

7.不请自来。    7.Going where they have not been invited.
赢得有利的注意    Gaining Favorable Attention
分清楚愿望(Wishing)、希望(Hoping)、欲望(Desiring)以及强烈欲望(a burning Desire)与达到目标之间的差别,其中只有强烈的欲望会给你驱动力,而且只有积极心态才能供给产生驱动力所需的燃料。    Grasp the differences between wishing,hoping,desiring,and having a burning desire to achieve your goal.Only a burning desire gives you a driving motivation,and it can be fueled only by a positive mental attitude.
伟大的成就,是得自对积极的心态的了解和运用,无论你做任何一件事,你的心态都会给你一定的力量。抱持着积极心态,意味着你的行为和思想有助于目标的 达成;而抱持消极心态,则意味你的行为和思想不断地抵消 你所付出的努力。当你将欲望变成执着时,并且设定明确目标的同时,也应该建立并发挥你的积极心态。但是设定明确目标和建立积极心态,并不表示你马上就 能得到你所需要的资源,你得到这些资源的速度,须视需要范围的大小,以及你控制心境使其免于恐惧、怀疑和自我设 限的情形而定。    Great success id the result of one's understanding and using a positive mental attitude.You mental attitude gives power to everything you do.Having a positive mental attitude means that your actions and thoughts further your end;having negative mental attitude means that you are constantly understanding your own efforts.As you build your desire into an obsession and develop your positive mental attitude.It would be foolish to suppose that having developed your definiteness of purpose and PMA,you will immediately find that you have the resources you need.The speed at which you acquire these will depend on the size of your needs and on the control you exercise to keep your mind free of fear,doubt,and self-imposed limitations.
贪婪    Greed
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