- 法律词汇汉英互译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 江阴市 Jiangyin Municipality
- 斤 jin
- 济南市 Jinan Municipality
- 济宁市 Jining Municipality
- 锦州市 Jinzhou Municipality
- 共同连带责任 joint and separate responsibility
- 共同债务 joint debts
- 连带责任 joint liability
- 共同犯罪 joint offence
- 夫妻共同所有财产 joint property of the spouses
- 共同实施违法行为 jointly committed the offence
- 法官法 judges law
- 人身权利 jura personarum; rights of the person
- 管辖权 jurisdiction
- 经济案件级别管辖 Jurisdiction by amount in controversy in economic cases
- 法理学 jurisprudence
- 法理背景 jurisprudential background
- 法理背景 jurisprudential base
- 法律行律 juristic act
- 强制法 jus cogens(ius congens): coercive law; a rule or principle in international law that is so fundamental that it bins all states and does not allow any exceptions
- 万民法,万国法,国际法 jus gentium: the law of people; international law
- 合适的处分 just penalty
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