创造就业机会的计划 job-creation plan失业率 jobless rate/unemployment rate约翰内斯堡 Johannesburg(South Africa)黑手党龙头戈蒂 John Gotti Jnr工商及科技局局长曾俊华 John Tsang Chun-wah, Secretary for Commerce, Industry and
Technology嫖客 johns参加反日游行 join an anti-Japan protest march加入政府 join the civil service加入「颐康保障户口」计划 join the Health Protection Account一起自我牺牲/集体自杀 join the self-immolations参与社会服务工作,服务长者 joined a community service to serve the elderly手牵手组成人链 joined hands to form a human chain加入公务员队伍 joined the civil service加入竞投 joined/entered the fray参选至少可以阻止大热门政务司司长曾荫权自动当选。 Joining the election would at least prevent Chief
Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, the frontrunner, being returned unopposed.联招中心 joint admission centre携手为南亚海啸灾民筹款 joint efforts to raise funds to help victims of the Asian
tsunami disaster联合政纲 joint platform联名户口 joint savings account由某人和某人合办 jointly organised by something/somebody and something/somebody
关节 joints(飞机)摇晃 jolt佐敦 Jordan约旦(安曼) Jordan(Amman)民主动力召集人郑宇硕 Joseph Cheng Yu-shek, head of Power for Democracy 语际翻译 版权所有
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