

对需要动用证券投资者保护基金的证券公司,国务院证券监督管理机构对该证券公司或者其债权人的破产清算申请不予批准,并依照本条例第三章的规定撤销该证券公司,进行行政清理。    With respect to a securities firm, if needs protection fund for securities investors, the securities regulatory authority under the State Council should not approve bankruptcy application of such securities firm or its creditor but revoke the securities firm for administrative liquidation according to chapter three of this regulation.
依法限制招标投标当事人资质(资格)等方面的行政处理决定,所认定的限制期限长于六个月的,公告期限从其决定。    With respect to administrative punishment decisions in terms of restriction on qualification (competency) of agents concerned in tendering and bidding by law, if the restriction term determined is longer than six months, the term of announcement subjects to the decision.
如对远洋出口冷冻商品,运输方式不得打印陆运,包括铁路运输、公路运输。    With respect to oceanic export of frozen commodities, it shall not use land transportation, such as railway transportation and road transportation.
如对远洋出口冷冻商品,运输方式不得打印陆运,包括铁路运输、公路运输。    With respect to oceanic export of frozen commodities, it shall not use land transportation, such as railway transportation and road transportation.
国家规定应当经外汇管理机关批准的,应当在外汇支付前办理批准手续。    With respect to those that are required to be approved by foreign exchange control agencies by the state, approval formalities shall be gone through before foreign exchange disbursements.
国家规定需要事先经有关主管部门批准或者备案的,应当在外汇登记前办理批准或者备案手续。    With respect to those that the approval or filing of relevant competent departments are required by the state, approval or filing formalities shall be gone through prior to the foreign exchange registration.
未取得经营证券业务许可证,证券公司及其境内分支机构不得经营证券业务。    Without securities business license, the securities firm and its domestic branch shall not run securities business.
出口许可证签发工作规范    Working Rules on the Release of an Export License
出口许可证签发工作规范    Working Rules on the Release of an Export License
(二)上市公司拟购买资产的,在本次交易的首次董事会决议公告前,资产出售方必须已经合法拥有标的资产的完整权利,不存在限制或者禁止转让的情形。    (2) Where the listed company intends to acquire assets, the selling party should have already legally owned the complete right of the target assets and there should not be any restriction or prohibition on the transfer.
(四)内部控制薄弱、存在重大风险隐患;    (ⅳ)Weak internal control and have major potential risk;
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