条约必须遵守原则 pact sunt servand: a pact is not to be surrendered (agreements are to be kept)付清余款 paid the residual balance实收资本 paid-in capital大律师名册 panels of counsels父母权 parental right假释 parole犯罪事实 particulars of offense分割 partition合伙生意 partnership合约一方 party假冒商标 passing of trademark承典人 pawnee出典人 pawnor支付能力 payment capacity支付困难 payment difficulty代通知金 payment in lieu of notice回报 payoff处罚 penalty养老基金 pension fund人均国内生产总值 per capita GDP人均收入 per capita income自身,本身;本质上 per se个人财产 personal property不受欢迎的人( personna grata 受欢迎的人) personna non-grata姓资还是姓社 pertaining to socialism or capitalism; socialist or captialist语际翻译 版权所有
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