- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 李国麟 Joseph Lee Kok-long
- 新闻从业员担心这条法例会加重他们的心理负担,并表示希望有关当局能列明那些新闻采访活动会构成缠扰罪。 Journalists groups expressed concerns the proposed law would add to the psychological burden of reporters and said drafters should list which news-gathering activities would amount to a stalking offence.
- 犹太教 Judaism
- 法官 judge/recorder
- 审判日 Judgment Day
- 司法院 Judicial Yuan
- 法官、司法部 Judiciary
- 修改预算 juggle its budget
- 珍宝客机 jumbo jet
- 跳下成功逃生 jump to safety
- (股价)大升(名词) jump/leap/roar ahead/roar up/rocket/shoot ahead/shoot up/skyrocket/soar/surge (sharply)(v)
- (股价)大升(动词) jump/leap/surge (n)
- 冲灯 jumped lights
- 跳桥 jumped off the bridge
- 香港青年商会 Junior Chamber of Commerce. HK
- 初级医生 junior doctors
- 初中学生 junior formers
- 垃圾传真 junk fax
- 吸毒者/贩毒者 junkies
- 吸毒者/贩毒者 junkies
- S派位结果将于八月九日公布。Results of the Joint University Programmes Admissions System will be announced on August 9. JUPA
- 司法管豁权 jurisdiction in criminal matters
- 司法管豁权 jurisdiction in criminal matters
- 法学家、法律专家 jurist
- 陪审员 jurors