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《成功之钥》中英对照励志语录    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


22.措词不敬或具有攻击性。    22.Using profane or offensive language
当你找不到解决问题的答案时,不妨帮助他人解决他的 问题,并从中找寻你所需要的答案。在你帮助他人解决问题的同时,你也正在洞察解放自己问题的方法。    Understand that often when you have searched in vain for a solution to a problem,you can find it by helping someone else solve his or her problem. By the time you have solved the other person's problem,you will have the insight to solve your own.
除非你能以公正的态度对待他人,否则即无法培养出吸引入的个性,而且也无法达到明确目标,正义感的一项不可或缺的根本要素,就是“有意的诚实”。    Unless you deal justly with others you cannot hope either to cultivate an attractive personality or to succeed in your definite major purpose.The essential component of a keen sense of justice is a dedication to intentional honesty.
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