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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(一)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


行政清理期间,被撤销证券公司的股东不得自行组织清算,不得参与行政清理工作。    During administrative liquidation, shareholder of the revoked securities firm shall not organize liquidation or join in administrative liquidation work if no permission.
证券公司在经营过程中,经其申请,国务院证券监督管理机构可以根据其财务状况、内部控制水平、合规程度、高级管理人员业务管理能力、专业人员数量,对其业务范围进行调整。    during business operation of the securities firm, it can apply to the securities regulatory agency under the State Council for adjustment of its business scope based on the financial performance, internal control level, regulatory compliance degree, business management capability of officers and quantity of professionals.
采取前两款规定措施期间,除本条例第三十一条规定的情形外,不得对被处置证券公司债务进行个别清偿。    During implementation of the above two prescribed measures, the debt of the handled securities firm cannot be liquidated individually except for prescription in Article 31 of this regulation.
在中国证监会审核期间,上市公司董事会决议终止或者撤回本次重大资产重组申请的,应当说明原因,予以公告,并按照公司章程的规定提交股东大会审议。    During the period of examination and verification by the CSRC, if the board of directors of the listed company makes a decision to discontinue or withdraw the application for the material assets reorganization application, reasons must be explained and public announcement shall be made, and the decision shall be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders for discussion according to the provisions of the company charter.
停牌期间,上市公司应当至少每周发布一次事件进展情况公告。    During the suspension period, the listed company shall make public announcement of the status of the event at least once in a week.
(三)公司违法违规行为、合规风险的发现及整改情况;    (3)Discovery and rectification of company violation behavior and compliance risk;
(四)证券公司的解散事由与清算办法;    (4)Disbandment reason and liquidation approach of the securities firm; and
(一)制订证券公司风险处置方案并组织实施;    (ⅰ)Develop risk management proposal of the securities firm and organize execution;
(二)决定证券公司的管理事务;    (ⅱ)Determine management affair of the securities firm;
(二)派驻风险处置现场工作组,对被处置证券公司、托管组、接管组、行政清理组、管理人以及参与风险处置的其他机构和人员进行监督和指导;    (ⅱ)Disappoint risk management working group to supervise and guide the securities firm, custody group, takeover group, administrative liquidation group, manager, and other agencies and staff that are involved in the risk management;
(三)在证券交易结算中多次发生交收违约或者交收违约数额较大;    (ⅲ)Delivery violation happened for many times or delivery violation amount is huge during settlement of securities transaction;
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