- 古典文献学英汉词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 版权转让 " permission of copyright,transfer of copyright
- 拼音字母 " phonetic alphabet
- 侵犯著作权 " piracy
- 袖珍本 " pocket book
- 遗著 " posthumous edition
- 清样 page-on galley proof; press proof
- 缺页 pages missing
- 书皮纸 paper for covering books
- 平装本 paper—bound volume,paperbound edition,paper,copy
- 骈句 parallel sentences
- 期刊论文 periodical article,periodical literature,journal article
- 期刊专藏 periodical holdings
- 期刊索引 periodical index
- 期刊序号 periodical issue number
- 期刊库 periodicals collection,periodicals library,journal collection,magazine stacks
- 期刊 periodical,serial,journal,magazine
- 普及本 popular edition,cheap edition,every man paper back
- 遗书 posthumous papers
- 序言 preface
- 史前时代 prehistoric age
- 校对员 press corrector,proof reader,collator
- 清样校对人 press reader
- 书局 press,publishin8house
- 一次文献,原始文献 primary document
- 诸侯 princes
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