- 古典文献学英汉词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 考证 " textual research
- 《论语》 " the Analects
- 礼记》 " the book of Rites
- 繁体字 " the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character, complex characters
- 三十六开本 " thirty-sixmo
- 三十二开本 " thirty-twomo
- 天头 " top
- 专题索引 " topical index
- 专题述评 " topical survey
- 铅字 " type
- 篇目 table of contents,contents,list of articles
- 书板 tablet
- 避讳 taboo
- 书签丝带[装] tail band,tassel
- 丝带书签(一头固定在书脊上端,可做书签) tassel
- 学期论文 term paper
- 期限 term,duration,allottedtime,time limit,dead line
- 学期 term,school term,semester
- 考据学 textology
- 校勘者 textual critic
- 版本鉴定 textual criticism
- 《书经》 the Book of History,The Classic of Documents
- 《诗经》 the Book of songs,The classic of Poetry
- 《孝经》 the Classic of Filial Piety
- 《易经》 the Classical of Changes
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