- 《成功之钥》中英对照励志语录 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 但这四个人的成功关键并不只是“辛勤工作”而已,你 可能也发现到,有些人和你一样辛勤工作——甚至比你更努 力——但却没有成功。教育也不是关键性的因素,华尔顿从 来没有拿过罗德奖学金,但是他嫌的钱,比所有念过哈佛大 学的人都多。 It was not sheer hard work that made these men successful.You probably know several people who work as hard as you do at anything they try-perhaps even harder than you-and are never successful.Education isn't the reason either.Sam Walton never won a Rhodes scholarship,but he made more money than anyone who ever studied Oxford.
- 这位年轻人吸引史瓦布的地方,并非他的速记能力,而是 他愿意多付出一点点的进取心。 It wasn't the fact that this young man was an extraordinary stenographer that got him attention.It was his habit of showing his personal initiative in going the extra mile.
- 当你确信你的付出超过所得时,不妨问一问你自己,为什 么补偿律没有应验在你身上? It you are convinced that you are already doing more work than you are being ,paid for,ask yourself why the Law of Compensation doesn't seem to be working.
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