9.嘲笑社会上的穿着规范。 9.Flouting social norms in matters of attire.信心 Faith恐惧 Fear恐惧 Fear6.最后,只有非常少的人除了采取最后二个步骤之外, 还订定达成目标的计划。他们以积极心态展现他们的信心。 这种人只占2%。 Finally,a very few people take the last two steps and then make a plan to get what they want and carry it out.They apply their faith with positive mental attitudes.This group is only 2 percent.找出你一生中最希望得到的东西,并立即着手去得到它, 借着帮助他人得到同样好处的方法,去追寻你的目标,如此一来,你便可将多付出一点点的原则,应用到实际行动之中。 Find out what you want most in life,and go after it .Do it right now by helping others to acquire similar benefits.This way you put the principle of going the extra mile into action.5.正确而且坚定地照着计划去做。 Follow your plan accurately and persistently.让我们先来看一下“火车列车员”的智囊团模式:列车长之所以能够使火车开往目的地的惟一原因,就是其他列车 员认同并且尊重列车长的职权。如果,列车长未能适时地告诉司机火车出发的时间,乘客们会下车寻求其他可到目的的 方法,如果司机不遵守交通规则,很可能会发生致命的车祸…… For a model of mastermind alliance at work,consider a train crew.The conductor(you) can take the train to its destination only because all the other members of the train crew recognize and respect his(your) authority.What would happen if the conductor failed to signal the engineer that it was time to start? Passengers would abandon the train and find some other way to get where they wanted to go.If the engineer didn't bother to heed the signals along the track,the resulting crash could cost lives.为了比较起见,让我们来看一下消极心态的影响。消极 心态会浇熄你的热忱,蒙蔽你的想像力,降低你的合作意愿,使你失去自制能力,容易发怒,缺乏耐性,并且使你丧 失理性。 For the sake of contrast,let's examine the effects of a negative mental attitude.It dampens your enthusiasm,curtails your imagination,undermines your desire to be cooperative,overthrows your self-control,makes you sullen and intolerant,and,as if these weren't enough,throws your reasoning out of gear.为了使你的智囊团发挥正常功能,你必须给团员清晰而且正确的指示,而团员也必须愿意充分与你合作,以下四个简单的步骤,可确保智囊团的正常运作。 For your mastermind alliance to function properly,you must give clear,unmistakable signals to your crew.They,in turn,need to be willing to cooperate fully with you.There are four simple steps to making sure this is the case.培养每天说或做一些使他人感到舒服的话或事,你可以利用电话、明信片,或一些简单的善意动作达到此一目的。例如给他人一本励志的书,就是为他带来一些可使他的生命充满奇迹的东西。日行一善,可永远保持无忧无虑的心情。 Form the habit of saying or doing something every day which will make someone else feel better.You can do this with a phone call,a postcard,or a simple act of kindness.Give someone a good inspirational book,for instance,and you give that person something that will work wonders in his or her life.One good deed a day will keep old man gloom away.组织智囊团 Forming a Mastermind Alliance身心自由 Freedom for mind and body