第二十条 证券公司经营证券经纪业务、证券资产管理业务、融资融券业务和证券承销与保荐业务中两种以上业务的,其董事会应当设薪酬与提名委员会、审计委员会和风险控制委员会,行使公司章程规定的职权。 Article 20 If a securities firm has two or more kinds of securities brokerage business, securities assets management business, financing with capital and securities, securities underwriting, securities sponsors, its board should set up remuneration and nomination committee, auditing committee and risk control committee to perform rights prescribed in company regulation.第二十条 如果公司有直销机构,则公司应披露直销机构数量和分布情况。 Article 20 In case there are any direct selling institutions under the Company, the Company shall disclose the number and distribution situation of such institutions.第二十条 工业企业应当采用先进或者适用的节水技术、工艺和设备,制定并实施节水计划,加强节水管理,对生产用水进行全过程控制。 Article 20 Industrial enterprises shall adopt advanced or proper water-saving technologies, processes and equipment, set forth and implement water-saving plan, enhance water-saving management and make complete control of water consumption in production.第二十条? 本办法由国家发展改革委会同国务院有关部门负责解释。 Article 20 The power of interpretation of the Measures rests with the National Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments under the State Council.第二十条 通过并购境内广告企业投资广告业的,按照外国投资者并购国内企业有关规定和本规定办理。 Article 20 Where a foreign investor who invests in advertising industry by merging a Chinese advertising enterprise, it/he shall comply with relevant regulations on the acquisition of Chinese enterprises by foreign investors and the Provisions.第二十条 区内企业凭进口货物报关单向境外支付或者凭进境货物备案清单购汇向境外支付的,或者以货到付款以外方式向境外支付但按规定应向付汇银行提供正本进口货物报关单或者进境货物备案清单的,付汇银行应按规定办理电子底账核注、结案等手续,并在纸质正本进口货物报关单上进行签注,留存相关凭证备查。 Article 20 Where the enterprises in the area herein pay abroad by means of import cargo declaration form or import cargo record list, or need to provide original import cargo declaration form or import cargo record listing to the by other means except payment on delivery to the remittance bank, the remittance shall, in accordance with the relevant regulation, handle the procedure of electronic record data verification, and case settlement, and shall sign in the original import cargo declaration paper form and shall keep the relevant credent for further check-up.第二十条 商务部对发证机构进行调整时,自调整之日起,原发证机构不得再受理该货物的出口许可证申请。调整前已发放的许可证在有效期内继续有效。需要办理更改、延期或遗失手续的,由调整后的发证机构受理。 Article 20 Where the Ministry of Commerce performs the adjustment on the releasing authority, the original releasing authority shall accept an application for an export license for the goods concerned no more since the date of adjustment. The license issued before the adjustment shall continue to be valid within the term of validity. In the case of any alteration, extension or loss procedures, the releasing authority after the adjustment shall accept the applications.第二十条 商务部对发证机构进行调整时,自调整之日起,原发证机构不得再受理该货物的出口许可证申请。调整前已发放的许可证在有效期内继续有效。需要办理更改、延期或遗失手续的,由调整后的发证机构受理。 Article 20 Where the Ministry of Commerce performs the adjustment on the releasing authority, the original releasing authority shall accept an application for an export license for the goods concerned no more since the date of adjustment. The license issued before the adjustment shall continue to be valid within the term of validity. In the case of any alteration, extension or loss procedures, the releasing authority after the adjustment shall accept the applications.第二十条 增值税由税务机关征收,进口货物的增值税由海关代征。 Article 20? VAT shall be collected by the tax authorities. VAT on the importation of goods shall be collected by the customs office on behalf of the tax authorities.第二十条 上市公司应当在董事会作出重大资产重组决议后的次一工作日至少披露下列文件,同时抄报上市公司所在地的中国证监会派出机构(以下简称派出机构): Article 20 The listed company shall at least disclose on the next workday after the board of directors makes the decision on the material assets reorganization the following documents, and at the same time submit copies to the local agency of the CSRC in the place of residence of the listed company (hereinafter referred to as “the local agency”):第二十条 证券公司经停业整顿、托管、接管或者行政重组在规定期限内仍达不到正常经营条件,并且有本条例第十九条第(二)项或者第(三)项规定情形的,国务院证券监督管理机构应当撤销该证券公司。 Article 20 If a securities firm still cannot meet normal operation conditions during rectification, custody, takeover or administrative restructuring, and appears situations prescribed in Article 19 item (ⅱ) or item (ⅲ) of this regulation, securities regulatory authority under the State Council should revoke the securities firm.第二十一条证券公司应当建立违规举报制度,保障每一位工作人员都能够正常行使举报违法违规行为的权利。 Article 21 Securites companies shall establish report system for violation and ensure every employee enjoys normal right of reporting law and regulation violation behavior.第二十一条 发证机构应建立和完善出口许可证内部审核签发工作制度。 Article 21 A working system of the internal examination and release of an export license shall be established and improved by a releasing authority.第二十一条 发证机构应建立和完善出口许可证内部审核签发工作制度。 Article 21 A working system of the internal examination and release of an export license shall be established and improved by a releasing authority.第二十一条 区内企业向境外出口货物,在海关办理货物出境备案的,收汇后无需办理出口收汇核销;在海关办理货物出口报关的,区内企业应当按照境内区外相关规定到外汇局办理出口收汇核销。 Article 21 Should the enterprises in the area export cargo abroad and handle cargo export record in the customs, the enterprises need not handle the verification and collection of export collection and remittance; should the enterprises herein handle cargo export declaration, the enterprises shall, in accordance with the relevant regulation outside the area but in the boundary of the People's Republic of China, handle the verification and collection of export collection and remittance to foreign exchange bureau.第二十一条 纳税人销售货物或者应税劳务,应当向索取增值税专用发票的购买方开具增值税专用发票,并在增值税专用发票上分别注明销售额和销项税额。 Article 21 Taxpayers selling goods or taxable services shall issue special VAT invoices to the purchasers who request for special VAT invoices and the sale amounts and output tax shall be separately indicated in the special VAT invoices.第二十一条 证券公司设董事会秘书,负责股东会和董事会会议的筹备、文件的保管以及股东资料的管理,按照规定或者根据国务院证券监督管理机构、股东等有关单位或者个人的要求,依法提供有关资料,办理信息报送或者信息披露事项。董事会秘书为证券公司高级管理人员。 Article 21 The board secretary of the securities firm is responsible for preparing for the shareholder’s meeting and the BOD meeting, document keeping as well as management of shareholder materials, and according to the relevant provisions and the requirements of the relevant units or individuals including the securities regulatory agency under the State Council, shareholders or individuals, providing the related materials according to law, and handling information reporting or disclosure. The board secretary is an officer of the securities firm.第二十一条 公司应简介其员工的有关情况,主要包括:员工人数、专业结构、年龄分布、受教育程度等。 Article 21 The Company shall present a brief introduction to the related information about its employees, mainly including the number of employees, specialty structure, distribution of age and education degree, etc.第二十一条? 本办法自2009年1月1日起施行。 Article 21 The Measures takes effect as of Jan. 1, 2009.第二十一条 国家鼓励和支持企业使用高效节油产品。 Article 21 The State encourages and supports enterprises to use high-efficient oil-saving products.第二十一条 香港、澳门、台湾地区投资者在内地投资设立广告企业,参照本规定办理。 Article 21 Where an investor from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan establishes advertising enterprises in the mainland of China, it/he shall abide by the Provisions.第二十一条 资本项目外汇收入保留或者卖给经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构,应当经外汇管理机关批准,但国家规定无需批准的除外。 Article 21 Where the foreign exchange incomes under capital accounts are to be retained or sold to financial institutions engaged in the settlement and sale of foreign exchange, approvals of foreign exchange control agencies are required, except as otherwise by the state.第二十一条? 有限责任公司的股东、股份有限公司的董事和控股股东,以及公司的实际控制人为二人以上的,其中一人或者数人按照本规定第十八条和第二十条第一款的规定承担民事责任后,主张其他人员按照过错大小分担责任的,人民法院应依法予以支持。 Article 21 Where the shareholders of a company with limited liabilities, the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company, and the actual controllers of a company are two or more, and one or several of them claim that the others shall share the liabilities based on the degree of their faults after their have assumed civil liabilities provided for in Article 18 and Item 1 of Article 20 hereof, the people’s court shall support the claim.第二十一条 上市公司股东大会就重大资产重组作出的决议,至少应当包括下列事项: Article 21 The decision on the material assets reorganization made by the general meeting of the shareholders of the limited company shall at least include the following:第二十一条 国务院证券监督管理机构撤销证券公司,应当做出撤销决定,并按照规定程序选择律师事务所、会计师事务所等专业机构成立行政清理组,对该证券公司进行行政清理。 Article 21 When securities regulatory authority under the State Council revokes a securities firm, it should make revocation decisions and organize administrative liquidation team by choosing law firm, accounting firm and other professional institutes as prescribed procedure to execute administrative clearance of such securities firm.