- 法律词汇汉英互译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 婚外性关系 sexual relations outside marriage
- 共负盈亏 share profits and losses
- 共享软件 shareware
- 削减冗员 shed excess labor force 寻租rent seeking
- 符号 sign
- 简单合同 simple contract
- 未确定时日的 sine die: without a date
- 专用权 sole right of use
- 单独责任 solitary liability
- 主权风险 sovereign risk
- 国债专项资金 special fund for treasury bond
- 国务院特区办公室 Special Zone Office of the State Council
- 挥霍浪费 spendthrift
- 夫妻关系 spousal relationship
- 夫妻身份 spousal relationship
- 夫妻 spouse
- 故意投毒 spreading poison with intent
- 格式合同 standard form of contract
- 陈述 state
- 国家国内贸易局 State Administration for Domestic Trade
- 国家工商行政管理局 State Administration for Industry and Commerce
- 国家机械工业局 State Administration of Machinery Industry
- 国家体育总局 State Administration of Sports
- 国家税务总局 State Administration on Taxation
- 国家纺织工业局 State Administration on Textile Industry