

终审:    Final Examination:
终审:    Final Examination:
经营外汇业务的金融机构应当依法向外汇管理机关报送客户的外汇收支及账户变动情况。    Financial institutions engaged in foreign exchange business shall report to the foreign exchange control agencies about the foreign exchange receipts and disbursements of their clients as well as changes of said accounts according to law.
一是要创新小企业贷款担保抵押方式,在法律法规允许的范围内探索权利和现金流质押等新的担保方式,包括存货、可转让的林权和土地承包权等抵押贷款,以及知识产权、应收账款等质押贷款,推进股权质押贷款等。    First, innovate guarantee method for small business to mortgage loan and to explore new guarantee method in the law permitting extent, such as mortgage of rights and cash flow, including mortgage loan of inventory, transferable forest ownership, land contract right, intellectual property rights, accounts receivable and promote equity.
一是要单列规模,单独考核。    First, the credit line and the examination method of small-sized enterprises should be separated from others.
五是要将信贷产品、资金结算、理财产品、电子银行等产品与贸易融资产品有效结合,捆绑营销,为小企业提供全面的金融服务。    Five, effectively combine the credit products, capital settlement, financial management products, electronic bank products with trade financing products to carry out marketing bindingly, providing overall financial services for small-sized enterprises.
行政清理组履行下列职责:    Following are roles and responsibilities of administrative liquidation team:
报告期实收资本(股本)变动的,应披露变动情况及证监会的批文文号和执行验资的会计师事务所名称和验资报告文号。    For any fluctuations in paid-in capital (stock) during the reporting period, it is required to make disclosure of the information about such fluctuations, the approval document number of the CSRC, the name of the accounting firm conducting the capital assessment work and the document number of the capital assessment report.
同时,要努力提高工作效率,不断增强服务意识,维护投资者的正当权益。对于符合国家产业政策和相关要求的项目,要积极给予指导和支持,尽快办理各项手续,主动帮助解决项目建设过程中遇到的问题和困难,引导外商投资投向国家鼓励的产业和地区,推动产业结构优化升级,提高利用外资的质量和水平。    For projects in accordance with the state industrial policies and relevant requirements, efforts shall be made to give positive guidance and support, handle all procedures in a timely manner, initiatively help them solve problems and difficulties arising out of the project construction and lead foreign investment to industries and regions under state encouragement, so as to promote the upgrading of industrial structure and improve the quality and level of the utilization of foreign capitals.
对于未经合规核准的外商投资项目,或以化整为零、提供虚假材料等不正当手段取得核准文件的项目,或不按项目核准文件要求进行建设,已调入境内的资金不用于建设项目的,应及时纠正,严重违规的,可依法撤销项目核准文件并责令其停止建设。    For projects that without compliance approval, or acquired approval documents by unjust means such as breaking up the whole into parts or providing false materials, or undertook construction out of accordance with project approved documents and appropriated capitals flowed into China for other purposes other than construction, they shall be corrected in a timely manner.
对会计报表不直接构成重大影响的该类事项,如果公司未按照本准则第五十一条的规定做出必要披露,或注册会计师对公司披露的内容存在异议时,注册会计师应以致函的形式直接向中国证监会报告,并提议召开由监管部门、公司和注册会计师参加的会议,讨论相关事宜。    For such issues not directly impacting accounting statements significantly, if the Company fails to make necessary disclosure of them according to the provisions of Article 51 of the present Standards, or if the certified public accountant have objection to the contents disclosed by the Company, the certified public accountant shall directly report to the CSRC in the form of letter and suggest convening a meeting with the participation of the regulatory department, the Company and the certified public accountant to discuss the matter concerned.
对符合查账征收条件的纳税人,要及时调整征收方式,实行查账征收。    For taxpayers who meet the conditions for the manner of audit collection, it should timely adjust the manner of collection of enterprise income tax and adopt the manner of audit collection.
有关文件办理事项,要执行相关主管部门规定的程序和权限。    For the handling of relevant documents, the procedures and authorities of relevant competent authorities shall be followed.
为进一步规范出口许可证签发工作,使发证业务更加标准化、制度化和科学化,商务部对原外经贸部《出口许可证申领签发工作规范》(外经贸配发[1999]第743号)进行了修订。现将修订后的《出口许可证签发工作规范》印发给你们,请遵照执行。特此通知    For the purpose of further standardizing the work on the release of an export license and making the release business of an export license more standard, systematic and scientific, the Ministry of Commerce has revised the Working Rules on the Application for and Release of an Export License (Wai Jing Mao Pei Fa [1999] No. 743) of the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We hereby print and distribute you the revised Working Rules on the Release of an Export License, please implement accordingly.
为进一步规范出口许可证签发工作,使发证业务更加标准化、制度化和科学化,商务部对原外经贸部《出口许可证申领签发工作规范》(外经贸配发[1999]第743号)进行了修订。现将修订后的《出口许可证签发工作规范》印发给你们,请遵照执行。特此通知    For the purpose of further standardizing the work on the release of an export license and making the release business of an export license more standard, systematic and scientific, the Ministry of Commerce has revised the Working Rules on the Application for and Release of an Export License (Wai Jing Mao Pei Fa [1999] No. 743) of the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We hereby print and distribute you the revised Working Rules on the Release of an Export License, please implement accordingly.
为了适应我国电信行业对外开放的需要,促进我国通信业的发展,国务院决定对《外商投资电信企业管理规定》做如下修改:    For the purpose of meeting the needs for the opening up to the outside world of the telecommunications industry and promoting the development of telecommunications industry, the State Council decides to amend Provisions on Administration of Foreign-Invested Telecommunications Enterprises as follows:
为了促进香港、澳门与内地建立更紧密的经贸关系,鼓励香港服务提供者和澳门服务提供者在内地投资设立广告企业,根据国务院批准的《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》、《内地与澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》,现就香港和澳门投资者投资广告业作出补充规定如下:    For the purpose of promoting a closer economic and trade relationship between the mainland of China and Hong Kong and Macao, and encouraging service providers from Hong Kong and Macao to establish advertising enterprises in the mainland, the following supplementary provisions governing Hong Kong and Macao investors' investments in advertising industry are formulated as follows in accordance with the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement and the Mainland and Macao Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement:
为正确适用《中华人民共和国公司法》,结合审判实践,就人民法院审理公司解散和清算案件适用法律问题作出如下规定。    For the purpose of the proper application of the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereafter referred as Company Law), and combined the consideration of judicial practices, provisions regarding application issues of the law in company dissolution and liquidation cases heard by the people’s court are formulated as follows:
证券公司进入破产程序的,公安机关应当依法将冻结的涉案资产移送给受理破产案件的人民法院,并留存必需的相关证据材料。    For the securities firm under process of bankruptcy, the public security should transfer the frozen assets, which are involved in lawsuit, to people's court that's handling the bankruptcy cases and keep necessary evidence.
委托加工的应税消费品,除受托方为个人外,由受托方向机构所在地或者居住地的主管税务机关解缴消费税税款。    For the taxable consumer goods processed on commission, except the entrusted is an individual, the consumption tax shall be withheld and forwarded by the entrusted to the tax authorities of the place where its establishment or domicile is located.
存有上述问题的项目,一经发现,不得享受采购设备税收减免等相关优惠政策,对其上市或发债的申请不予支持。    For those seriously inviolate regulations, the projects approval documents can be cancelled by law and the projects shall be required to terminate. Projects with aforesaid problems, upon discovery, shall not be entitled to relevant preferential policies such as tax reduction and exemption for the purchase of equipment, and supported to list or issue bonds.
对违法违规行为和合规风险隐患,合规总监应当及时向公司有关机构或部门提出制止和处理意见,并督促整改。公司应当将整改结果报告住所地证监局;必要时,抄报有关自律组织。    For violation behavior and compliance risk potential, compliance director shall put forward suggestions to related company institute or department on stopping and handling of such violation behavior and risk potential, and urge the rectification. Securites companies shall report the rectification result to local regulatory bureau; and send a copy to related self discipline organization if necessary.
对于证券公司的违法违规行为,合规总监已经按照规定履行制止和报告职责的,免除责任。    For violation of law and regulation by securites companies, if the compliance director has stopped and reported based on the prescription, legal responsibility will be exempted.
外汇管理机关有权对资本项目外汇及结汇资金使用和账户变动情况进行监督检查。    Foreign exchange control agencies are entitled to monitor and inspect the use of the foreign exchange under capital accounts and foreign exchange settlements funds as well as the changes of accounts.
外汇管理机关有权对前款规定事项进行监督检查。    Foreign exchange control agencies are entitled to regulate and inspect aforesaid issues.
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