9.切勿在过完一天之后才发现一无所获。你应将热忧培养成一种习惯,而习惯需要不断的补给。 Never let a day pass without devoting some time furthering your plan.You are developing enthusiasm as a habit,and habits require reinforcement.别因为遇到了反对意见就想要逃避,而应运用你所有的资源就地和反对者战斗。 Never run away from disagreeable circumstances.Fight them,with all your resources,right where you stand and without a moment's delay.没有人能够不需要任何帮助而成功。毕竞个人的力量有 限,所有伟大的人物,都必须靠着他人的帮助,才有扩展和 茁壮的可能。 No one has ever attained outstanding success in anything without applying the mastermind principle.No one mind is complete by itself.All truly great minds have been reinforced through contact with others that allowed them to grow and expand.不,他仍然不断地想为自己和公司扮演什么新的角色。 他在37岁时,开始提供一种可以使办公室内的所有机器都能 连线作业的系统:电话、传真机、电脑全都能一起工作。他成 功地说服AT&T和IBM等大企业加入他的行列,共同开发并 且生产此一重要系统。 你将会达成你为自己设定的目标,每天都要运用一切方 法培养你对未来的远见。 No,he continued to dream of new roles for himself and his corporation.By the time he was thirty seven,he ha embarked on a new path to provide systems to link every machine in an office:telephone,as machines,computers,all working together seamlessly.And he managed to bind such giants as AT&T and IBM to his vision, enlisting them in a consortium to develop and deliver that magnificent system.You will achieve precisely the success you can envision for yourself.Cultiveate that vision every day,in every way you can.语际翻译 版权所有
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