

(三)违反规定委托他人代为买卖证券;    (3)???? Where a securities firm violates provisions to entrust others to buy and sell securities;
(三)纳税人将建筑工程分包给其他单位的,以其取得的全部价款和价外费用扣除其支付给其他单位的分包款后的余额为营业额;    (3)????? Where a taxpayer subcontracts construction engineering to other entities, the turnover shall be the balance of the total price and other charges received less the payments to other entities;
(四) 向境外购买货物,再将货物转卖给境内区外企业,并由境内区外企业直接在境内区外报关进口的,境内区外企业向区内企业支付,区内企业再向境外支付时,应凭《登记证》、合同或者协议、发票、相应的收账通知或结汇水单、境内区外企业正本进口货物报关单办理。    (4) Where the enterprise herein purchases cargo from abroad and sales the cargos herein to the enterprises outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China and the enterprise outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China declares the customs directly outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China, the enterprises outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China pays to such enterprise in the area herein as pay abroad, the enterprises herein shall handle it on the merit the Registration Certificate, contract or agreement, invoice, the corresponding notice of acceptance or foreign exchange settlement sheet, the original import cargo declaration bill of the enterprises outside the area herein in the boundary of the People's Republic of China.
(四)未按照规定程序了解客户的身份、财产与收入状况、证券投资经验和风险偏好;    (4)?? Where a securities firm does not acquaint with its client’s status, financial and income status, portfolio investment experience and risk preference according to prescribed procedures;
(四)资产托管机构、证券登记结算机构对违反规定动用委托资金和客户担保账户内的资金、证券的申请、指令予以同意、执行;    (4)?? Where an asset management agency and a securities registration and clearing agency approves and executes applications and instructions which use trust funds and assets and securities in secured accounts of clients in violation of provisions;
(四)证券经纪人接受客户的委托,为客户办理证券认购、交易等事项。    (4)?? Where any securities broker accepts entrustments of clients to handle such issues as securities subscription and trading.
(四)从事证券自营业务、证券资产管理业务,投资范围或者投资比例违反规定;    (4)???? Where the investment scopes or investment proportions of the security self-operation business and portfolio management business of a securities firm are not conformed to provisions;
(五)资产托管机构、证券登记结算机构发现委托资金和客户担保账户内的资金、证券被违法动用而未向国务院证券监督管理机构报告。    (5)?? Where an asset management agency and a securities registration and clearing agency does not report to the securities regulatory agency of the State Council when it finds trust funds and assets and securities in secured accounts of clients are used in violation of provisions.
(五)推荐的产品或者服务与所了解的客户情况不相适应;    (5)?? Where the products or services recommended by a securities firm are inconsistent with known situations of a client;
(五)从事证券资产管理业务,接受一个客户的单笔委托资产价值低于规定的最低限额。    (5)???? Where a securities firm engaging in portfolio management business accepts a single entrustment of its client with the value less than the minimal value prescribed.
(六)未按照规定指定专人向客户讲解有关业务规则和合同内容,并以书面方式向其揭示投资风险;    (6)?? Where a securities firm does not designate a specific person to illustrate relevant rules and contents of contracts and disclose investment risks in written form to its client according to provisions;
(七)未按照规定与客户签订业务合同,或者未在与客户签订的业务合同中载入规定的必备条款;    (7)?? Where a securities firm does not conclude business contract with its client or write down necessary terms and conditions as prescribed in the business contract concluded with its client according to provisions;
(八)未按照规定编制并向客户送交对账单,或者未按照规定建立并有效执行信息查询制度;    (8)?? Where a securities firm does not send statement to its client according to prescribed compilation, or does not establish or effectively execute information inquiry system according to provisions;
(九)未按照规定指定专门部门处理客户投诉;    (9)?? Where a securities firm does not designated a division to handle client’s complaints according to provisions;
一、 网上申请的审核:经审核符合规定的,发证机构工作人员点击通过;不符合规定的,须在申请表审核意见栏一次性注明不予通过的原因,点击不予通过。经营者可在企业网上申领系统中获取未通过的原因。    1. With respect to the examination on an online application, in case an application is in accordance with the provisions after examination, the personnel of a releasing authority shall click the PASS icon; otherwise, shall indicate the reasons for the failed application in the examination opinion column of the Application Form for one time and click the FAIL icon. An operator may be ware of the reasons for its failed application in the enterprise online application system.
一、 网上申请的审核:经审核符合规定的,发证机构工作人员点击通过;不符合规定的,须在申请表审核意见栏一次性注明不予通过的原因,点击不予通过。经营者可在企业网上申领系统中获取未通过的原因。    1. With respect to the examination on an online application, in case an application is in accordance with the provisions after examination, the personnel of a releasing authority shall click the PASS icon; otherwise, shall indicate the reasons for the failed application in the examination opinion column of the Application Form for one time and click the FAIL icon. An operator may be ware of the reasons for its failed application in the enterprise online application system.
(一)警告;    1.????? Warning;
?????? 2、本表内容需打印多份许可证的,请在备注栏内注明。    2. Where more than one copy of Export License needs printing in this Form, it shall be indicated in the note column.
?????? 2、本表内容需打印多份许可证的,请在备注栏内注明。    2. Where more than one copy of Export License needs printing in this Form, it shall be indicated in the note column.
二、 书面申请的审核:经审核符合规定的,发证机构工作人员在申请表审核意见栏注明审核意见;不符合规定的,须在申请表审核意见栏注明不予通过的原因,并将申请材料退还经营者。    2. With respect to the examination on a written application, in case an application is in accordance with the provisions after examination, the personnel of a releasing authority shall indicate the examination opinions in the examination opinions column of the Application Form; otherwise, shall indicate the reasons for the failed application in the examination opinions column of the Application Form, and return the application materials to the operator.
二、 书面申请的审核:经审核符合规定的,发证机构工作人员在申请表审核意见栏注明审核意见;不符合规定的,须在申请表审核意见栏注明不予通过的原因,并将申请材料退还经营者。    2. With respect to the examination on a written application, in case an application is in accordance with the provisions after examination, the personnel of a releasing authority shall indicate the examination opinions in the examination opinions column of the Application Form; otherwise, shall indicate the reasons for the failed application in the examination opinions column of the Application Form, and return the application materials to the operator.
废物回收交易市场应当符合国家环境保护、安全和消防等规定。    ? Waste recovery and trading markets shall comply with the provisions of the State on environmental protection, safety and fire-fighting etc.
建设利用余热、余压、煤层气以及煤矸石、煤泥、垃圾等低热值燃料的并网发电项目,应当依照法律和国务院的规定取得行政许可或者报送备案。    ? Where any enterprise builds a grid-connected power generation project utilizing remaining heat and pressure, coalbed gas, and low-calorie fuels including gangue, slime and garbage etc., it shall obtain an administrative license or report for filing in accordance with laws and provisions of the State Council.
企业对生产过程中产生的废物不具备综合利用条件的,应当提供给具备条件的生产经营者进行综合利用。    ? Where any enterprise is able to make a comprehensive use of wastes generated in production, it shall provide such wastes to qualified producers or operators for a comprehensive utilization.
对生产、进口、销售或者使用列入淘汰名录的技术、工艺、设备、材料或者产品的企业,金融机构不得提供任何形式的授信支持。    ? Where any enterprise produce, import, sell or use any technology, process, equipment, material or product under the catalogue of abandonment, financial institutions shall not grant any credit to it in any form.
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