- 法律词汇汉英互译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 放行条 release pass
- 法系地区 relevant law area
- 交给 relinguish
- 放弃 relinquish
- 发回重审 remand a lawsuit for a new trial
- 悔改 remorse
- 改过自新 remorse and reform
- 关系过远 remote
- 给予适当的经济帮助 render suitable financial assistance
- 废除 repeal
- 悔改 repent
- 悔罪 repentance
- 更换 replacement
- 答复 Reply
- 批复 Reply
- 被陈述人 representee
- 否定 repudiate
- 反悔 repudiate, resile
- 不履行合约 repudiation of the contract
- 回购协议 repurchase agreement
- 合理性方面的要求 requirement of reasonableness
- 合理性要求 requirement of reasonableness
- 无主物 res nullius: an asset susceptible of acquisition but presently under the ownership or sovereignty of no legal person
- 国务院经法规研究中心 Research Centre for Economic Legislation Under the State Council
- 在国际金融机构储备头寸 reserve position in international financial institutions