- 法律词汇汉英互译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 国务院清理三角债导小组 "Clearing ""Chain Debts"" Leading Group of the State Council"
- 干部 cadre
- 资本账户可兑换 capital account convertibility
- 资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio
- 极刑 capital punishment
- 案件 case
- 现金滞留 cash held outside the banking system
- 断绝 cease
- 检查员 censor
- 再贷款 central bank lending
- 担保书 certificate of guarantee
- 同业拆借市场利率 CHIBOR同业融通票据 inter-bank financing bills
- 检察长 chief procurator
- 国家土地管理局 China Land Administration Bureau
- 国家行政学院 Chinese Academy of Engineering Sciences
- 绕规模贷款 circumvent credit ceiling
- 公民 citizen
- 城市住宅局 City House Bureau
- 公民劳动义务 civic duty to work
- 民事 civil
- 民事诉讼 civil action
- 民政 civil administraion
- 民事 civil affairs;affairs relating to civil law
- 民事上诉 civil appeal
- 民事案件 civil case
当前第1页 共7页