第五条 国家对经常性国际支付和转移不予限制。 Article 5 Regular international payments and transfers are not restricted by the state.第五条 区内企业遗失《登记证》,应当自知道遗失之日起5日内登报发表遗失声明,并在登报声明后5个工作日内向注册地外汇局报告,注册地外汇局凭遗失声明给予补发。 Article 5 Such enterprises in the area herein as have lost its Registration Certificate shall publish the announcement of lost within five days after having known the lost, and shall, within five days after having published the announcement of lost in the newspaper, report it to the registered foreign exchange bureau which shall reissue the Registration Certificate on the merit of the announcement of lost herein.第五条? 招标投标违法行为记录公告不得公开涉及国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私的记录。但是,经权利人同意公开或者行政机关认为不公开可能对公共利益造成重大影响的涉及商业秘密、个人隐私的违法行为记录,可以公开。 Article 5 The announcement of records of illegal behaviors in tendering and bidding shall not involve records of state secrets, business secretes and personal privacies publicly. However, records of illegal behaviors involved business secrets and personal privacies which are agreed to be disclosed by holders of rights or deemed by administrative agencies that they may have major impact on public interests if not be disclosed, can be made public.第五条 公司的基本情况应简介企业注册地、组织形式和总部地址,企业的业务性质和主要经营活动,母公司以及集团最终母公司的名称,财务报告的批准报出者和财务报告批准报出日。 Article 5 The basic information of the Company shall include the place of registration and form of organization of the Company, the address of the headquarters, the nature of business, the major business operation activities, the name of the parent company and the ultimate parent company of the group, the person approving the disclosure of financial statements and the date of approval.第五条 公司年度报告中的财务报告必须经具有证券期货相关业务资格的会计师事务所审计。 Article 5 The financial statement included in the annual report of the Company must be audited by an accounting firm qualified for operating the related securities and futures business.第五条 国务院循环经济发展综合管理部门负责组织协调、监督管理全国循环经济发展工作;国务院环境保护等有关主管部门按照各自的职责负责有关循环经济的监督管理工作。 Article 5 The general administration for promoting circular economy under the State Council shall be responsible for organizing, coordinating and regulating national circular economy promotion works; relevant departments for environmental protection under the State Council shall be responsible for regulation works concerning circular economy according to their functions respectively.第五条? 人民法院审理解散公司诉讼案件,应当注重调解。当事人协商同意由公司或者股东收购股份,或者以减资等方式使公司存续,且不违反法律、行政法规强制性规定的,人民法院应予支持。当事人不能协商一致使公司存续的,人民法院应当及时判决。 Article 5 The people’s court shall attach priority to meditation when hearing a lawsuit over company dissolution. Where persons concerned agree upon negotiation to continue the company by way of allowing the company or some shareholders to purchase their shares, or capital reduction, provided no mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations are violated, the people’s court shall give support. Where parsons concerned cannot reach consensus to continue the company, the people’s court shall render a judgment in a timely manner.第五条 纳税人的营业额为纳税人提供应税劳务、转让无形资产或者销售不动产收取的全部价款和价外费用。但是,下列情形除外: Article 5 The turnover of a taxpayer shall be the total price and all other expenses receivable from the provision of taxable services, transfer of intangible assets or sales of real estates by the taxpayer, except for the following circumstances:第五条 经营者申请出口许可证须提交以下材料: Article 5 While applying for an export license, an operator shall submit the materials as follows:第五条 经营者申请出口许可证须提交以下材料: Article 5 While applying for an export license, an operator shall submit the materials as follows:第五十条 证券公司从事融资融券业务,应当与客户签订融资融券合同,并按照国务院证券监督管理机构的规定,以证券公司的名义在证券登记结算机构开立客户证券担保账户,在指定商业银行开立客户资金担保账户。 Article 50 A securities firm that carries out securities lending and borrowing business shall sign a securities lending and borrowing contract with the customer, and shall open a customer securities guarantee account with the securities registration and settlement organs, and a customer funds guarantee account with the designated commercial bank in the name of the securities firm in accordance with the provisions of the securities regulatory agency under the State Council.第五十条 应概要披露公司治理结构的现状、拟改进的方面和相关措施等。 Article 50 The Company shall present brief disclosure of the status quo of its governance structure, aspects to be improved and corresponding measures, etc.第五十条 生产、销售列入淘汰名录的产品、设备的,依照《中华人民共和国产品质量法》的规定处罚。 Article 50 Where any entity or individual produces and sells any product or equipment under the catalogue of abandonment, it/he shall be punished according to the provisions of the Product Quality Law of the People’s Republic of China.第五十条 外汇管理机关工作人员徇私舞弊、滥用职权、玩忽职守,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予处分。 Article 50 Where any staff member of foreign exchange control agencies pursues private benefits at the public cost, abuses his power or neglects his duties, if any crime is constituted, criminal responsibilities shall be investigated according to law; otherwise, administrative sanctions shall be given according to law.第五十条 上市公司或者其他信息披露义务人未按照本办法规定报送重大资产重组有关报告,或者报送的报告有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏的,责令改正,依照《证券法》第一百九十三条予以处罚;情节严重的,责令停止重组活动,并可以对有关责任人员采取市场禁入的措施。 Article 50 Where the listed company or other personnel with information disclosure obligation fail to submit relevant reports of the material assets reorganization according to the provisions of the Measures, or there are falsified description, misleading statements or major omissions in the reports submitted, correction is demanded, and a penalty shall be imposed according to Article 193 of the Securities Law; if the circumstances are serious, the reorganization activities shall be ordered to stop and relevant measures for banning the entry into the securities market against the relevant liable persons can be adopted.第五十条 国务院证券监督管理机构依照本条例第二章、第三章对证券公司进行处置的,可以向人民法院提出申请中止以该证券公司以及其分支机构为被告、第三人或者被执行人的民事诉讼程序或者执行程序。 Article 50 Securities regulatory authority under the State Council that manages based on chapter two and chapter three of this regulation can apply to people's court for ceasing the civil procedure or execution procedure of defendant, the third party or executed person involving the securities firm as well as its branch.第五十一条 证券公司向客户融资,应当使用自有资金或者依法筹集的资金;向客户融券,应当使用自有证券或者依法取得处分权的证券。 Article 51 A securities firm shall use its own funds or funds that have been raised according to the law when lending funds to the customer; it shall use its own securities or securities whose right of disposal has been legally obtained by it when lending securities to the customer.第五十一条 当事人对外汇管理机关作出的具体行政行为不服的,可以依法申请行政复议;对行政复议决定仍不服的,可以依法向人民法院提起行政诉讼。 Article 51 Any party concerned may appeal for administrative reconsideration according to law if he does not accept the specific administrative sanctions made by foreign exchange control agencies. He may appeal to the people’s court if he does not accept the decision of administrative reconsideration.第五十一条 违反本法规定,对在拆解或者处置过程中可能造成环境污染的电器电子等产品,设计使用列入国家禁止使用名录的有毒有害物质的,由县级以上地方人民政府产品质量监督部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处二万元以上二十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由县级以上地方人民政府产品质量监督部门向本级工商行政管理部门通报有关情况,由工商行政管理部门依法吊销营业执照。 Article 51 Where any entity or individual violates the provisions herein to use any toxic and harmful substance under the catalogue in which the use is prohibited by the State in their electric and electronic products which may pollute environment in their dismantlement or disposal, the product quality supervision department under the people’s government above county level shall order it/him to make corrections within a time limit; if it/he does not make any correction within the time limit, a fine of RMB20, 000 up to RMB200, 000 shall be imposed; under any serious circumstance, the product quality supervision department under the people’s government above county level shall report the situation to the administration for industry and commence at the same level and the latter shall revoke its/his business license.第五十一条 公司财务报告被会计师事务所出具有解释性说明、保留意见、无法表示意见或否定意见的审计报告的,应就相关事项作出详细说明,独立董事、监事会对此说明有不同意见的,还应披露其不同意见。 Article 51 Where, for the financial statement of the Company, the accounting firm issues an auditing report with explanatory statements, reserved opinions, inexpressible opinions or negative opinions, the Company shall give detailed explanations on related issues and make disclosure of the dissents, if any, of independent directors or the board of supervisors.第五十一条 上市公司或者其他信息披露义务人未按照规定披露重大资产重组信息,或者所披露的信息存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏的,责令改正,依照《证券法》第一百九十三条规定予以处罚;情节严重的,责令停止重组活动,并可以对有关责任人员采取市场禁入的措施;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关追究刑事责任。 Article 51 Where the listed company or other personnel with information disclosure obligation fail to disclose information of the material assets reorganization according to relevant provision, or there are falsified description, misleading statements or major omissions in the information disclosed, correction is demanded, and a penalty shall be imposed according to Article 193 of the Securities Law; if the circumstances are serious, the reorganization activities shall be ordered to stop and relevant measures for banning the entry into the securities market against the relevant liable persons can be adopted; where a crime is suspected, the offender shall be handed over to the judicial organs where he shall be pursued for criminal liability according to the law.第五十一条 被处置证券公司或者其关联客户可能转移、隐匿违法资金、证券,或者证券公司违反本条例规定可能对债务进行个别清偿的,国务院证券监督管理机构可以禁止相关资金账户、证券账户的资金和证券转出。 Article 51 If the handled securities firm or its related customer can transfer or keep secret of the illegal capital, securities or the securities firm violates prescription of individual debt liquidity in this regulation, the securities regulatory authority under the State Council can prohibit outbound transferring of related fund and securities from capital account and securities account.第五十二条 本条例下列用语的含义: Article 52 Definitions of the terms in the provisions hereof are as follows:第五十二条 报告期股东会或股东大会、监事会会议情况简介。 Article 52 The Company shall make disclosure of the situation of the (general) meeting of shareholders and the meeting of the board of supervisors during the reporting period.第五十二条 证券公司向客户融资融券时,客户应当交存一定比例的保证金。保证金可以用证券充抵。 Article 52 When a securities firm lends funds or securities to the customer, the customer shall give a certain percentage of deposit. Securities can be used as the deposit.