对证券公司的违法违规行为,合规负责人已经依法履行制止和报告职责的,免除责任。 Where the head of compliance fulfills his/her responsibilities of determent and report for any illegal and irregular acts of the securities firm, he/she shall be exempted from bearing any responsibility.执行未经确认的清算方案给公司或者债权人造成损失,公司、股东或者债权人主张清算组成员承担赔偿责任的,人民法院应依法予以支持。 Where the implement of an unconfirmed liquidation scheme causes losses to the company or any creditors, and the company, any shareholders or creditors claim that the members of the liquidation group shall assume the liability of compensation, the people’s court shall support the claim.若进境货物备案清单未纳入中国电子口岸执法系统,则暂不须办理电子底账核注、结案等手续,但须在纸质正本进境货物备案清单上进行签注,留存相关凭证备查。 Where the import cargo record form is not brought into China Electronic Port Law Enforcement System, the enterprise herein need not handle the procedure of electronic record data verification, and case settlement, but need sign in the original import cargo declaration paper form and keep the relevant credence for record.因特殊情况无法在六个月内完成清算的,清算组应当向人民法院申请延长。 Where the liquidation cannot be concluded within 6 months due to special reasons, the liquidation group shall apply to the people’s court for extension.清算组未按照前款规定履行通知和公告义务,导致债权人未及时申报债权而未获清偿,债权人主张清算组成员对因此造成的损失承担赔偿责任的,人民法院应依法予以支持。 Where the liquidation group fails to perform its obligations of notification and announcement provided in the above paragraph hereof, and hence causes any creditors unable to make timely declaration and acquire compensation, if the creditors claim the members of the liquidation group shall assume the liability of compensation for the losses resulted therefrom, the people’s court shall support the claim according to law.上市公司在本次重大资产重组前不符合中国证监会规定的公开发行证券条件,或者本次重组导致上市公司实际控制人发生变化的,上市公司申请公开发行新股或者公司债券,距本次重组交易完成的时间应当不少于一个完整会计年度。 Where the listed company does not meet the requirements for public issuance of securities before the material assets reorganization, or the material assets reorganization results in the change of the actual controller of the listed company, the listed company can only apply for public issuance of new shares or company bonds at least one complete fiscal year from the completion of the material assets reorganization.上市公司预计筹划中的重大资产重组事项难以保密或者已经泄露的,应当及时向证券交易所申请停牌,直至真实、准确、完整地披露相关信息。 Where the listed company expects that the material assets reorganization in plan is hard to keep secret or has already been leaked, it shall apply to the stock exchange for suspension in a timely manner, till relevant information is disclosed in a true, accurate and complete manner.上市公司确有充分理由无法提供上述盈利预测报告的,应当说明原因,在上市公司重大资产重组报告书(或者发行股份购买资产报告书,下同)中作出特别风险提示,并在管理层讨论与分析部分就本次重组对上市公司持续经营能力和未来发展前景的影响进行详细分析。 Where the listed company has sufficient reasons for the failure to provide the above mentioned profit forecast report, reasons must be stated and special risk notice shall be given in the material assets reorganization report of the listed company (or the report on the issuance of shares for the acquisition of assets, similarly hereafter), and the impact of the assets reorganization on the listed company’s sustainable business capability and future development prospects shall be analyzed in detail in the section of Discussion and Analysis by the Management.上市公司拟进行本办法第二十七条第一款第(一)、(二)项规定的重大资产重组以及发行股份购买资产的,还应当提供上市公司的盈利预测报告。 Where the listed company intends to conduct material assets reorganization stipulated in items (1) and (2) of Clause 1 of Article 27 and to issue shares for the acquisition of assets, the profit forecast report of the listed company shall also be provided.上市公司获悉股价敏感信息的,应当及时向证券交易所申请停牌并披露。 Where the listed company receives stocks pricing sensitive information, it shall apply to the stock exchange for suspension of trading and make disclosure in a timely manner.重大资产重组构成关联交易的,独立董事可以另行聘请独立财务顾问就本次交易对上市公司非关联股东的影响发表意见。 Where the material assets reorganization constitutes affiliate transaction, the independent directors can separately retain independent financial consultants to give opinions on the influence of the transaction on the non-affiliated shareholders of the listed company.原告以其他股东为被告一并提起诉讼的,人民法院应当告知原告将其他股东变更为第三人;原告坚持不予变更的,人民法院应当驳回原告对其他股东的起诉。 Where the plaintiff files a lawsuit simultaneously against any other shareholders, the people’s court shall notify the plaintiff to change the other shareholders into the third party; if the plaintiff insists no change, the people’s court shall overrule the lawsuit by the plaintiff against the other shareholders.原告提起解散公司诉讼应当告知其他股东,或者由人民法院通知其参加诉讼。其他股东或者有关利害关系人申请以共同原告或者第三人身份参加诉讼的,人民法院应予准许。 Where the plaintiff files a lawsuit to dissolute a company, he/she shall notify other shareholders, or the people’s court shall notify other shareholders, to participate in the litigation. Where any other shareholders or interested parties apply to participate in the litigation as the co-plaintiff or the third party, the people’s court shall give permission.资产交易定价以资产评估结果为依据的,上市公司应当聘请具有相关证券业务资格的资产评估机构出具资产评估报告。 Where the price of the transaction price is based on the assets evaluation results, the listed company shall retain assets evaluation organs with qualification for securities business to issue assets evaluation report.实现利润未达到预测金额50%的,可以对上市公司、相关机构及其责任人员采取监管谈话、出具警示函、责令定期报告等监管措施。 where the profit does not reach 50% of the forecasted amount, such regulatory measures can be adopted as holding regulatory talks with the listed company, relevant institutions and liable persons, presenting the letter of warning and demanding regular reports.出口货物办理退税后发生退货或者退关的,纳税人应当依法补缴已退的税款。 Where the return of goods or the withdrawal of the customs declaration occurs after the completion of tax refund on export goods, the taxpayer shall repay the tax refunded according to law.证券服务机构在其出具的意见中采用其他证券服务机构或者人员的专业意见的,仍然应当进行尽职调查,审慎核查其采用的专业意见的内容,并对利用其他证券服务机构或者人员的专业意见所形成的结论负责。 Where the securities service organ adopts the professional opinions of other securities service organs or personnel in the opinions it gives, it shall still conduct due diligence, prudently examine the content of the professional opinions adopted, and assume responsibility for the conclusion formed using the professional opinions of the other securities service organs or personnel.有限责任公司的股东、股份有限公司的董事和控股股东因怠于履行义务,导致公司主要财产、帐册、重要文件等灭失,无法进行清算,债权人主张其对公司债务承担连带清偿责任的,人民法院应依法予以支持。 Where the shareholders of a company with limited liabilities or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company cause the loss of main properties, books and major documents of the company due to their failure in performing their obligations and hence cause the liquidation unable to be conducted, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders or the aforesaid directors and controlling shareholders shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts of the company, the people’s court shall support the claim according to law.人民法院判决驳回解散公司诉讼请求后,提起该诉讼的股东或者其他股东又以同一事实和理由提起解散公司诉讼的,人民法院不予受理。 Where the shareholders who have filed a lawsuit over company dissolution or any other shareholders file anther lawsuit over company dissolution for the same facts and grounds after the people’s court has overruled the lawsuit over company dissolution, the people’s court shall not accept the lawsuit.前款规定的证券服务机构及其从业人员所制作、出具的文件存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏的,责令改正,依照《证券法》第二百二十三条予以处罚;情节严重的,可以采取市场禁入的措施;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关追究刑事责任。 Where there are falsified description, misleading statement or major omissions in the documents produced and issued by the aforesaid securities service organs and their employees, correction is demanded, and a penalty shall be imposed according to Article 223 of the Securities Law; if the circumstances are serious, measures for banning the entry into the securities market can be adopted; where a crime is suspected, the offender shall be handed over to the judicial organs where he shall be pursued for criminal liability according to the law.没有违法所得或者违法所得不足10万元的,处以10万元以上60万元以下的罚款。 Where there are no illegal proceeds or the illegal proceeds are less than RMB100,000, a fine of RMB100,000 up to RMB600,000 shall be imposed. Under any serious circumstances, the relevant business license thereof shall be revoked.上市公司重大资产重组事宜与本公司股东或者其关联人存在关联关系的,股东大会就重大资产重组事项进行表决时,关联股东应当回避表决。 Where there is affiliation relationship between the material assets reorganization of the listed company and the shareholders of the listed company or their affiliates, the affiliated shareholders shall withdraw from voting when the general meeting of shareholders takes a vote on the material assets reorganization.国务院证券监督管理机构审批证券公司及其分支机构的设立申请,应当考虑证券市场发展和公平竞争的需要。 While the securities regulatory agency under the State Council approving setting up application of securities firm and its branch, it should consider the needs of development as well as fair competition of the securities market.为进一步规范外商投资项目管理,防止外汇资金异常流入,根据《国务院关于投资体制改革的决定》(国发〔2004〕20号)和《国家发展改革委外商投资项目核准暂行管理办法》(委第22号令)以及其他相关法律法规规章的有关规定,现将有关事项通知如下: With a view to further regulate the administration of foreign investment projects and prevention of abnormal inflow of exchange capitals, according to the Decision of the State Council on the Reform of the Investment System (Guo Fa [2004] No.20), the Interim Measures of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Administration of the Approval of Foreign Investment Projects (the Commission Decree No.22), and relevant provisions provided for in other relevant laws and regulations, relevant issues are hereby noticed as follows:为贯彻《国务院办公厅关于进一步规范招投标活动的若干意见》(国办发〔2004〕56号),促进招标投标信用体系建设,健全招标投标失信惩戒机制,规范招标投标当事人行为,招标投标部际协调机制各成员单位决定建立招标投标违法行为公告制度,并共同制定《招标投标违法行为记录公告暂行办法》(以下简称《暂行办法》),现予印发。为切实做好《暂行办法》贯彻落实工作,现将有关事项和要求通知如下: With a view to implement the Some Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Further Regulating the Activities of Tendering and Bidding (Guo Ban Fa [2004] No.56), promote the construction of the tendering and bidding credit system, perfect the tendering and bidding faith-breaking punishment system, and regulate behaviors of agents concerned in tendering and bidding, member units involved in the inter-departmental coordination mechanism decide to set up the system of announcement of illegal behaviors in tendering and bidding, and jointly formulate the Interim Measures for Announcement of Records of Illegal Behaviors in Tendering and Bidding (hereafter referred as Interim Measures), which is hereby printed and distributed. For the purpose of fully carrying out the Interim Measures, some relevant issues and requirements are informed hereby as follows: