

第二十六条证券公司未能有效实施合规管理,内部控制不完善或出现违法违规行为的,依法对该公司及负有责任的董事、高级管理人员和其他人员采取监管措施或者追究法律责任。    Article 26 If securites companies hasn’t performed effective compliance management, internal control is incomplete or there’s any violation behavior, the board of director, senior management and other personnel that hold responsible for the company shall be subject to supervising measure or pursuit of legal responsibility.
第二十六条 证券公司及其境内分支机构从事《证券法》第一百二十五条规定的证券业务,应当遵守《证券法》和本条例的规定。    Article 26 If a securities firm and its domestic branch are engaged in securities business prescribed in Article 125 of the Securities Law, they should follow the Securities Law and provisions of this Regulation.?
第二十六条 餐饮、娱乐、宾馆等服务性企业,应当采用节能、节水、节材和有利于保护环境的产品,减少使用或者不使用浪费资源、污染环境的产品。    Article 26 Service enterprises engaging in restaurant, entertainment and hotel shall adopt products which may save energy, water and material and be conductive to protecting environment, and reduce the use of or do not use products which may waste resources and pollute environment.
第二十六条 增值税的征收管理,依照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》及本条例有关规定执行。    Article 26 The collection and administration of VAT shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Tax Collection and Administration and the Regulations.
第二十六条 公司计算各项比率时,要扣除基金交易代收(代付)款项对资产、负债的影响。    Article 26 The Company shall deduct the impacts of money collected or paid for another in fund transactions on assets and liabilities when calculating various kinds of ratios.
第二十六条 本规范自发布之日起施行。原外经贸部《出口许可证申领签发工作规范》(外经贸配发[1999]第743号)和商务部《出口许可证网上申领签发工作暂行规定》(商配发〔2003〕475号)同时废止。    Article 26 The present Rules shall come into force as of the date of release. The Working Rules on the Application for and Release of an Export License (Wai Jing Mao Pei Fa [1999] No. 743) of the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Interim Working Rules on the Online Application for and Release of an Export License (Shang Pei Fa [2003] No. 475) of the Ministry of Commerce shall be repealed at the same time.
第二十六条 本规范自发布之日起施行。原外经贸部《出口许可证申领签发工作规范》(外经贸配发[1999]第743号)和商务部《出口许可证网上申领签发工作暂行规定》(商配发〔2003〕475号)同时废止。    Article 26 The present Rules shall come into force as of the date of release. The Working Rules on the Application for and Release of an Export License (Wai Jing Mao Pei Fa [1999] No. 743) of the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Interim Working Rules on the Online Application for and Release of an Export License (Shang Pei Fa [2003] No. 475) of the Ministry of Commerce shall be repealed at the same time.
第二十六条 金融机构的资本金、利润以及因本外币资产不匹配需要进行人民币与外币间转换的,应当经外汇管理机关批准。    Article 26 Where financial institutions need conversions between Renminbi and foreign currencies for their principals and profits or due to mismatch of home currency assets and foreign currency assets, they shall be approved by foreign exchange control agencies.
第二十六条 区内机构违反本操作规程,由外汇局根据《外汇管理条例》、《保税监管区域外汇管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)及其他外汇管理规定予以处罚。    Article 26 Where the organs in the area herein violate these Operating Rules, the foreign exchange bureau shall punish the organs herein in accordance with the Regulations on the Foreign Exchange System of the People's Republic of China and Administrative Measures on Foreign Exchange in Bonded Supervision Area (hereinafter referred to as the ""Measures"") and other foreign exchange administration regulations.
第二十六条 中国证监会审核期间,上市公司拟对交易对象、交易标的、交易价格等作出变更,构成对重组方案重大调整的,应当在董事会表决通过后重新提交股东大会审议,并按照本办法的规定向中国证监会重新报送重大资产重组申请文件,同时作出公告。    Article 26  During the period of examination and verification by the CSRC, if the listed company intends to make changes in such aspects as the dealing party, the transaction assets and the transaction price which constitute major adjustment to the material assets reorganization, it shall be resubmitted to the general meeting of shareholders after the board of directors makes the decision. Application documents regarding the material assets reorganization shall be resubmitted to the CSRC according to the provisions of the Measures, and at the same time public announcement shall be made.
第二十六条 证券公司的债权债务关系不因其被撤销而变化。    Article 26 The credit and debt of the securities firm will not change because of the revocation.
第二十七条本规定自2008年8月1日起施行。    Article 27 This regulation takes effect as of August 1, 2008.
第二十七条 证券公司应当按照审慎经营的原则,建立健全风险管理与内部控制制度,防范和控制风险。    Article 27 A securities firm should establish and complete risk management and internal control system to prevent and control the risk in the principle of prudent operation.
第二十七条 保税物流中心B型适用本操作规程。    Article 27 The bonded logistics center of B type shall be applied to the Operating Rules.
第二十七条 公司应披露报告期发生的关联交易。    Article 27 The Company shall present brief disclosure of related transactions happened during the reporting period.
第二十七条 人民币汇率实行以市场供求为基础的、有管理的浮动汇率制度。    Article 27 The managed floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand is adopted for Renminbi exchange rate.
第二十七条 本条例自2009年1月1日起施行。    Article 27 The Regulations shall enter into effect on January 1, 2009.
第二十七条 国家鼓励和支持使用再生水。在有条件使用再生水的地区,限制或者禁止将自来水作为城市道路清扫、城市绿化和景观用水使用。    Article 27 The State encourages and supports the use of reclaimed water. In areas where the use of reclaimed water is possible, the use of tap water for urban road cleaning, greening and landscaping is restricted or prohibited.
第二十七条 上市公司重大资产重组存在下列情形之一的,应当提交并购重组委审核:    Article 27  If one of the following exists for the material assets reorganization of the listed company, it shall be submitted to the Review Committee of Merger, Acquisition and Reorganization for examination and verification:
第二十七条 行政清理组清理被撤销证券公司账户的结果,应当经具有证券、期货相关业务资格的会计师事务所审计,并报国务院证券监督管理机构认定。    Article 27 Liquidation result of the revoked securities firm by administrative liquidation team should be audited by accounting firm with related qualification of securities and futures, and submitted to securities regulatory authority under the State Council for appraisal.
第二十八条 经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构和符合国务院外汇管理部门规定条件的其他机构,可以按照国务院外汇管理部门的规定在银行间外汇市场进行外汇交易。    Article 28 Financial institutions engaged in foreign exchange settlement and sale businesses and other organs that meet requirements of the administration of foreign exchange under the State Council may conduct foreign exchange transactions in the interbank foreign exchange market in accordance with provisions of the administration of foreign exchange under the State Council.
第二十八条 公司应逐项报告本期股东权益变动情况,并说明变化原因。    Article 28 The Company shall, item by item, report changes in shareholder's equity of the current period, and specify reasons for such changes.
第二十八条 国家在保障产品安全和卫生的前提下,限制一次性消费品的生产和销售。具体名录由国务院循环经济发展综合管理部门会同国务院财政、环境保护等有关主管部门制定。    Article 28 The State shall restrict the production and sale of one-time products on the basis of safeguarding the product safety and sanitation. The catalogue of said products shall be formulated by the general administration for promoting circular economy under the State Council with relevant departments for finance and environmental protection under the State Council.
第二十八条 本操作规程自2007年10月1日实施。本操作规程未做规定的,按照《办法》执行;《办法》规定不明确的,按照境内区外相关外汇管理规定执行。以前外汇管理规定与本操作规程规定不一致的,以本操作规程为准。    Article 28 These Operating Rules shall come into force as of October 1, 2007. The Measures shall apply to the circumstances which are not prescribed in these Operating rules; where the occasions are not expressly prescribed in the Measures, they shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant foreign exchange regulations for the enterprises outside the area and in the People's Republic of China. Where the aforesaid foreign exchange regulations are inconsistent with these Operating Rules, these Operating Rules shall prevail.
第二十八条 证券公司受证券登记结算机构委托,为客户开立证券账户,应当按照证券账户管理规则,对客户申报的姓名或者名称、身份的真实性进行审查。    Article 28 When the securities firm is entrusted by securities registration settlement agency to open securities account for customers, it should audit name and identity authenticity declared by customers according to management rule of securities account.
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