第四十三条 公司应披露报告期开展的新业务,开设或关闭的直销机构、新设或取消的职能部门、分公司以及关闭处置情况,重大的资产处置、置换、剥离等情况,以及这些活动所采用的基本的会计处理原则和对本期业绩的影响。 Article 43 During the reporting period, the Company shall make disclosure of the new business initiated during the reporting period, the direct selling institutions set up or closed, the functional departments newly set up or cancelled during the period,the information about closure and disposal of branch companies during the period, information about the important disposal, replacement and peeling-off of assets as well as the basic accounting treatment principles adopted and the impacts of such activities on the business performance of the Company during the reporting period.第四十三条 证券公司从事证券自营业务,不得有下列行为: Article 43 The securities firm shall not have the following behavior while being engaged in self-run securities business:第四十三条 国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府及其有关部门应当将循环经济重大科技攻关项目的自主创新研究、应用示范和产业化发展列入国家或者省级科技发展规划和高技术产业发展规划,并安排财政性资金予以支持。 Article 43 The State Council and the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as their relevant departments shall incorporate the independent innovation research, application demonstration and industrialization of key sci-tech projects on circular economy in national or provincial sci-tech development plans and high-tech industrial development plans, and appropriate certain fiscal capital for support.第四十三条 有擅自对外借款、在境外发行债券或者提供对外担保等违反外债管理行为的,由外汇管理机关给予警告,处违法金额30%以下的罚款。 Article 43 Where any entity or individual has acts including borrowing of foreign loans, issuance of bonds or providence of external guarantees without approval in violation of provisions on foreign loan control, foreign exchange control agencies shall give a warning and impose a fine of less than 30% of the illegal funds.第四十三条 特定对象以资产认购而取得的上市公司股份,自股份发行结束之日起12个月内不得转让;属于下列情形之一的,36个月内不得转让: Article 43 Shares of the listed company purchased by specified parties with assets cannot be transferred within 12 months from the day of the completion of the issuance; if one of the following situations applies, they cannot be transferred within 36 months:第四十三条 自债权人会议各表决组通过重整计划草案之日起10日内,证券公司或者管理人应当向人民法院提出批准重整计划的申请。 Article 43 10 days since each voting team of creditor's meeting passed draft reorganization plan, the securities firm or manager should raise application to the people's court for approval of such reorganization plan.第四十四条 证券公司从事证券自营业务,自营证券总值与公司净资本的比例、持有一种证券的价值与公司净资本的比例、持有一种证券的数量与该证券发行总量的比例等风险控制指标,应当符合国务院证券监督管理机构的规定。 Article 44 If a securities firm is engaged in self-run securities business, its risk controlling indicators such as ratio of total securities value and company net capital, ratio of value of one type of securities and net corporate capital, and ratio of quantity of one type of securities and total issuing quantity of this type of securities should comply with prescription of the securities regulatory agency under the State Council.第四十四条 公司应对报告期内营业费用前五大主要费用项目以及与上期比较变化较大(增减率在50%以上)的项目进行分析,并说明比较上一报告期增减变动的原因。 Article 44 The Company shall analyze the top five business expense items during the reporting period as well as items with relative large changes (for percentage increase or decrease over 50%) as compared with the items of the last period, and specify reasons for such changes.第四十四条 国家对促进循环经济发展的产业活动给予税收优惠,并运用税收等措施鼓励进口先进的节能、节水、节材等技术、设备和产品,限制在生产过程中耗能高、污染重的产品的出口。具体办法由国务院财政、税务主管部门制定。 Article 44 The State shall give tax preferences for industrial activities conductive to promoting circular economy, and make use of measures including tax to encourage the import of technologies, equipment and products that may save energy, water and materials, and restrict the export of products which have high energy consumption and heavy pollution in production. Specific measures shall be formulated by the financial and tax departments under the State Council.第四十四条 违反规定,擅自改变外汇或者结汇资金用途的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,没收违法所得,处违法金额30%以下的罚款;情节严重的,处违法金额30%以上等值以下的罚款。 Article 44 Where any entity or individual violates provisions to change the purposes of foreign exchange or foreign exchange settlement funds without approval, foreign exchange agencies shall order it/him to make corrections, confiscate illegal proceeds and impose a fine of less than 30% of the illegal funds. Under any serious circumstances, a fine of more than 30% up to the same amount of the illegal funds shall be imposed.第四十四条 上市公司申请发行股份购买资产,应当提交并购重组委审核。 Article 44 The listed company’s application for issuing shares to purchase assets shall be submitted to the Review Committee of Merger, Acquisition and Reorganization for examination and verification.第四十四条 债权人会议部分表决组未通过重整计划草案,但重整计划草案符合《企业破产法》第八十七条第二款规定条件的,证券公司或者管理人可以申请人民法院批准重整计划草案。 Article 44 If voting team of creditor's meeting did not pass draft reorganization plan but the draft complies with prescription of Article 87.2 of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, the securities firm or manager can apply to people's court for approval of such draft reorganization plan.第四十五条 证券公司可以依照《证券法》和本条例的规定,从事接受客户的委托、使用客户资产进行投资的证券资产管理业务。 Article 45 A securities firm can be engaged in securities assets management business by accepting customer’s entrustment or using customer’s assets according to the Securities Law and this Regulation.第四十五条 公司应对报告期内资产负债的流动性状况进行分析,包括主要的融资渠道、长短期负债结构以及为维持流动性水平所采取的措施和相关的管理政策,以及融资能力、或有事项及其对财务状况的影响。 Article 45 The Company shall analyze the fluidity situation of assets and liabilities during the reporting period, including its major financing channels, short-term and long-term liability composition, measures taken for maintaining the fluidity level and corresponding management policies and financing ability, contingent issues and their impact on the financial status of the Company.第四十五条 县级以上人民政府循环经济发展综合管理部门在制定和实施投资计划时,应当将节能、节水、节地、节材、资源综合利用等项目列为重点投资领域。 Article 45 When formulating and implementing investment plans, general administrations for promoting circular economy under the people’s governments above county level shall rank the projects that may save energy, water, land and materials and use resources comprehensively as the major investment area.第四十五条 私自买卖外汇、变相买卖外汇、倒买倒卖外汇或者非法介绍买卖外汇数额较大的,由外汇管理机关给予警告,没收违法所得,处违法金额30%以下的罚款;情节严重的,处违法金额30%以上等值以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 45 Where any entity or individual makes unapproved, disguised or speculative transactions of foreign exchange, or illegally introduces others to make foreign exchange transactions where the amount of foreign exchange is large, foreign exchange control agencies shall give a warning, confiscate illegal proceeds and impose a fine of less than 30% of the illegal funds. Under any serious circumstances, a fine of more than 30% up to the same amount of the illegal funds shall be imposed. Where any crime is constituted, criminal responsibilities shall be investigated.第四十五条 上市公司发行股份购买资产导致特定对象持有或者控制的股份达到法定比例的,应当按照《上市公司收购管理办法》(证监会令第35号)的规定履行相关义务。 Article 45 If the listed company’s purchase of assets through issuing shares causes the specified parties to hold or control shares that reach the legal percentage, relevant obligations should be performed according to the Measures on Administration of the Acquisition of Listed Companies (Order of the CSRC No.35).第四十五条 经批准的重整计划由证券公司执行,管理人负责监督。 Article 45 The approved reorganization plan should be executed by the securities firm and supervised by the manager.第四十六条 证券公司从事证券资产管理业务,不得有下列行为: Article 46 A securities firm engaged in securities assets management business shall not have the following act:第四十六条 公司应分析本年度现金流,包括经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动产生的现金流量及主要影响因素。 Article 46 The Company shall analyze the cash flow of the current year, including the cash flow from operating activities, investment activities and fund-raising activities and the major influencing factors.第四十六条 国家实行有利于资源节约和合理利用的价格政策,引导单位和个人节约和合理使用水、电、气等资源性产品。 Article 46 The State shall implements a price policy conductive to resource conservation and reasonable use, guiding entities and individuals to save and reasonably use water, power, gas and other resource products.第四十六条 未经批准擅自经营结汇、售汇业务的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,有违法所得的,没收违法所得,违法所得50万元以上的,并处违法所得1倍以上5倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得或者违法所得不足50万元的,处50万元以上200万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由有关主管部门责令停业整顿或者吊销业务许可证;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 46 Where any entity or individual engages in the settlement and sale businesses of foreign exchange without approval, foreign exchange control agencies shall order it/him to make corrections and confiscate illegal proceeds, if any. Where the illegal proceeds are over RMB500,000, a fine of 1-5 times of the illegal proceeds shall be imposed; where there is no illegal proceeds or the illegal proceeds are less than RMB500,000, a fine of RMB500,000 up to RMB2m shall be imposed; under any serious circumstances, relevant competent departments shall order it/him to stop the business for internal rectification or revoke its/his business license. Where any crime is constituted, criminal responsibilities shall be investigated.第四十六条 中国证监会核准上市公司发行股份购买资产的申请后,上市公司应当及时实施。 Article 46 After the CSRC’s approval of the listed company’s application for the purchase of assets through issuing shares, the listed company shall start execution in a timely manner.第四十六条 重整计划的相关事项未获国务院证券监督管理机构批准,或者重整计划未获人民法院批准的,人民法院裁定终止重整程序,并宣告证券公司破产。 Article 46 If related issues of the reorganization plan is neither approved by securities regulatory authority under the State Council nor by the people's court, the people's court will terminate reorganization procedure and announce bankruptcy of the securities firm.第四十七条 证券公司使用多个客户的资产进行集合投资,或者使用客户资产专项投资于特定目标产品的,应当符合国务院证券监督管理机构的有关规定,并报国务院证券监督管理机构批准。 Article 47 If a securities firm is engaged in collective investment by using assets of multiple customers or specially invests customer’s assets into particular target products, it should comply with related prescription of the securities regulatory agency under the State Council and report to the securities regulatory agency under the State Council for approval.