- 法律词汇汉英互译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 单位 entity unit
- 委托存款 entrusted deposits
- 国务院环境保护领导小组 Environment Protection Leading Group of the State Council
- 法律面前人人平等 equality before the law
- 衡平法赋予的自由裁量权 equitable discretion
- 衡平法上的补救措施 equitable remedy
- 衡平法 equity
- 自有资金 equity fund
- 错漏 error
- 既成事实 established/accomplished facts
- 房款凭证 evidence of purchasing money for real estate
- 根据公允及善意的原则 ex aeque et bono: as a result of fair dealing and good conscience
- 恩恤付款 ex gratia payment
- 出于善意的 ex gratia: done as a matter of favour (An ex gratia payment is one not required to be made by a legal duty.)
- 依职权而自然获得 ex officio: by virtue of holding an office
- 事后的;溯及既往的 ex post facto: by a subsequent act (describing any legal act, such as a statute, which has retrospective effect)
- 主动的,自愿的 ex proprio motu(ex mero motu): of his own motion
- 检验 examination
- 消费税 excise tax
- 专有权 exclusive power
- 贯彻执行 executed in fact
- 监内执行 execution of punishment inside the prison
- 外向型经济 export-oriented economy
- 外部审计 external audit
- 外债 external debt
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