天才不过是勤奋而已。 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.众口铄金,积毁销骨。 Give a dog a bad name and hang him.欲加之罪,何患无辞;人言可畏。 Give a dog a bad name, and hang him.若不及时遏止谎言,将会以讹传讹,被人信以为真。 Give a lie twenty-four hours' start, and you can never overtake it.多行不义必自弊。 Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself.有施必有受。 Give and take.归功于有功者;要有雅量承认他人的优点。 Give credit where credit is due.得寸进尺。 Give one an inch, and one will take a mile.自助者天助。 God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。 God helps those who help themselves.天无绝人之路。 God never shuts one door without opening another.上天眷雇弱者。 God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 God's mill grinds slow but sure.黄金并非万能。 Gold will not buy anything.忠言逆耳。 Good advice is harsh to the ear.偕伴同行不觉路远。 Good company on the road is the shortest cut.以德报德是常理,以德报怨大丈夫。 Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly.健康是最大的财富。 Good health is over wealth.良药苦口利于病。 Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth.谨慎消灾。 Good watch prevents misfortune.贪多必失。 Grasp all, lose all.好狗不挡道。 Great barkers are no biters.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。 Great hopes make great man.英雄犯大错误。 Great men have great faults.富不过三代。 Great men's sons seldom do well.语际翻译 版权所有
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