- 法律词汇汉英互译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 构成要件 constitutive requirements
- 建筑许可证 Construction Licence
- 消费物价指数 consumer price index
- 合约 contract
- 经济合作合同 contract on economic co-operation
- 合同当事人 contracting parties
- 合约责任 contractual obligation
- 抵触 contravene
- 管制 control
- 公约证明书 Convention certificates
- 公约国 Convention country
- 国际海事卫星组织公约 Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization
- 犯人 convict
- 国务院纠正行业不正之风办公室 Correcting Industrial Illegitimate Practice Office of the State Council
- 互相印证 corroborate
- 资金成本 cost of funding; cost of capital
- 抚养费 cost of maintenance
- 大律师的收费 counsel's fees
- 国务院参事室 Counsellor Office of the State Council
- 反要约 counter offer
- 反诉 counter-claim
- 法院 court
- 复核审法院 Court of Review
- 二审法院 Court of Second Instance
- 保证书 covenant of warranty