

指定商业银行有前款规定的行为,情节严重的,由国务院证券监督管理机构会同国务院银行业监督管理机构责令其暂停或者终止客户的交易结算资金存管业务;    Where any designated commercial bank has any of the above acts and is under any serious circumstances, its businesses of trading, clearing and capital management shall be ordered to be suspended or terminated by banking regulatory agencies of the State Council.
非法结汇的,由外汇管理机关责令对非法结汇资金予以回兑,处违法金额30%以下的罚款。    Where any entity or individual conduct any illegal settlement of foreign exchange, foreign exchange control agencies shall order it/him to re-exchange the illegally settled funds and impose a fine of less than 30% of the illegal funds.
未经批准经营结汇、售汇业务以外的其他外汇业务的,由外汇管理机关或者金融业监督管理机构依照前款规定予以处罚。    Where any entity or individual engages in other foreign exchange businesses other than the settlement and sale of foreign exchange without approval, foreign exchange control agencies or financial regulatory organs shall punish it/him in accordance with provisions provided for in the previous paragraph.
有违反规定以外币在境内计价结算或者划转外汇等非法使用外汇行为的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,给予警告,可以处违法金额30%以下的罚款。    Where any entity or individual has any acts of illegal use of foreign exchange including use of a foreign currency for valuation and settlement or transfer of foreign exchange in the territory of China in violation of provisions, foreign exchange control agencies shall order it/him to make corrections and give a warning, and may impose a fine of less than 30% of the illegal funds.
上述情形系实际控制人原因造成,债权人主张实际控制人对公司债务承担相应民事责任的,人民法院应依法予以支持。    Where any of the aforesaid circumstances are caused by actual controllers, if the creditors claim that the actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liabilities for the debts of the company, the people’s court shall support the claim according to law.
股东以知情权、利润分配请求权等权益受到损害,或者公司亏损、财产不足以偿还全部债务,以及公司被吊销企业法人营业执照未进行清算等为由,提起解散公司诉讼的,人民法院不予受理。    Where any shareholders file a lawsuit to dissolute the company on grounds that their rights and interests such as the right to information, the claim for profit distribution are damaged, or the company is in deficit and its properties are insufficient to pay off all debts, or the business license of enterprise legal person of the company has been revoked but the liquidation has not been conducted yet, the people’s court shall not accept the lawsuit.
有限责任公司的股东、股份有限公司连续一百八十日以上单独或者合计持有公司百分之一以上股份的股东,依据公司法第一百五十二条第三款的规定,以清算组成员有前款所述行为为由向人民法院提起诉讼的,人民法院应予受理。    Where any shareholders of a company with limited liabilities or of a joint stock company who, separately or jointly, hold 1% or more of the company’s shares for consecutive 180 days or more, file a lawsuit with the people’s court according to Item 3 of Article 152 of the Company Law on the ground that any members of the liquidation group have the aforesaid act, the people’s court shall accept the lawsuit.
具有本条第二款所列情形,而债权人未提起清算申请,公司股东申请人民法院指定清算组对公司进行清算的,人民法院应予受理。    Where creditors has not applied for liquidation while shareholders of the company apply to the people’s court to designate a liquidation group for liquidation of the company under the circumstance provided in Item 2 hereof, the people’s court shall accept the application.
发生影响或者可能影响证券公司经营管理、财务状况、风险控制指标或者客户资产安全的重大事件的,证券公司应当立即向国务院证券监督管理机构报送临时报告,说明事件的起因、目前的状态、可能产生的后果和拟采取的相应措施。    Where major events occur that affect or may affect the business operation, financial status and risk control indicators of the securities firm or the safety of the customer’s assets, the securities firm shall immediately submit interim report to the securities regulatory agency under the State Council, stating the cause of the events, the current status, possible consequences and corresponding measures to be taken.
上述资产交易实质上构成购买、出售资产,且按照本办法规定的标准计算的相关比例达到50%以上的,应当按照本办法的规定履行信息披露等相关义务并报送申请文件。    Where the aforesaid assets transactions substantively constitute assets purchases and sales, and if relevant percentages calculated according to the standard stipulated by the Measures reach and exceed 50%, relevant obligations such as information disclosure shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of the Measures and application documents shall be submitted for approval.
国家规定其经营范围需经有关主管部门批准的,应当在向外汇管理机关提出申请前办理批准手续。申请人签订对外担保合同后,应当到外汇管理机关办理对外担保登记。    Where the business scope is required to be approved by relevant competent departments by the state, applicants shall go through approval formalities before their applications to foreign exchange control agencies.
国家规定其经营范围需经有关主管部门批准的,应当在向外汇管理机关提出申请前办理批准手续。    Where the business scope is required to be approved by relevant competent departments by the state, applicants shall go through approval formalities before their applications to foreign exchange control agencies.
如区内企业提供的正本进口货物报关单上的经营单位为其他企业,还需提供相应的代理进口协议。    Where the business unit in the original declaration forms of import cargo is other enterprises, the business unit herein shall provide the relevant agent import agreement.
区内货物货权属于其他境内区外企业,境内区外企业向该境内区外货权企业支付时,应填写贸易进口付汇核销单,银行应当在付汇凭证上注明“保税监管区域外转汇”,并将付汇信息传送给外汇局;该境内区外货权企业收到前款境内区外企业的外汇后,按规定凭收汇银行出具的出口收汇核销专用联办理核销手续。    Where the cargo right in the area belongs to such enterprises outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China as pay to the cargo right enterprises outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China, the enterprises herein shall fill in verification and cancellation form of foreign trade import, the bank shall note in the payment and remittance ""Foreign Exchange Transfer outside the Bonded Supervision Area"", and deliver the information of payment of foreign exchange to the relevant foreign exchange bureau; the cargo right enterprises outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China shall, after having received the remittance from the aforesaid enterprises outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China, handle the verification and cancellation procedure by presenting the special coupons on the verification and cancellation of export collection and remittance of foreign exchange issued by the foreign exchange earning in accordance with the relevant regulation.
经人民法院调解公司收购原告股份的,公司应当自调解书生效之日起六个月内将股份转让或者注销。股份转让或者注销之前,原告不得以公司收购其股份为由对抗公司债权人。    Where the company decides to repurchase the shares of the plaintiff upon mediation by the people’s court, the company shall transfer or cancel the said shares within 6 months when the mediation paper comes into effect. Before the transfer or cancellation of the said shares, the plaintiff shall not resist any creditors of the company on the ground of repurchase of his/her shares by the company.
公司未经依法清算即办理注销登记,股东或者第三人在公司登记机关办理注销登记时承诺对公司债务承担责任,债权人主张其对公司债务承担相应民事责任的,人民法院应依法予以支持。    Where the company handles deregistration without liquidation according to law and its shareholders or the third party commit to assuming liabilities at the company registration organ in the course of deregistration, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders and the third party shall assume corresponding civil liabilities for the debts of the company, the people’s court shall support the claim according to law.
公司已经清算完毕注销,上述股东参照公司法第一百五十二条第三款的规定,直接以清算组成员为被告、其他股东为第三人向人民法院提起诉讼的,人民法院应予受理。    Where the company has its registration cancelled after liquidation, and aforesaid shareholders file a lawsuit with the people’s court directly against the members of the liquidation group by taking other shareholders as the third party according to Item 3 of Article 152 of the Company Law, the people’s court shall accept the lawsuit.
公司成立清算组的,由清算组负责人代表公司参加诉讼;尚未成立清算组的,由原法定代表人代表公司参加诉讼。    Where the company has set up a liquidation group, the head of the liquidation group shall participate in litigation for the company; where no liquidation group has been set up, the original legal representative shall participate in litigation for the company.
公司财产不足以清偿债务时,债权人主张未缴出资股东,以及公司设立时的其他股东或者发起人在未缴出资范围内对公司债务承担连带清偿责任的,人民法院应依法予以支持。    Where the company’s properties are insufficient to pay off debts, and any creditors claim that the shareholders having not paid their capital contributions and other shareholders or initiators for the establishment of the company shall, jointly and severely, assume the liabilities for the debts of the company within the scope of unpaid capital contributions, the people’s court shall support the claim.
中国证监会予以核准的,上市公司应当在公告核准决定的同时,按照相关信息披露准则的规定补充披露相关文件。    Where the CSRC has approved the reorganization, the listed company shall supplement relevant disclosure documents according to relevant information disclosure guidelines while making public announcement of the approval decision.
中国证监会在审核期间提出反馈意见要求上市公司作出书面解释、说明的,上市公司应当自收到反馈意见之日起30日内提供书面回复意见,独立财务顾问应当配合上市公司提供书面回复意见。    Where the CSRC, within the period of examination and verification, requests the listed company to submit written explanation or statement, the listed company shall within 30 days after receiving the feedback of the CSRC provide reply in writing, and the independent financial consultants shall work with the listed company to provide the reply in writing.
交易对方已经与上市公司控股股东就受让上市公司股权或者向上市公司推荐董事达成协议或者默契,可能导致上市公司的实际控制权发生变化的,上市公司控股股东及其关联人应当回避表决。    Where the dealing party has reached an agreement or consensus with the controlling shareholder of the listed company on the assignment of the equity of the listed company or on the recommending of directors to the listed company, which may result in the change of the actual controlling right of the listed company, the controlling shareholders of the listed company and their affiliates shall withdraw from voting.
债务清偿方案经全体债权人确认且不损害其他利害关系人利益的,人民法院可依清算组的申请裁定予以认可。清算组依据该清偿方案清偿债务后,应当向人民法院申请裁定终结清算程序。    Where the debt repayment scheme is confirmed by all creditors and does not damage the interests of other interested parties, the people’s court may decide to acknowledge the scheme upon application of the liquidation group. The liquidation group shall file an application with the people’s court for deciding the termination of the liquidation procedure after debts have been paid off according to the said repayment scheme.
前款所称境内区外企业正本出口货物报关单等,因区外企业核销需要等客观原因不能提供的,可以提供复印件。    Where the enterprise is unable to provide the aforesaid original export goods declaration form of the enterprises outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China resulting from such subject causes as the need of the enterprise outside the area for verification and cancellation, the enterprise may provide the copied declaration form herein.
资产评估机构采取收益现值法、假设开发法等基于未来收益预期的估值方法对拟购买资产进行评估并作为定价参考依据的,上市公司应当在重大资产重组实施完毕后3年内的年度报告中单独披露相关资产的实际盈利数与评估报告中利润预测数的差异情况,并由会计师事务所对此出具专项审核意见;    Where the evaluation organ adopts such evaluation methods that are based on the forecast of future income as the net present value method and the method of assumption development in the evaluation of the assets to be purchased and in setting the price, the listed company shall in the relevant annual report within three years after the completion of the execution of the material assets reorganization separately disclose the variance between the actual profit and the forecasted profit in the evaluation report of the related assets, and accounting firms shall provide special examination opinions on it;
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