

第十八条证券公司应当保障合规总监的独立性,保障合规总监能够充分行使履行职责所必需的知情权和调查权。    Article 18 Securites companies shall ensure independence of compliance director and guarantee compliance director can sufficiently exercise the right of knowing and investigation of necessity in order to perform role and responsibility.
第十八条 经营者如遗失出口许可证,经营者应立即书面报告原发证机构和许可证证面注明的报关口岸海关,并在全国性的综合或经济类报纸上刊登作废声明。    Article 18 In case an operator has lost an export license, it shall immediately report it in written form to the original releasing authority and the customs of the declaration port as shown on the license, and publicize a statement of invalidation in a national newspaper in the general or economic category.
第十八条 经营者如遗失出口许可证,经营者应立即书面报告原发证机构和许可证证面注明的报关口岸海关,并在全国性的综合或经济类报纸上刊登作废声明。    Article 18 In case an operator has lost an export license, it shall immediately report it in written form to the original releasing authority and the customs of the declaration port as shown on the license, and publicize a statement of invalidation in a national newspaper in the general or economic category.
第十八条 公司应采用图、列表或其他有效形式,简要介绍其组织机构,包括公司总部的主要职能部门、分公司、子公司等,应披露分公司和子公司的地址、设立时间、注册资本(或营运资金)、负责人、联系电话等。    Article 18 The Company shall list or other effective forms, give brief introduction to its institutional framework in the form of chart, including the major functional departments of the headquarters of the Company and its branch companies and subsidiary companies, etc., and disclose the address, date of establishment, registered capital (working capital), person in charge and telephone number of each branch company and subsidiary company.
第十八条 区内企业经常项目外汇收入结汇,凭证明交易真实性的有效凭证和商业单据直接到银行办理,资本项目按照境内区外相关规定办理。    Article 18 The foreign exchange income settlement under the current account of the enterprise in the area herein shall be handled to the bank herein by presenting effective credence and business document proving the trueness of the trade, and the capital account shall be handled in accordance with the regulation outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China.
第十八条 国务院循环经济发展综合管理部门会同国务院环境保护等有关主管部门,定期发布鼓励、限制和淘汰的技术、工艺、设备、材料和产品名录。    Article 18 The general administration for promoting circular economy under the State Council shall promulgate the catalogue of technologies, processes, equipment, materials and products that are encouraged or restricted or abandoned by the government.
第十八条 证券公司应当依照《公司法》、《证券法》和本条例的规定,建立健全组织机构,明确决策、执行、监督机构的职权。    Article 18 The securities firm should establish and complete organization structure, and clearly state roles and responsibilities of decision-making, execution or supervision agencies according to the Company Law and the Securities Law.
第十八条 国家对外债实行规模管理。借用外债应当按照国家有关规定办理,并到外汇管理机关办理外债登记。    Article 18 The state carries out the scale administration of foreign loans. Entities or individuals that borrow foreign loans shall observe relevant provisions of the state and go through registration formalities at foreign exchange control agencies.
第十八条 外商投资设立广告企业,可以委托具有相应资格的中介服务代理机构代为办理申报手续。    Article 18 When establishing an advertising enterprise, a foreign investor may entrust a qualified agency to handle the application formalities for it/him.
第十八条? 有关行政主管部门及其工作人员在违法行为记录的提供、收集和公告等工作中有玩忽职守、弄虚作假或者徇私舞弊等行为的,由其所在单位或者上级主管机关予以通报批评,并依纪依法追究直接责任人和有关领导的责任;构成犯罪的,移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任。    Article 18 Where relevant administrative competent departments as well as their staff members have behaviors of neglecting their duties, falsifying, playing favoritism and committing irregularities, their departments or competent agencies of higher level shall circulate notices of criticism on them and investigate responsibilities of direct persons responsible and relevant leaders according to laws and disciplines; those who commit crimes shall be sent to judicial agencies by law to bear criminal responsibilities.
第十八条? 有限责任公司的股东、股份有限公司的董事和控股股东未在法定期限内成立清算组开始清算,导致公司财产贬值、流失、毁损或者灭失,债权人主张其在造成损失范围内对公司债务承担赔偿责任的,人民法院应依法予以支持。    Article 18 Where the shareholders of a company with limited liabilities or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company fail to set up a liquidation group to start liquidation within the statutory time limit, and hence causes depreciation, run-off, damage or loss of properties of the company, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders or the aforesaid directors and controlling shareholders shall assume the liability of compensation for the debts of the company within the scope of losses, the people’s court shall support the claim according to law.
第十八条 中华人民共和国境外的单位或者个人在境内提供应税劳务,在境内未设有经营机构的,以其境内代理人为扣缴义务人;在境内没有代理人的,以购买方为扣缴义务人。    Article 18 Where the units or individuals outside of the People’s Republic of China provide taxable services inside China and have not established business institutions, their agents in China shall be the withholding persons; and where any of such units or individuals has no agent in China, the purchasers shall be withholding person.
第十八条 重大资产重组中相关资产以资产评估结果作为定价依据的,资产评估机构原则上应当采取两种以上评估方法进行评估。    Article 18  Where related assets of the material assets reorganization are priced based on the assets evaluation result, in principle the assets evaluation organs shall adopt at least two evaluation methods for the evaluation.
第十八条 被撤销证券业务许可的证券公司应当停止经营证券业务,按照客户自愿的原则将客户安置到其他证券公司,安置过程中相关各方应当采取必要措施保证客户证券交易的正常进行。    Article 18 The securities firm, whose securities business license is revoked, should cease securities business and settle customers, who are willing to be transferred to other securities firms. During the transferring process, all concerned parties should take necessary measures to ensure normal securities transaction of the customers.
第十九条证券公司应当为合规总监履行职责提供必要的人力、物力、财力和技术支持。    Article 19 Securites companies shall provide man power, property, fund and technical support to compliance director in order to perform his role and responsibility.
第十九条 按本规定报送的全部文件应使用中文表述。    Article 19 All the documents required to submit according to the Provisions shall be in Chinese.
第十九条 从事工艺、设备、产品及包装物设计,应当按照减少资源消耗和废物产生的要求,优先选择采用易回收、易拆解、易降解、无毒无害或者低毒低害的材料和设计方案,并应当符合有关国家标准的强制性要求。    Article 19 Any entity or individual engaging in the design of process, equipment, product and packing material shall, in accordance with the requirements for reducing resource consumption and waste generation, make a prior choose of materials that are easy to recovery, dismounting and degradation and nontoxic and harmless or with low toxic or harm and design plans using the said materials, and shall comply with the mandatory requirements of relevant national standards.
第十九条? 各省、自治区、直辖市发展改革部门可会同有关部门根据本办法制定具体实施办法。    Article 19 Development and Reform Commissions of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government can formulate specific implementing methods with relevant departments according to the Measures.
第十九条 提供对外担保,应当向外汇管理机关提出申请,由外汇管理机关根据申请人的资产负债等情况作出批准或者不批准的决定;    Article 19 Entities or individuals that offer external guarantees shall apply to foreign exchange control agencies and the latter shall make decisions on whether granting an approval or not according to the assets and liabilities of the applicants.
第十九条 公司应简要介绍管理基金的情况,包括管理基金的只数,管理基金的种类,并按类列示所管理基金的名称、基金成立日期、托管银行的名称、托管费率、代销渠道和概况等。    Article 19 The Company shall present a brief introduction to its management funds, including the number and category of the management funds, and list the name, date of establishment, name of the trustee bank, trustee fee, channels for sales on a commission basis and general situation of each fund.
第十九条 证券公司可以设独立董事。证券公司的独立董事,不得在本证券公司担任董事会外的职务,不得与本证券公司存在可能妨碍其做出独立、客观判断的关系。    Article 19 The securities firm can set up independent board directors, who shall not take positions outside of board of the securities firm or have such relationship with the securities firm that hinders his independent and objective judgment.
第十九条 增值税纳税义务发生时间:    Article 19 The time of occurrence of payment obligations of VAT:
第十九条 发证机构在办理出口许可证的更改、延期和遗失手续时,应根据情况在新证备注栏中注明原证证号和“换证”、“延期换证”、“遗失换证”字样。    Article 19 When handling the export license alteration, extension and loss procedures, a releasing authority shall indicate the serial number of the original license and such words as ""replacement"", ""replacement for extension"" or ""replacement for loss"" in the note column of the new license as the case may be.
第十九条 发证机构在办理出口许可证的更改、延期和遗失手续时,应根据情况在新证备注栏中注明原证证号和“换证”、“延期换证”、“遗失换证”字样。    Article 19 When handling the export license alteration, extension and loss procedures, a releasing authority shall indicate the serial number of the original license and such words as ""replacement"", ""replacement for extension"" or ""replacement for loss"" in the note column of the new license as the case may be.
第十九条 “对外付汇进口单位名录”上的区内企业办理异地付汇业务,应当向注册地外汇局申请办理异地进口付汇备案手续。    Article 19 Where the enterprise in the area in the name list of enterprises for foreign exchange payment for export handle payment of foreign exchange in other places, the enterprise herein may apply to the foreign exchange bureau for handling the record procedure of import payment of foreign exchange in other places.
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