(四)特别提款权; (4)??? Special withdrawing rights; and(五)为证券公司提供服务的证券服务机构。 (5)?? Securities service agencies provided services for a securities firm.(七)销售的自己使用过的物品。 (7) Sale of goods which have been used by the sellers.(七)对董事会办理本次重大资产重组事宜的具体授权; (7) Specific authorization to the board of directors for handling the material assets reorganization;一、严格执行外商投资项目核准制。 1. Strictly enforcing the approval system for foreign investment projects.12.规格、等级 12. Specifications and Grades12.规格、等级 12. Specifications and Grades(四)暂停或者取消招标代理资格; 4.????? Suspension or cancellation of the qualification of bidding agency;五、高新技术企业认定管理工作政策性强、专业要求高,各地应配备骨干人员,保障认定工作所需经费,及时对本地区在认定工作中出现的新情况、新问题提出切实可行的政策建议。 5. Since the administration of the recognition of hi-tech enterprises weighs strong policy consideration and has high professional requirements, all bureaus shall provide key staff, ensure the funds required by the recognition, and propose feasible suggestions on policies according to new circumstances and issues arising out of the local recognition work in a timely manner.二○○七年九月七日 7-Sep-07二○○七年九月七日 7-Sep-07(七)暂停项目执行或追回已拨付资金; 7.????? Suspension of the implementation of project or recovery of funds appropriated;(八)暂停安排国家建设资金; 8.????? Suspension of arrangement of national construction funds;(九)暂停建设项目的审查批准; 9.????? Suspension of inspection and approval of construction projects;申请单位盖章:???????????????????? Seal of the applicant:????????????????????申请单位盖章:???????????????????? Seal of the applicant:????????????????????二是要在加强监管、控制风险的前提下,发展信托融资、租赁融资、债券融资和以信托、租赁为基础的理财产品,拓宽小企业融资渠道。 Second, develop trust financing, lease financing, bond financing and financial products based on trust and lease under the premise of strengthening supervision and controlling risk;二是要单列客户名单,单独管理,单独统计。 Second, the client list should be separately listed, managed and counted.第一节 一般规定 Section 1 General Provisions第一节 重要提示 Section 1 Important Notes第一节 重要提示及目录 Section 1 Important Notes and Table of Contents第二节 公司概况 Section 2 General Information about the Company第二节 公司概况 Section 2 General Information about the Company第二节 证券经纪业务 Section 2 Securities Brokerage Business第三节 财务数据和业务数据摘要 Section 3 Summary of Financial Data and Business Data语际翻译 版权所有
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