- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 肯尼亚航空公司 Kenya Airways
- 肯尼亚/肯雅(内罗毕/奈罗比) Kenya(Nairobi)
- 保持低调 kept a low profile/maintained a low profile
- 隐瞒买家 kept buyers in the dark
- 继续要求内地结束一党专政 kept demanding the end of one-party rule on the mainland
- 继续隐瞒疫情 kept hiding details about the spread of the disease
- 火水 kerosene
- 克里的竞选拍挡爱德华兹 Kerry running mate John Edwards
- 总统府外的凯达格兰大道 Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Presidential Office
- 工业贸易署署长何铸明 Kevin Ho, Director-General of Trade and Industry
- 主要出入口 key access points
- 主要指针 key indicators
- 赤柬领袖乔森潘 Khieu Shamphan
- 在全国上下展开取缔行动,查封为数估计达十五万间的无牌网吧 kicked off a nationwide crackdown against China's estimated 150,000 unlicensed Internet cafes
- 纪德级驱逐舰 Kidd-class destroyers
- 肾脏 kidney
- 香港肾脏基金会 Kidney Foundation Ltd, HK
- 肾病病人 kidney patients
- 杀死所有人质 kill all of the hostages
- 杀死两个鸡场内所有鸡只,以防(禽流感蔓延) kill all the birds at the two sites as a precaution
- 为报仇而要杀他 kill him in revenge
- 殉职 killed while on duty/died on duty
- 造成机上两死二百一十三人受伤 killing two passengers and injuring 208 others on board
- 泡菜 kimchi
- 金城银行 Kincheng Banking Corporation