《资治通鉴》 the Comprehensive Mirror for aid in Government敦煌壁画 the DunHuang frescoes起笔(每字的第一笔) the first stroke of a Chinese cllaracter四书(包括《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》) the Four Books (including the Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius)文坛 the literary world稿件在审阅中 the manuscript is under review史学 the science of history,historical science,historiography年号 the title of an emperor's reign诸子百家 the various school of thought and their exponents during the period the way of a minister from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty童蒙 the youthful and inexperienced学位论文 thesis,academic dissertation薄纸型版 thin paper edition中文线装书 thread-bound Chinese book篇名 title篇名目录 title catalog篇名索引 title index篇名关键词标引法 title indexing,title keyword indexing书标 title label,title panel,label,book label篇名文摘 title-only abstract普及版图书 trade book普通版 trade edition篇身片(文献制成胶片时,第一张为篇首片,其余为篇身片)[复] trailers译本 translated copy三种语言对照词典 trilingual dictionary三种文字对照出版物 trilingual publication语际翻译 版权所有
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