商配发[2007]第359号 Shang Pei Fa [2007] No. 359证券公司的股东不得违反国家规定,约定不按照出资比例行使表决权。 Shareholders of the securities firm shall not violate national prescription by agreeing to exercise voting rights in violation of investment proportion.证券公司的股东、董事和高级管理人员不得违反规定的职责和程序,直接向合规总监下达指令或者干涉其工作;证券公司的董事、监事、高级管理人员和各部门、分支机构应当支持和配合合规总监的工作,不得以任何理由限制、阻挠合规总监履行职责。 Shareholders, board of directors and senior managements shalln’t directly order or interfere the work of compliance director by violating prescribed role and responsibility and procedure; board of directors, supervisory directors, senior managements, each department and branch of the securities company shall support and cooperate with compliance director, rather than restricting or interfering his performance of role and responsibility with any excuse.货物来源于境内区外而从区内报关进口,并向境外支付的,除提供本条第(一)项所需凭证和商业单据外,还需提供境外企业与区内仓储企业的仓储合同或协议以及区内仓储企业出具的货物属于境外企业的证明及其他境内区外企业的正本出口货物报关单。 Should the enterprise declares customs for the cargos outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China and pays abroad, the enterprise shall present the storage contract or agreement concluded between the foreign enterprise and the storage enterprise in the area and the certificate of cargo right which belongs to foreign enterprises issued by the storage enterprise in the area and other original export cargo declaration form of the enterprises outside the area in the boundary of the People's Republic of China.如境内区外企业向区内企业付汇时,正本进口货物报关单已留存付汇银行,还应出具注明“正本进口货物报关单已留存”和签注付汇金额、日期及收款企业的报关单复印件或者电子底账核注、结案证明。 Should the enterprise outside the area herein in the boundary of the People's Republic of China pays to the enterprise inside the area herein and the original import cargo declaration form is left to the remittance bank, the enterprise outside the area herein in the boundary of the People's Republic of China shall present the copied declaration form which note "" the original import cargo declaration form as been kept and stored"" and sign the sum of remittance, the date, the name of the acceptance enterprise, or electronic data record verification, the certificate of case settlement.申请单位领导签字:???????????????????? Signature of the applicant's leader:????????????????????申请单位领导签字:???????????????????? Signature of the applicant's leader:????????????????????签字:?????????? 日期:???????????? Signature:?????????? Date:???????????签字:?????????? 日期:???????????? Signature:?????????? Date:???????????自2004年我国投资体制改革以来,外商投资项目实行了核准制度,对进一步完善投资环境、提高利用外资质量、加强宏观调控发挥了积极作用。 Since China’s reform of the investment system in 2004, the approval system has been applied to foreign investment projects, which exert positive functions in further perfecting the investment environment, improving the utilization quality of foreign capitals, and enhancing macro-regulation.自证券公司被撤销之日起,证券公司的债务停止计算利息。 Since the securities firm is revoked, calculation of debt interest will stop.?小规模纳税人会计核算健全,能够提供准确税务资料的,可以向主管税务机关申请资格认定,不作为小规模纳税人,依照本条例有关规定计算应纳税额。 Small-scale taxpayers with sound accounting who can provide accurate taxation information may apply to the competent tax authorities for qualification verification and not being treated as small-scale taxpayers and their tax payable shall be computed pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Regulations.有的外商投资项目未经核准即已开工建设,有的未严格按照核准内容进行建设,有的投资者借国际资本市场波动、我国汇率政策调整之机,采取虚假合资、虚报总投资、设立空壳公司等方式,以外商直接投资的名义调入资金,并将资本金结汇挪作他用,谋取不正当利益,对我国经济健康发展和国际收支平衡带来潜在的风险。 Some foreign investment projects are under construction without approval; some constructions do not strictly follow the approved contents; and some investors take advantage of the fluctuations of the international capital market and the regulations of Chinese exchange rate policies to introduce funds in the name of foreign direct investment by way of false JV, false report of total investment and establishment of a shell firm, and settle the exchange capitals to appropriate for other purposes to pursue illegal interests, bringing potential risks for the sound development of Chinese economy and the international payments equilibrium.具体办法由国务院财政部门会同国务院循环经济发展综合管理等有关主管部门制定。 Specific measures shall be formulated by the financial department under the State Council with the general administration for promoting circular economy under the State Council and other relevant departments.基金管理公司年度报告内容与格式准则 Standards on the Contents and Formats of Annual Reports of Fund Management Companies国家税务总局 二〇〇八年二月二十七日 State Administration of Taxation Feb,27th,2008要加强资产存量结构调整,贷款回收后,要加大力度投向重点领域和经济薄弱环节,优化存量信贷结构。 Strengthen the restructuring of assets stock; after being reclaimed, the loan should be put into priority fields and weak links of economy to optimize the credit structure of stock.结构为:XX-XX-XXXXXX Structure: XX-XX-XXXXXX结构为:XX-XX-XXXXXX Structure: XX-XX-XXXXXX该等承诺和声明应当与上市公司董事会决议同时公告。 Such commitment and declaration shall be announced together with the decision of the board of directors of the listed company.企业可提前按《认定办法》和《工作指引》申请重新认定,亦可在资格到期后申请重新认定。 Such enterprises may apply for re-recognition according to the Measures for the Recognition and the Guidelines before or after the expiration of qualifications.第五章 附则 Supplementary Provisions要在防范风险的同时支持小企业可持续发展,在提高自身效益的同时履行好社会责任,对小企业贷款利率在风险定价的基础上合理浮动。 Support should be given to the sustainable development of small-sized enterprises at the time preventing the risk and social responsibility should be performed when improving the efficiency and the lending rate of small-sized enterprises shall float on the basis of risk pricing.(一)因故意犯罪被判处刑罚,刑罚执行完毕未逾3年; (1)Sentenced with penalty due to deliberate crime and completion of penalty is still less than three years;(二)省级人民政府或者有关方面予以支持; (ⅱ)Support from provincial people’s government or related department;