

3.打断别人的话。    3.Interrupting others who are speaking.
6.在谈话中插入一些和自己有亲密关系,但却会使别人感到不好意思的话题。    6.Injecting intimately personal subjects into the conversations when such subjects are embarrassing to others.
当我还在乔治城大学就读法律系时,就已接受安德鲁·卡内基委托出版一本关于成功哲学的书。除了从卡内基那儿得到一些旅费补助之外,其他一切费用都由我自行负责。    I accepted Andrew Carnegie's commission to organize and publish the principles of success when I was a law student at Georgetown University.Other than reimbursement for some traveling expenses, I got no compensation from Carnegis for me efforts.
如果你认为这些都是一些小缺点的话,那就错了。因为 这些缺点的混合速度是非常快的!你愿意和平常就显露出三“种缺点的人交往吗?这些缺点意味着,缺乏感受和细心体谅 的能力,并且会使人对这种人的智慧产生怀疑,任何想要培 养具吸引力个性的人,都应远离这些缺点。    If these faults seem small to you,consider how quickly they compound one another.Would you want to be associated with someone who displayed just three of them regularly? They reveal a lack of perception and careful consideration that undermines one's confidence in another's mental powers. Anyone who desires an attractive personality will avoid them all.
6.如果你遭遇到失败,应再仔细地研究一下计划,必要时应加以修改,别光只因为失败就变更计划。    If you are overtaken by defeat,study your plan carefully ,and change it if necessary. Do not change it simply because you have met defeat.
如果你正在努力控制情绪的话,可难备一张图表,写下你每天体验并且控制情绪的次数,这种方法可使你了解情绪发作的频繁性和它的力量。一旦你发现刺激情绪的因素时,便可采取行动除掉这些因素,或把它们找出来充分利用。    If you find yourself struggling to gain this control,compile a chart on which you note every day the number of times you experience and act on an emotion.Make a not of circumstances which inspire the emotion. This will give you tremendous insight into the frequency and power of your emotions.Onve you know which forces trigger your emotions,you can act to eliminate them or to seek them out and use them.
你必须确定智囊团的共同目标,就是你自己的明确目标,或至少应该非常接近你的目标。如果你已经写下自己的明确目标,以及达到目标的方法,则你对此一步骤应该就能驾轻就熟了。写了智囊团的共同目标以及执行计划,可使你了解过程中的每一个环节,就像列车长不能同时收票、服务餐车旅客和驾驶火车一样,你也无法一人处理所有环节的事务,这时候你就必须运用第二个步骤了。    If you have already written out your own definite major purpose and the means you will use attain it,this step will be familiar for you.Writing out the plan for your alliance's chain you must forge.Inevitably there will be links you have neither the skill nor the resources to join yourself,just as the conductor cannot simultaneously collect fares,work the dining car,and keep a hand on the throttle.This brings you to yours second step.
如果你只需要1万美金来实现你的明确目标,可能在很 短的时间内就筹得;但是,如果是100万美金,可能就得花 较长的时间了。    If you need ten thousand dollars for your definite major purpose,you may be able to marshal it in a few days or even hours by impressing others with the quality of your enthusiasm and vision.If you require one million dollars,it's likely to take longer.
如果认为你的热忱应该发生作用,而它却跟不上你在发 挥其他原则方面的进度时,你可以利用一些简单的练习来刺激你的热忱。    If you think that your enthusiasm need work, that it hasn't been growing apace with your progress on the other principles, you can stimulate it with some simple exercises.
如果你被一件难以达成的事情困住时,则可以想一想一 旦你得到解脱之后,想要做些什么事,并且对此一期待报以微笑。    If you're caught in an impossible job,you can keep yourself smiling by thinking of what you'll be doing once you're free.
如果你的命令中包括一栋漂亮的房屋,一辆豪华的汽车 和一个高品质衣橱,那就常常想着这些目标吧?你可以模仿 驾着那辆华贵汽车的动作,或想像那栋房子的美丽,别吝惜用你的想像力来强化你的欲望。    If your motives include a fine home,a nice car,and a good wardrobe,visualize those thing around you.Go through the motions of driving that car or wandering about that house.Do not hesitate ho use your imagination to fuel your burning desire.
2.不要计较你和他人间微不足道的一些小事;不要让这 种小事变成争议,大人物从不计较不重要的事情。    Ignore trivial circumstances in your relations with others,do not let them become controversies.Big people kook past small slights.
相形之一,积极心态为你开启了一扇门,并允许你展现技巧和雄心壮志。想想那些带着信心步人法庭,并且以无比的确信,赢得 法官和陪审团支持的律师吧:难道你不想让一位能使你放松心情,以平和的语气回答问题,而且展现专业知识的医师为你看病吗?    In contrast, a positive mental opens doors and allows you to display your skills and ambitions.Imagine that lawyer presenting her case with confidence,gaining the ear of judge and jury because she is distinctively self-assured.Wouldn't you rather be treated by a physician who sets you at ease,answer your questions plainly,and demonstrates a knowledge of his field?
我们来看看另一个具有对比性的例子——活动房屋的建造人柯灵顿。当安德尔在佛罗里达州进行销售冲刺时,柯灵 顿的公司——柯灵顿房屋公司——正在快速成长之中,虽然 市场对新活动房屋的需求量非常大,但他并没有像一般生意 人一样趁机哄抬价格。相反的,柯员顿公司仍然维持他的售 价,但却大幅度提高他的产量。补偿律在这个例子里的意义,是该公司仍然维持他合理的利润;它的另一层意义,则在于数以千计的柯灵顿活动房屋购买者,已深深记住该公司的名字,并且在下一次要购买时会先考虑到它。    In contrast,consider mobile home builder Jim Clayton.His company,Clayton Homes,was already growing rapidly when Hunrricane Andrew decimated South Florida.The need for new mobile homes was enormous and fast. Clayton could have followed the examples of many Florida business owners and jacked his prices skyward.Instead Clayton Homes kept its prices level and jacked its production skyward.The Lay of Compensation meant that the company still made a reasonable profit on its services;it also means that thousands of home buyers in South Florida have reason to remember Clayton Homes very fondly when it comes to their next purchase.
隐藏在这些情绪里的,是具有爆炸威力的力量。如果你 能适当地控制这股力量,它就可能使你获得成就;但如果你任 由它自行奔放,它就可能把你扔到失败的深渊之中,使你头破 血流。    Inherent in these emotions is explosive power. If you regulate that power properly, it can lift you to the heights of achievement. But if you let it run wild, it can dash you to pieces on the rocks of failure.
6.它吸引值得你交往的朋友并且击败你的对手。    It attracts worthwhile friends and discourages you enemies
2.它建立起深具魅力的诚挚和健全的性格。    It builds a fundamentally sincere and sound character,which by itself is a powerfully attractive trait
4.它使你培养出自立和自重精神。    It builds your sense of self-reliance and self-respect
1.它为你建立起信心的基础;没有了信心你将无法培养出吸引人的个性。    It establishes the basis of confidence,without which you cannot have an attractive personality
9.它鼓励你以具有魅力的个性朝饲明确目标迈进。    It inspires you to move toward your definite major purpose with greater personal initiative
一个人能达到自律要求后,在其他原则方面必然也会有 所进步。自律要求自我认识以及对自己能力的正确评估。同 样的,如果缺乏自律功夫,其他原理也无法真正付诸行动。自 律可说是一条管道,而你为了达到成功目标,所必须表现出来 的所有个人力量,都会流经这个管道。    It isn't possible to achieve self-discipline without making some progress on theose other principles; self discipline requries self-knowledge and an accurate assesssment of your current abilities. Likewise, the other principles can't really be put into action without self-disciples can't really be put into action without self-discipline. It is the channel through which all your personal power for success must flow.
3.它不仅会吸引他人的注意,同时还提供获得真正而 是永久不变之个人利益的机会。    It not only attracts people but offers opportunities for real and lasting personal gain
7.它敞开你的心胸迎向信心。    It opens your mind to faith
8.它保护你兔子陷入破坏性的争议,想想看有多少杰 出人物因为言行不慎而走上自我毁灭之路。    It protects you from destructive controversies.Consider how often people of prominence are laid low by revelations of impropriety
5.它强化你的道德良知,并因而使你的行动更为迅速, 因为此时你的动机和欲望比以往更加清晰。    It strengthens your relationship with your conscience and thus allows you to act more promptly since your motives and desires are clearer
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