- 古典文献学英汉词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 拓本 " a book of rubbings
- 文摘 " abstract
- 碑文 " an inscription on a tablets
- 出土文物 " archaeological find
- 遗稿 " author at his death
- 年谱 a chronicle of somebody's life
- 匾额 a horizontal inscribed board
- 必读书目 a list of required reading
- 碑帖 a rubbing from ancient tablets as a model of calligraphy
- 宋刻本 a Song Dynasty block-printed edition
- 被撕毁的书 a torn book
- 异体字 a variant form of a Chinese character
- 精确开本 absolute size
- 期刊合并 absorbed serials,amalgamation of serials
- 编写摘要 abstracting
- 学术权威 academic authority
- 学术出版物书店 academic bookstore
- 学术团体 academic discussion,academic disputation,scientific conference,academy
- 学术性图书馆 academic library,learnedlibrary,scholarly library,research library
- 学术界人士 academic member
- 学术出版社 academic press,scholarly press
- 学术研究 academic research
- 学术论文 academic thesis,research paper,scientific paper
- 学术界 academic world,academic circles,schools
- 据史书记载 according to historical records
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