同中国政府订有签证协议国家的人员,按有关协议执行。 Persons from countries that have agreements on visa fees with the Chinese Government shall act in accordance with the pertinent agreements被提出罢免的人员有权在主席团会议或者大会全体会议上提出申辩意见,或者书面提出申辩意见。在主席团会议上提出的申辩意见或者书面提出的申辩意见,由主席团印发会议。 Persons proposed to be removed from office shall have the right to defend themselves at a meeting of the presidium or at the plenary meeting of a session, or to submit their written defence. The defence made at the meeting of the presidium or the written defence shall be printed and distributed to participants of the session by the presidium.不属上述情况者,口岸签证机关不得受理其签证申请。 Port visa agencies shall not handle visa applications of aliens who do not come under the above-listed categories.国家新闻出版署(国家版权局) Press and Publication Administration of China (State Copyright Bureau)特种行业和公共场所单位的专职安全保卫人员、登记员、贵重物品保管员等特殊岗位的从业人员以及按摩和客房服务部门的负责人,应当接受有关法律、法规和治安业务的培训,并经公安部门考核合格,持证上岗。 Professional security personnel, registration assistants, valuable objects storekeepers and managers in charge of massage and room services shall be trained with the relevant laws, regulations and public security practices and shall not go to work before passing the examination of public bureau and possessing the corresponding license.公、检、法、工商部门的行政性收费项目和标准,必须严格按照党中央、国务院的有关规定执行, Projects and standards for administrative charges in judicial organs and administrative departments for industry and commerce must be determined in strict accordance with relevant provisions stipulated by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于县级以下人民代表大会代表直接选举的若干规定 PROVISIONS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS FOR THE DIRECT ELECTION OF DEPUTIES TO PEOPLE'S CONGRESSES AT OR BELOW THE COUNTY LEVEL本法公布前制定的法规和规章关于行政处罚的规定与本法不符合的,应当自本法公布之日起,依照本法规定予以修订,在1997年12月31日前修订完毕。 Provisions regarding administrative penalty in the regulations and rules, enacted before the promulgation of this Law, that do not comply with the provisions of this Law shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of this Law from the date of promulgation of this Law, and such amendment shall be finishde before December, 31, 1997.对工商行政管理部门正常运转所需的公用经费,应按照高于当地一般行政机关的标准妥善安排解决; public funds for normal operations of administrative departments for industry and commerce shall be properly determined higher than the standard of local ordinary administrative organs;对公、检、法部门的公用经费,应按照高于当地一般行政机关一倍以上的标准安排; public funds used by judicial organs shall be determined once or above higher than the standard of local ordinary administrative organs;语际翻译 版权所有
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