

第十六条 国家对钢铁、有色金属、煤炭、电力、石油加工、化工、建材、建筑、造纸、印染等行业年综合能源消费量、用水量超过国家规定总量的重点企业,实行能耗、水耗的重点监督管理制度。    Article 16 The State shall implement an administration and supervision system regarding energy and water consumptions concentrating on enterprises in industries including steel, non-ferrous metals, coal, power, oil processing, chemical, building materials, construction, paper-making, printing and dyeing etc., whose general energy and water consumption volumes exceed the total volumes provided by the State per year.
第十六条 对未使用的出口许可证,发证机构在办理更改或延期时,在出口许可证发证系统(以下简称发证系统)中删除原证,换发新证。    Article 16 When handling the alteration or extension of an export license that has never been used, a releasing authority shall delete the original license in the export license release system (hereinafter referred to as the release system), and issue a new license instead.
第十六条 对未使用的出口许可证,发证机构在办理更改或延期时,在出口许可证发证系统(以下简称发证系统)中删除原证,换发新证。    Article 16 When handling the alteration or extension of an export license that has never been used, a releasing authority shall delete the original license in the export license release system (hereinafter referred to as the release system), and issue a new license instead.
第十六条 申请设立分支机构的外商投资广告企业,按第八条规定的程序向省级商务主管部门及同级工商行政管理局提交以下文件:    Article 16 Where a foreign-invested advertising enterprise files an application for establishing a branch, it shall submit the following documents to the administration of commerce at provincial level and the administration for industry and commerce at the same level:
第十六条? 人民法院组织清算的,清算组应当自成立之日起六个月内清算完毕。    Article 16 Where liquidation is organized by the people’s court, the liquidation group shall conclude the liquidation within 6 months after its formation.
第十六条 上市公司及交易对方与证券服务机构签订聘用合同后,非因正当事由不得更换证券服务机构。    Article 16  After the listed company signs the contract with the securities service organ, it shall not change the securities service organ without a legitimate reason.
第十六条 各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市国家税务局、地方税务局,根据本办法的规定联合制定具体实施办法,并报国家税务总局备案。    Article 16  Offices of the State Administration of Taxation and Local Taxation Bureau in each province, autonomous region, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning should jointly formulate concrete implementation method based on these Measures and submit it to the State Administration of Taxation for filing. 
第十六条 证券公司经停业整顿、托管、接管或者行政重组在规定期限内达到正常经营条件的,经国务院证券监督管理机构批准,可以恢复正常经营。    Article 16 If the security company meets normal business operation conditions during rectification, custody, takeover or administrative restructuring period, it can resume normal business after approval of securities regulatory authority under the State Council.
第十七条合规总监应当将出具的合规审查意见、提供的合规咨询意见、签署的公司文件、合规检查工作底稿等与履行职责有关的文件、资料存档备查,并对履行职责的情况作出记录。    Article 17 Compliance director shall archive the issued compliance audit suggestion, provided compliance consultation suggestion, signed company document,working paper of compliance inspection, and other documents or materials that are related to performance of role and responsibility, and keep record of such performance.
第十七条 外商投资广告企业设立后,如出现下列情况之一的,应按本规定第六条、第七条规定的程序另行报批,并办理企业变更登记:    Article 17 After established, a foreign-invested advertising enterprise shall, in any of the following circumstances, report for approval separately and alter the registration of the enterprise according to the procedures as provided for in Articles 6 and 7:
第十七条 区内企业之间的交易,应当持《登记证》、合同或协议、发票等证明交易合法、真实的有效凭证和商业单据,以人民币或者以自有外汇支付,不得购汇支付。    Article 17 As for the trade between the enterprises in the area herein, the enterprises shall present such effective credence and business document proving the lawfulness and trueness of the trade as the Registration Certificate, contract or agreement, and invoice and pay by RMB or self-owned foreign currency, may not pay by purchase of foreign exchange.
第十七条 境内机构、境内个人向境外直接投资或者从事境外有价证券、衍生产品发行、交易,应当按照国务院外汇管理部门的规定办理登记。    Article 17 Domestic organs and individuals that engaged in overseas direct investment or the issuance and transaction of securities and derivatives abroad shall go through registration formalities in accordance with provisions of the administration of foreign exchange under the State Council.
第十七条 公司应简介其历史沿革,主要包括以前年度经历的改制重组、增资扩股等情况。    Article 17 The Company shall present a brief introduction to its history, mainly including the previous restructuring, capital and share increase, etc.
第十七条? 公告的招标投标违法行为记录应当作为招标代理机构资格认定,依法必须招标项目资质审查、招标代理机构选择、中标人推荐和确定、评标委员会成员确定和评标专家考核等活动的重要参考。    Article 17 The records of illegal behaviors in tendering and bidding that are announced shall be used as an important reference for activities including the qualification certification of bidding agencies, the qualification inspection of the bidding projects that shall be invited bid, the choose of bidding agencies, the recommendation and confirmation of bidders who win bids, the confirmation of members of bidding evaluation committees and the assessment of experts on bidding evaluation.
第十七条 本条例自2009年1月1日起施行。    Article 17 The Regulations shall enter into force on January 1, 2009.
第十七条 本条例自2009年1月1日起施行。    Article 17 The regulations shall enter into force on January 1, 2009.
第十七条 国家建立健全循环经济统计制度,加强资源消耗、综合利用和废物产生的统计管理,并将主要统计指标定期向社会公布。    Article 17 The State shall establish a sound circular economy statistics system, strengthen statistical administration of resource consumption, comprehensive utilization and waste generation, and disclose major statistical indicators to the public regularly.
第十七条 对已部分使用的出口许可证,发证机构在办理更改或延期时,应核对出口许可证第一联背面的海关验放签注栏中的验讫数据和海关反馈的清关数据,在发证系统中核销已使用数量,按所余数量换发新证。    Article 17 When handling the alteration or extension of an export license that has been partially used, a releasing authority shall verify the inspection data and customs clearance data filled out by the customs in the customs inspection and release notes column on the first page of the export license, write off the used quantity in the release system, and issue a new license in light of the residual quantity.
第十七条 对已部分使用的出口许可证,发证机构在办理更改或延期时,应核对出口许可证第一联背面的海关验放签注栏中的验讫数据和海关反馈的清关数据,在发证系统中核销已使用数量,按所余数量换发新证。    Article 17 When handling the alteration or extension of an export license that has been partially used, a releasing authority shall verify the inspection data and customs clearance data filled out by the customs in the customs inspection and release notes column on the first page of the export license, write off the used quantity in the release system, and issue a new license in light of the residual quantity.
第十七条? 人民法院指定的清算组在清理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财产清单时,发现公司财产不足清偿债务的,可以与债权人协商制作有关债务清偿方案。    Article 17 Where the liquidation group designated by the people’s court finds out the properties of the company cannot pay off debts totally when liquidating properties of the company and formulating the balance sheet and assets lists, it may work out a relevant debt repayment scheme with creditors upon negotiation.
第十七条 公司登记机关应当依照法律、行政法规的规定,凭国务院证券监督管理机构的批准文件,办理证券公司及其境内分支机构的设立、变更、注销登记。    Article 17 With approval document of the securities regulatory agency under the State Council, the corporate registration agency should handle setting up, changing and deregistration of the securities firm as well as its branch according to law.
第十七条 纳税人销售额未达到国务院财政、税务主管部门规定的增值税起征点的,免征增值税;达到起征点的,依照本条例规定全额计算缴纳增值税。    Article 17? For the taxpayers whose sale amounts have not reached the minimum VAT threshold stipulated by the competent financial and tax authorities under the State Council, the VAT shall be exempt, and otherwise, VAT shall be fully computed and paid according to the provisions of the Regulations.
第十七条 上市公司购买资产的,应当提供拟购买资产的盈利预测报告。    Article 17  Where the listed company purchases assets, it shall provide a profit forecast of the assets to be purchased.
第十七条 证券公司经停业整顿、托管、接管或者行政重组在规定期限内仍达不到正常经营条件,但能够清偿到期债务的,国务院证券监督管理机构依法撤销其证券业务许可。    Article 17 If the securities firm still cannot meet normal business operation conditions during rectification, custody, takeover or administrative restructuring period, but can pay back due debt, the securities regulatory authority under the State Council can revoke its securities business license based on the law.
第十七条 本办法自2008年1月1日起执行。《国家税务总局关于印发〈核定征收企业所得税暂行办法〉的通知》(国税发〔2000〕38号)同时废止。    Article 17 These Measures take effect on Jan.1, 2008. Meanwhile, Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Printing and Distributing the Interim Measures for Verification Collection of Enterprise Income Tax (No. 38 [2000] of the State Administration of Taxation) is abolished.
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