2001太空漫游 2001: A Space Odyssey人工智能 A.I. Artificial Intelligence浪漫的挑逗 Abatjour邂逅 About Last Night...疑犯 Absence of Malice一触即发 Absolute Power深渊(无底洞) Abyss, The稀客 Accidental Tourist, The无名英雄 Accidential Hero暴劫梨花 Accused, The妙计闯三关 Ace of Aces, The神探飞机头 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective神探飞机头续集(王牌威龙2) Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls铁鹰战士III死亡陷阱 Aces: Iron Eagle III爱登士家庭续集 Addams Family Values爱登士家庭 Addams Family, The不知不觉爱上你(为你疯狂) Addicted to Love血天牢 Addiction, L\'通天神将 Adventure of Baron Munchausen, The子猫物语 Adventure of Chatran, The神勇三福星 Adventurerer Kamikaza风尘三绝 Adventures of Priscilla, The飞鼠洛基冒险记 Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, The三更半夜 After Hours危情 Against All Odds