第十三条 县级以上地方人民政府应当依据上级人民政府下达的本行政区域主要污染物排放、建设用地和用水总量控制指标,规划和调整本行政区域的产业结构,促进循环经济发展。 Article 13 The people’s governments above county level shall regulate and adjust the industrial structure in their administrative jurisdictions in accordance with control indexes of the discharge of main pollutants, construction land and total water supply volume for their administrative jurisdictions by the people’s government at a higher level to facilitate circular economy.第十三条 出口许可证有效期不得超过6个月,逾期自行失效。需要跨年度使用时,有效期的截止日期不得超过次年2月底。 Article 13 The validity term of an export license shall be not more than six months, and an export license shall be automatically invalidated at the expiration of such a time limit. If an export license is used beyond the year, the expiration date of the validity of the export license shall be not in excess of the end of February next year.第十三条 出口许可证有效期不得超过6个月,逾期自行失效。需要跨年度使用时,有效期的截止日期不得超过次年2月底。 Article 13 The validity term of an export license shall be not more than six months, and an export license shall be automatically invalidated at the expiration of such a time limit. If an export license is used beyond the year, the expiration date of the validity of the export license shall be not in excess of the end of February next year.第十三条? 债权人在规定的期限内未申报债权,在公司清算程序终结前补充申报的,清算组应予登记。 Article 13 Where a creditor fails to declare the creditor’s rights within the prescribed time limit but makes up the declaration before the company liquidation procedure is concluded, the liquidation group shall make registration.第十三条 纳税人实行核定应税所得率方式的,按下列规定申报纳税: Article 13Taxpayers, who is subject to verification of taxable income rate, should observe the following prescription for tax declaration:第十三条 本办法第二条所称通过其他方式进行资产交易,包括: Article 13 Assets transaction of other forms stated in Article 2 of the Measures include:第十三条 证券公司进行行政重组,可以采取注资、股权重组、债务重组、资产重组、合并或者其他方式。 Article 13 A securities firm can proceed administrative restructuring by adopting capital injection, equity restructuring, liability restructuring, assets restructuring, acquisition or other approaches.第十四条合规总监发现公司存在违法违规行为或合规风险隐患的,应当及时向公司章程规定的内部机构报告,同时向公司住所地证监局报告;有关行为违反行业规范和自律规则的,还应当向有关自律组织报告。 Article 14 If compliance director finds violation behavior of law or regulation or compliance risk in the company, he shall report to internal institute prescribed in company rule as well as local securities regulatory bureau in time; if such behavior violates industrial standard and self discipline rule, report shall also be sent to related self discipline organization.第十四条 任何单位或者个人有下列情形之一的,应当事先告知证券公司,由证券公司报国务院证券监督管理机构批准: Article 14 Any unit or individual in any of the following circumstances shall inform the securities firm in advance and the securities firm shall apply to the securities regulatory agency under the State Council for approval:?第十四条 申请设立外资广告企业,由投资者按第七条规定的程序,向国家工商行政管理总局或其授权的省级工商行政管理局报送下列文件: Article 14 Applying for the establishment of a wholly foreign-invested advertising enterprise, the investor shall submit the following documents to the SAIC or its authorized administration for industry and commerce at provincial level according to the procedures as provided for in Article 7:第十四条 纳税人进口货物,按照组成计税价格和本条例第二条规定的税率计算应纳税额。组成计税价格和应纳税额计算公式: Article 14 For taxpayers importing goods, tax payable shall be computed on the basis of the composite assessable price and the tax rates prescribed in Article 2 of the Regulations. The formulas for computing the composite assessable price and the tax payable are as follows:第十四条 区内企业向境内区外支付货款,有下列形式之一的,应持以下有效凭证和商业单据到银行办理。 Article 14 Should such enterprises in the area herein pay to the enterprise outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China has one of the following circumstances, the enterprises herein shall handle the procedure by presenting the following effective credence and business documents to the bank.第十四条 公司应在年度报告显要位置作出如下重要提示: Article 14 The Company shall make important notes at an eye-catching place of the annual report as follows:第十四条 经常项目外汇支出,应当按照国务院外汇管理部门关于付汇与购汇的管理规定,凭有效单证以自有外汇支付或者向经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构购汇支付。 Article 14 The foreign exchange disbursements under current accounts shall be, against valid documents, paid with self-owned foreign exchange or foreign exchange brought from financial institutions engaged in the settlement and sale of foreign exchange in accordance with provisions on the administration of the sale and purchase of foreign exchange by the administration of foreign exchange under the State Council.第十四条 国务院循环经济发展综合管理部门会同国务院统计、环境保护等有关主管部门建立和完善循环经济评价指标体系。 Article 14 The general administration for promoting circular economy under the State Council shall establish and improve the assessment index system for circular economy with other relevant departments for statistics and environmental protection under the State Council.第十四条 消费税的纳税期限分别为1日、3日、5日、10日、15日、1个月或者1个季度。纳税人的具体纳税期限,由主管税务机关根据纳税人应纳税额的大小分别核定;不能按照固定期限纳税的,可以按次纳税。 Article 14 The payment period of consumption tax shall be one day, three days, five days, ten days, fifteen days, one month or one quarter. The actual payment period of a taxpayer shall be determined by the competent tax authorities according to the amount of the tax payable of the taxpayer; and tax that cannot be paid in regular periods may be paid on transaction basis.第十四条 营业税纳税地点: Article 14 The places for payment of business tax are as follows:第十四条 出口许可证一经签发,任何单位和个人不得擅自更改证面内容。因故需要更改、延期时,发证机构应受理经营者在出口许可证有效期内提出的申请。 Article 14 Upon the release of an export license, no entity or individual shall alter any content of the license. In the case of any alteration or extension of an export license for any reason, the releasing authority shall accept an application filed by an operator within the validity term of the export license.第十四条 出口许可证一经签发,任何单位和个人不得擅自更改证面内容。因故需要更改、延期时,发证机构应受理经营者在出口许可证有效期内提出的申请。 Article 14 Upon the release of an export license, no entity or individual shall alter any content of the license. In the case of any alteration or extension of an export license for any reason, the releasing authority shall accept an application filed by an operator within the validity term of the export license.第十四条? 债权人补充申报的债权,可以在公司尚未分配财产中依法清偿。公司尚未分配财产不能全额清偿,债权人主张股东以其在剩余财产分配中已经取得的财产予以清偿的,人民法院应予支持;但债权人因重大过错未在规定期限内申报债权的除外。 Article 14 Where creditors make up declarations of creditor’s rights, they may get compensation from the undistributed properties of the company. Where the undistributed properties of the company are not enough for compensation in full amount and the creditors claim that the shareholders shall make compensation by their properties obtained from the residual properties, the people’s court shall support the claim; unless the creditors fail to declare the creditor’s rights within the prescribed time limit due to major faults.第十四条? 原行政处理决定被依法变更或撤销的,公告部门应当及时对公告记录予以变更或撤销,并在公告平台上予以声明。 Article 14 Where the original administrative punishment decisions are altered or cancelled by law, the announcing departments shall alter or cancel the announcements in a timely manner and make a declaration in announcement platforms.第十四条 纳税人实行核定应纳所得税额方式的,按下列规定申报纳税: Article 14 Taxpayers, who is subject to verification of payable income tax amount, should observe the following prescription for tax declaration:第十四条 上市公司与交易对方就重大资产重组事宜进行初步磋商时,应当立即采取必要且充分的保密措施,制定严格有效的保密制度,限定相关敏感信息的知悉范围。 Article 14 When the listed company conducts initial discussions with the dealing party on the material assets reorganization, it shall immediately take necessary and sufficient confidentiality measures, formulate strict and effective confidentiality system, and restrict distribution scope of relevant sensitive information.第十四条 国务院证券监督管理机构对证券公司做出责令停业整顿、托管、接管、行政重组的处置决定,应当予以公告,并将公告张贴于被处置证券公司的营业场所。 Article 14 Execution decisions made by securities regulatory authority under the Sate Council ordering the securities firm to close business, be held custody, be taken over and engage in administrative restructuring should be publicized and its announcement should be pasted in business [] of such securities firm.第十五条法律、法规和准则发生变动,合规总监应当及时建议公司董事会或高级管理人员并督导公司有关部门,评估其对公司合规管理的影响,修改、完善有关管理制度和业务流程。 Article 15 If law, regulation and rule are changed, compliance director shall suggest board of director or senior management to supervise related company department in a timely manner, evaluate impact to company compliance management, and modify and complete related management system and business procedure.