外汇管理机关应当为举报人保密,并按照规定对举报人或者协助查处外汇违法行为有功的单位和个人给予奖励。 Foreign exchange control agencies shall keep secrets for informers and reward informers or entities and individuals that make contributions to the inspection over illegal acts regarding foreign exchange.中华人民共和国外汇管理条例(2008修订) Foreign Exchange Control Regulations of the People’s Republic of China (Amended in 2008)四是要与保险公司加强互动。 Four, strengthen interaction with insurance companies to combine financing of banks with credit insurance of insurance companies in a close tie.2008年1月1日起,不再使用《保税区外汇登记证》、《出口加工区外汇登记证》等各类保税监管区域外汇登记证明及《外商投资企业外汇登记证》。 From January 1, 2008, various registration certificates of foreign exchange such as Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Area, Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Export Processing Zone, and Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange for Foreign-funded Enterprises shall not be used.客户资金担保账户内的资金应当参照本条例第五十七条的规定进行管理。 Funds in the customer funds guarantee account shall be managed according to the stipulation of Article 57 of this Regulation.各类基金的列示顺序按基金成立日期由先到后排列。 Funds shall be listed in sequence of their time of establishment.(一)对在境内设立证券公司或者在境外设立、收购或者参股证券经营机构的申请,自受理之日起6个月; (1)For application of setting up a securities firm at home, or set up, acquire or hold equity of securities agencies abroad, decision should be made within 6 months of handling;(二)对变更注册资本、合并、分立或者要求审查股东、实际控制人资格的申请,自受理之日起3个月; (2)For application of changing registered capital, merging, dividing or requiring audit of shareholders or actual controllers’ qualifications, decision should be made within 3 months of handling;(三)不能清偿到期债务; (3)failure to discharge due liability; or(三)对变更业务范围、公司形式、公司章程中的重要条款或者要求审查高级管理人员任职资格的申请,自受理之日起45个工作日; (3)For application of changing business scope, company form, key terms in company regulation or requiring auditing of officer’s qualification, decision should be made within 45 working days of handling;(四)对设立、收购、撤销境内分支机构,变更境内分支机构的营业场所,或者停业、解散、破产的申请,自受理之日起30个工作日; (4)For application of setting up, acquiring, revoking domestic branch, changing [] of the branch, closing business, disbanding or going bankruptcy, decision should be made within 30 working days of handling;(五)对要求审查董事、监事、境内分支机构负责人任职资格的申请,自受理之日起20个工作日。 (5)For application of requiring audit of qualifications of board director, supervisor or principal of domestic branch, decision should be made within 20 working days.