外汇业务,应当按照职责分工经外汇管理机关或者金融业监督管理机构批准。    Article 24 Where financial institutions operate or terminate the business of foreign exchange settlement and sale, they shall be approved by foreign exchange control agencies. Where financial institutions operate or terminate other foreign exchange businesses, they shall be approved by foreign exchange control agencies or financial regulatory organs according to their functions.
第二十四条 上市公司全体董事、监事、高级管理人员应当出具承诺,保证重大资产重组申请文件不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏。    Article 24  All the directors, supervisors and senior managers of the listed company shall make a commitment and guarantee there are no falsified description, misleading statements or major omissions in the application documents of the material assets reorganization.
第二十四条 行政清理期间,被撤销证券公司的证券经纪等涉及客户的业务,由国务院证券监督管理机构按照规定程序选择证券公司等专业机构进行托管。    Article 24 During administrative liquidation, customer-related businesses of the revoked securities firm such as securities brokerage business should be held custody by the securities firm, which is chosen by securities regulatory authority under the State Council according to prescribed procedure.
第二十五条证券公司通过有效的合规管理,主动发现违法违规行为,积极妥善处理,落实责任追究,完善内部控制制度和业务流程并及时向住所地证监局报告的,依法免于追究责任或从轻、减轻处理。    Article 25 Through effective compliance management, if the securities company actively finds violation behavior, handles properly, pursues legal responsibility, complete internal control system and business flow, and report to local securities regulatory bureau on a timely basis, it can be either free from legal responsibility pursuit or punished at the lower level.
第二十五条 外汇管理机关对金融机构外汇业务实行综合头寸管理,具体办法由国务院外汇管理部门制定。    Article 25 Foreign exchange agencies implement the general position administration on the foreign exchange business of financial institutions. The specific measures shall be formulated by the administration of foreign exchange under the State Council.
第二十五条 国家机关及使用财政性资金的其他组织应当厉行节约、杜绝浪费,带头使用节能、节水、节地、节材和有利于保护环境的产品、设备和设施,节约使用办公用品。    Article 25 National agencies and other organizations using fiscal capital shall conduct saving, stop wasting, use products, devices and facilities that may save energy, water, land and material and be conductive to protecting environment, and save official supplies.
第二十五条 纳税人出口货物适用退(免)税规定的,应当向海关办理出口手续,凭出口报关单等有关凭证,在规定的出口退(免)税申报期内按月向主管税务机关申报办理该项出口货物的退(免)税。具体办法由国务院财政、税务主管部门制定。    Article 25 Taxpayers exporting goods with applicable exemption and refund of tax shall, upon completion of export procedures with the customs office, apply for tax refund and exemption on those export goods to the tax authorities within the prescribed period of export tax refund and exemption report on a monthly basis by producing such related vouchers as export declaration documents, the detailed measures of which shall be formulated by the competent financial and tax authorities of the State Council.
第二十五条 公司应采用数据列表方式,提供如下经营成果指标的上期数、本期数和增减百分比:净资产收益率、总资产收益率、营业费用率。    Article 25 The Company shall present the data of the previous period, that of the current period and the percentage increase or decrease of the following business performance indicators: rate of return on net assets, rate of return on total assets and business expense ratio in tabular form.
第二十五条 外汇局于每季度结束10个工作日内,将未按规定提供向境外或者境内区外付汇项下对应的有效凭证和商业单据的区内企业名单,向辖内银行进行发布。    Article 25 The foreign exchange bureau shall, within ten working days, publish the name list of such enterprises in the area as have failed to provide the effective credence and business documents under the foreign exchange payment and remittance, publish the name list of the enterprises herein to the bank under its administration.
第二十五条 证券公司的法定代表人或者高级管理人员离任的,证券公司应当对其进行审计,并自其离任之日起2个月内将审计报告报送国务院证券监督管理机构;    Article 25 The legal representative or an officer of the securities firm who leaves his or her post should be audited by the securities firm. The audit report should be submitted to the securities regulatory agency under the State Council within 2 months of his leaving;
第二十五条 本规范由商务部负责解释。    Article 25 The power to interpret the present Rules shall remain with the Ministry of Commerce.
第二十五条 本规范由商务部负责解释。    Article 25 The power to interpret the present Rules shall remain with the Ministry of Commerce.
第二十五条 中国证监会依照法定条件和法定程序对重大资产重组申请作出予以核准或者不予核准的决定。    Article 25  The CSRC shall make a decision on whether or not to approve the material assets reorganization in accordance with legal conditions and procedures.
第二十五条 证券公司设立或者实际控制的关联公司,其资产、人员、财务或者业务与被撤销证券公司混合的,经国务院证券监督管理机构审查批准,纳入行政清理范围。    Article 25 If asset, personnel, finance or business of related party, which is set up or actually controlled by the securities firm, are mixed with the revoked securities firm, they should also be incorporated in the scope of administrative liquidation after approval of securities regulatory authority under the State Council.?
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