17.指责和自己意见不同的人。 17.Rebuking people who disagree with them.为完成任何有价值的事情,都须付出一定的代价,任何有价值的事情也值得去做。自力更生的代价就是当一个人在运 用信心时,必须时时保持戒慎的态度。
Recognize that anything worth having has a definite price tag.Anything worth having is
worth working for. The price of self-reliance is eternal vigilance in applying your
Recognize that prayer brings the best results when you have sufficient faith to see
yourself already in possession of the things you are praying for.This calls for a
positive mental attitude of the highest order.记住,你的心态是你——而且只有你——惟一能完全掌 握的东西,练习控制你的心态,并且利用积极心态来导引它。 Recognize that your
mental attitude is the only thing over which you--and only you--have complete
control.Ecercise that control,and direct it by using PMA.除非有人愿意以足够证据,证明他的建议具有一定的可靠性,否则别接受任何人的建议,你将会因谨慎而避免被误导,或被当成傻瓜。 Refuse to heed
anyone's advice-unless that person is willing to give you satisfactory evidence of the
soundness of his or her counsel.You will save yourself from hucksters,the misguided,and
fools.增加自己的耐性,并以开阔的心胸包容所有事物,同时也应与不同种族和不同信仰的人多接触,学习接受他人的本性, 而不要一味地要求他人照着你的意思行事。
Reinforce the habit of tolerance,and keep an open mind on all subjects and toward all
people no matter what their rave or creed.Learn to like people just as they are,instead
of demanding that they be just as you want them to be.把你一生当中所发生的所有事件,都看作是激励你上进而发生的事件,因为只要你能给时间圆润你烦恼的机会的话, 即使是最悲伤的经验,也会为你带来最多的财产。
Relate to every circumstance in your life as something that has happened for the
best,for it may be that your saddest experience will bring you your greatest assets if
you give time a chance to mellow your distress.参考别人的例子,提醒自己任何不利清况,都是可以克服 的。虽然爱迪生只接受过三个月的正规教育,但他却是最伟 大的发明家。虽然海伦·凯勒失去了视觉、听觉和说话能力,
但她却鼓舞了数万人。明确目标的力量必然胜过任何限制。 Rely on examples of others to remind you that
any disadvantage can be overcome.Thomas Edison had only three months of formal
schooling,yet he was the greatest inventor who ever lived;Helen Caller was without
sight,hearing,or speech,yet she inspired millions definite major purpose is stronger
than any limitation.11.记住,你表现出来的思想将会加倍回馈到你的身上, 故必须控制你的思想并确定,你所表现出来的就是你希望从它那里得到回馈的思想。 Remember
that every thought you release comes back to you multiplied in its effect.Monitor your
thoughts,and make sure you send out only those whose fruits you are willing to receive.
9.记住,人是不可能永远成功的。当你无法完全得到你 想要得到的东西时,应先对自己做更多的了解,以期自己收获 更丰。 Remember that no
one can win all of the time,no matter how much he deserves it.When you do not get
exactly what you wanted maximize your gain by increasing your understanding of yourself.
记住,你之所以成为一个独立的人,并且处于一定的处境,乃因为你的心中坚持着某种观念和想法。如果你迟迟不坑运用这些观念思想的话,那就等于给自己带来更多的限制 和挫折。
Remember,you are what you are and where you are because of the dominating
thoughts in your mind. Procrastination in dealing with these thoughts only sentences you
to further limitation and frustration.以相同或更多的价值回报给你好处的人。“报酬增加律” 最后还会给你带来好处,而且可能会为你带来所有你应得到 的东西的能力。 Return every
benefit you receive with one of equal or greater value.The Law of Increasing Returns
will operate in your favor,and eventually--or perhaps very soon--it will give you the
capacity to get everything you are entitled to.A positive mental attitude works both
ways.报复 Revenge 语际翻译 版权所有
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