第三十条 证券公司与客户签订证券交易委托、证券资产管理、融资融券等业务合同,应当事先指定专人向客户讲解有关业务规则和合同内容,并将风险揭示书交由客户签字确认。 Article 30 Before the securities firm signs securities dealing entrustment, securities assets management, capital and securities financing contracts with customers, it should appoint specialist to introduce business rule and contract content to customers and let customer sign and confirm on risk disclosure letter.第三十条 企业应当按照国家规定,对生产过程中产生的粉煤灰、煤矸石、尾矿、废石、废料、废气等工业废物进行综合利用。 Article 30 Enterprises shall make a comprehensive utilization of fly ash, gangue, tailing, lean material, scrap material, exhaust gas and other industrial wastes generated in production.第三十条 公司应披露如下股东情况: Article 30 The Company shall make disclosure of the following information about its shareholders:第三十条 外汇市场交易的币种和形式由国务院外汇管理部门规定。 Article 30 The currencies and transaction forms in the foreign exchange market shall subject to provisions of the administration of foreign exchange under the State Council.第三十条 中国证监会核准上市公司重大资产重组申请的,上市公司应当及时实施重组方案,并于实施完毕之日起3个工作日内编制实施情况报告书,向中国证监会及其派出机构、证券交易所提交书面报告,并予以公告。 Article 30 Where the CSRC has approved the material assets reorganization, the listed company shall timely execute the reorganization scheme, compile the execution report within three workdays after the completion of the execution, submit the written report to the CSRC, the CSRC’s local agency and the stock exchange, and make public announcement of the report.第三十条 行政清理组不得转让证券类资产以外的资产,但经国务院证券监督管理机构批准,易贬损并可能遭受损失的资产或者确为保护客户和债权人利益的其他情形除外。 Article 30 Administrative team should not transfer assets other than securities, but if securities regulatory authority approves they can transfer assets that are easily depreciated and suffering from loss or otherwise that protects interests of the customer and creditor.?第三十一条 企业应当发展串联用水系统和循环用水系统,提高水的重复利用率。 Article 31 Enterprises shall develop a series water system and cycle water system to improve the water reuse rate.第三十一条 证券公司从事证券资产管理业务、融资融券业务,应当按照规定编制对账单,按月寄送客户。 Article 31 If a securities firm is engaged in such businesses as securities assets management and capital and securities financing, it should develop reconciliation statement and send it to customers on monthly basis.第三十一条 国务院外汇管理部门依法监督管理全国的外汇市场。 Article 31 The administration of foreign exchange under the State Council shall supervise and administrate foreign exchange markets across the country according to law.第三十一条 应披露现任董事、监事、高级管理人员的姓名、任期起始日期、简要工作经历、以及在本公司以外所担任的职务,独立董事也应披露上述事项。 Article 31 The Company shall disclose the names of directors, supervisors and senior managers, the start date and end date of their term of office, brief introduction to their work experiences and posts occupied by them outside the Company.第三十一条 自收到中国证监会核准文件之日起60日内,本次重大资产重组未实施完毕的,上市公司应当于期满后次一工作日将实施进展情况报告中国证监会及其派出机构,并予以公告;此后每30日应当公告一次,直至实施完毕。超过12个月未实施完毕的,核准文件失效。 Article 31 Within 60 days after receiving the approval documents from the CSRC, if the execution of the material assets reorganization is not completed, the listed company shall report the execution status to the CSRC and its local agency on the next workday after the expiry date and shall make public announcement; after that public announcement shall be made every 30 days till the completion of the execution. The approval documents shall become invalid if the execution is not completed after 12 months.第三十一条 行政清理组不得对债务进行个别清偿,但为保护客户和债权人利益的下列情形除外: Article 31 Administrative liquidation team shall not discharge individual liability but except for the following situations that protect interests of customer and creditor:第三十二条 证券公司应当建立信息查询制度,保证客户在证券公司营业时间内能够随时查询其委托记录、交易记录、证券和资金余额,以及证券公司业务经办人员和证券经纪人的姓名、执业证书、证券经纪人证书编号等信息。 Article 32 A securities firm should establish information inquiring system to ensure customers inquiring entrustment record, trading record, securities and balance during business hours of the securities firm, as well as other information such as name, practice license of the business operator and securities broker of the securities firm, certificate number of securities broker, etc.第三十二条 企业应当采用先进或者适用的回收技术、工艺和设备,对生产过程中产生的余热、余压等进行综合利用。 Article 32 Enterprises shall use advanced or proper reclaiming technologies, processes and equipment to make a comprehensive utilization of remaining heat and pressure etc. generated in production.第三十二条 国务院外汇管理部门可以根据外汇市场的变化和货币政策的要求,依法对外汇市场进行调节。 Article 32 The administration of foreign exchange under the State Council may regulate the foreign exchange market according to the changes of foreign exchange market and the requires of monetary policies.第三十二条 应披露报告期离任的董事、监事和高级管理人员的姓名、离任日期、离任原因,新任的董事、监事和高级管理人员的姓名、有否基金从业资格、简要工作经历和批准文号。 Article 32 The Company shall make disclosure of the names of directors, supervisors and senior managers who leave their ports during the reporting period, date when they leave and reasons for their leave. It shall also make disclosure of the names of newly appointed directors, supervisors and senior managers, whether they are qualified for engaging in fund management business, brief introduction to their work experiences and number of the approval documents.第三十二条 上市公司在实施重大资产重组的过程中,发生法律、法规要求披露的重大事项的,应当及时向中国证监会及其派出机构报告。 Article 32 Where major events occur which are required to be disclosed by the laws and regulations during the execution period of the material assets reorganization, the listed company shall report timely to the CSRC and its local agency.第三十二条 为保护债权人利益,经国务院证券监督管理机构批准,行政清理组可以向人民法院申请对处置前被采取查封、扣押、冻结等强制措施的证券类资产以及其他资产进行变现处置,变现后的资金应当予以冻结。 Article 32 After securities regulatory authority under the State Council approves, administrative liquidation team can apply to people’s court to cash securities assets and other assets, which are sealed up, withhold, frozen, or subject to other mandatory measures, in order to protect creditor’s interests. The capital of cashed assets should be frozen.第三十三条 证券公司不得违反规定委托其他单位或者个人进行客户招揽、客户服务、产品销售活动。 Article 33 A securities firm shall not entrust other agency or individual to attract customer, or hold customer service or product sales that are violating regulations.第三十三条 建设单位应当对工程施工中产生的建筑废物进行综合利用;不具备综合利用条件的,应当委托具备条件的生产经营者进行综合利用或者无害化处置。 Article 33 Construction enterprises shall make a comprehensive utilization of construction wastes generated in construction. If they are able to do, they shall consign qualified producers and operators to make a comprehensive utilization or bio-safety disposal of such wastes.第三十三条 外汇管理机关依法履行职责,有权采取下列措施: Article 33 Foreign exchange control agencies shall fulfill their responsibilities according to law and are entitled to take measures as follows:第三十三条 公司董事会下设各类专门委员会的,应披露委员会的组成人员姓名、任期起始日期和简要工作经历。 Article 33 In case there are special committees under the board of directors of the Company, it is required to make disclosure of the name of members of such committees, the start date and end date of their term of office and brief introduction to their work experiences.第三十三条 根据本办法第十七条规定提供盈利预测报告的,上市公司应当在重大资产重组实施完毕后的有关年度报告中单独披露上市公司及相关资产的实际盈利数与利润预测数的差异情况,并由会计师事务所对此出具专项审核意见。 Article 33 Where profit forecast report has been provided in accordance with Article 17 of the Measures, the listed company shall in the relevant annual report after the completion of the execution of the material assets reorganization separately disclose the variance between the actual profit and the forecasted profit of the listed company and the related assets, and accounting firms shall provide special examination opinions on it.第三十三条 行政清理费用经国务院证券监督管理机构审核后,从被处置证券公司财产中随时清偿。 Article 33 After administrative liquidation cost is audited by securities regulatory authority under the State Council, it can be discharged anytime by the disposed property of the securities firm.?第三十四条 外汇管理机关依法进行监督检查或者调查,监督检查或者调查的人员不得少于2人,并应当出示证件。 Article 34 Foreign exchange control agencies make supervision or inspection according to law. Persons carrying out supervision or inspection shall not be less than two and shall present their identification cards.