- 法律词汇汉英互译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 多于一名人士 2 or more persons
- 犯罪客体 object of crime
- 犯罪客观方面 objective aspect of crime
- 妨碍司法公正 obstruction of justice
- 各省 of all provinces
- 预算外支出(收入) off-budgetexpenditure
- 犯罪分子 offender
- 打假办 Office of Cracking down on Fake Products
- 法定代表律师 Official Solicitor
- 不作为 omission
- 不履行法律责任 omission
- 月环比 on a month-on-month basis
- 同比 on year-on-year basis
- 转贷 on-lending
- 现场稽核 on-site examination
- 对上诉抗辩 oppose an appeal
- 对立的一方 opposite party
- 裁定 order
- 二审裁定书 order of second instance
- 法院组织法 organic law of the courts
- 公检法机关 organs of the public security, the procuracy and the court
- 综合国力 overall national strength
- 透支 overdraft
- 应收未收利息 overdue interest
- 逾期贷款 overdue loans; past-due loans
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