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接受存款公司    deposit-taking company
存款机构    deposit-taking institution
在人行存款    deposits at the central bank
折旧    depreciation
民事权利剥夺    deprived of private rights
副检察长    Deputy Chief Procuratoy
定性    determination on the nature
解除    determine
发展规划    development plan
规章    directive
公开    disclose
犯罪中止    discontinuation of a crime
贴现窗口    discount window
发现    discovery
国际收支不平衡    disequilibrium of balance of payment
不名誉的行为及手法    dishonourable conduct and practices
脱媒现象    disintermediation
驳回    dismiss
反驳    disprove
民事权利争议    dispute concerning private rights
信号失真    distorted signals
干扰    disturb
党政分工    division of labour between the Party and the government
分权学说    doctrine of separation of powers
东乡族自治县    Dongxiang Nationality Autonomous County
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