- 法律词汇汉英互译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 汉族 Han people
- 邯郸市 Handan Municipality
- 办案 handle a case
- 经办人员 handling personnel
- 哈尔滨市 Harbin Municipality
- 资金宽裕 have sufficient funds
- 从重处罚 heavier punishment
- 合肥市 Hefei Municipality
- 黑龙江省 Heilongjiang Province
- 衡阳市 Hengyang Municipality
- 肝炎 hepatitis
- 河北省高级人民法院 High People's Court of Hebei Province
- 涨幅偏高 higher-than-desirable growth rate
- 房屋估价单 home appraisal report
- 国务院港澳办 Hong Kong and Macao Office of the State Council
- 大律师公会 Hong Kong Bar Association
- 徽章 honour
- 横向关系 horizontal relationship
- 游资 hot money
- 国务院住房制度改革领导小组 Housing System Reform Leading Group of the State Council
- 淮南市 Huainan Municipality
- 呼和浩特市 Huhehaote Municipality
- 惠州市 Huizhou Municipality
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